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tvmet Namespace Reference

Detailed Description

The namespace for the Tiny Vector Matrix using Expression Templates Libary.


class  AliasProxy
 Assign proxy for alias Matrices and Vectors. More...
class  Fcnl_assign
 Binary operator for assign operations. More...
class  Fcnl_add_eq
class  Fcnl_sub_eq
class  Fcnl_mul_eq
class  Fcnl_div_eq
class  Fcnl_mod_eq
class  Fcnl_xor_eq
class  Fcnl_and_eq
class  Fcnl_or_eq
class  Fcnl_shl_eq
class  Fcnl_shr_eq
class  Fcnl_add
class  Fcnl_sub
class  Fcnl_mul
class  Fcnl_div
class  Fcnl_mod
class  Fcnl_bitxor
class  Fcnl_bitand
class  Fcnl_bitor
class  Fcnl_shl
class  Fcnl_shr
class  Fcnl_greater
class  Fcnl_less
class  Fcnl_greater_eq
class  Fcnl_less_eq
class  Fcnl_eq
class  Fcnl_not_eq
class  Fcnl_and
class  Fcnl_or
class  Fcnl_atan2
class  Fcnl_fmod
class  Fcnl_pow
class  Fcnl_drem
class  Fcnl_hypot
class  Fcnl_jn
class  Fcnl_yn
class  Fcnl_polar
 Functional for polar. More...
struct  Fcnl_polar< T, T >
class  Fcnl_swap
 Binary operator for swapping values using temporaries. More...
class  CommaInitializer
 Initialize classes using a comma separated lists. More...
struct  CompileTimeError< true >
class  matrix_tag
 For use with Extremum to simplify max handling. More...
class  vector_tag
 For use with Extremum to simplify max handling. More...
class  Extremum
 Generell class for storing extremums determined by min/max. More...
class  Extremum< T1, T2, vector_tag >
class  Extremum< T1, T2, matrix_tag >
class  Functional
 Base class for all binary und unary functionals. More...
class  BinaryFunctional
 Base class for all binary functions. More...
class  UnaryFunctional
 Base class for all unary functions. More...
class  IoPrintHelper
 Determines the number of digits regarding the sign of the container. More...
class  MatrixConstReference
 value iterator for ET More...
class  Matrix
 A tiny matrix class. More...
class  NumericTraits
 Traits for integral types for operations. More...
struct  NumericTraits< char >
struct  NumericTraits< unsigned char >
struct  NumericTraits< short int >
struct  NumericTraits< short unsigned int >
struct  NumericTraits< int >
struct  NumericTraits< unsigned int >
struct  NumericTraits< long >
struct  NumericTraits< unsigned long >
struct  NumericTraits< float >
struct  NumericTraits< double >
struct  NumericTraits< long double >
class  TvmetBase
 Base class Used for static polymorph call of print_xpr. More...
class  IndentLevel
 Prints the level indent. More...
struct  dispatch< true >
struct  dispatch< false >
class  PrecisionTraits
 Declaring ranks of types to avoid specializing. More...
struct  PrecisionTraits< int >
struct  PrecisionTraits< unsigned int >
struct  PrecisionTraits< long >
struct  PrecisionTraits< unsigned long >
struct  PrecisionTraits< float >
struct  PrecisionTraits< double >
struct  PrecisionTraits< long double >
class  AutopromoteTraits
 The promoted types traits. More...
struct  AutopromoteTraits< bool >
struct  AutopromoteTraits< char >
struct  AutopromoteTraits< unsigned char >
struct  AutopromoteTraits< short int >
struct  AutopromoteTraits< short unsigned int >
class  promoteTo
 Promote to T1. More...
struct  promoteTo< T1, T2, 0 >
class  PromoteTraits
 Promote type traits. More...
class  Fcnl_compl
class  Fcnl_neg
class  Fcnl_not
class  Fcnl_abs
 UnaryFunctionals.h "tvmet/UnaryFunctionals.h". More...
class  Fcnl_ceil
class  Fcnl_floor
class  Fcnl_sin
class  Fcnl_cos
class  Fcnl_tan
class  Fcnl_sinh
class  Fcnl_cosh
class  Fcnl_tanh
class  Fcnl_asin
class  Fcnl_acos
class  Fcnl_atan
class  Fcnl_exp
class  Fcnl_log
class  Fcnl_log10
class  Fcnl_sqrt
class  Fcnl_cbrt
class  Fcnl_rint
class  Fcnl_asinh
class  Fcnl_acosh
class  Fcnl_atanh
class  Fcnl_expm1
class  Fcnl_log1p
class  Fcnl_erf
class  Fcnl_erfc
class  Fcnl_j0
class  Fcnl_j1
class  Fcnl_y0
class  Fcnl_y1
class  Fcnl_lgamma
struct  Fcnl_labs< long int >
struct  Fcnl_fabs< float >
struct  Fcnl_fabs< double >
struct  Fcnl_fabs< long double >
class  Fcnl_conj
 > UnaryFunctionals.h "tvmet/UnaryFunctionals.h" Functional for conj. More...
class  Fcnl_isnan
class  Fcnl_isinf
class  Fcnl_finite
class  VectorConstReference
 Const value iterator for ET. More...
class  Vector
 Compile time fixed length vector with evaluation on compile time. More...
class  XprBinOp
 Binary operators working on two sub expressions. More...
class  XprEval
 evaluate the expression More...
class  XprIdentity
 Expression for the identity matrix. More...
class  XprLiteral
 Specify literals like scalars into the expression. More...
class  XprMatrix
 Represents the expression for vectors at any node in the parse tree. More...
class  XprMatrixCol
 Expression on matrix used for access on the column vector. More...
class  XprMatrixDiag
 Expression on matrix used for access on the diagonal vector. More...
class  XprMatrixRow
 Expression on matrix used for access on the row vector. More...
class  XprMatrixTranspose
 Expression for transpose matrix. More...
class  XprMMProduct
 Expression for matrix-matrix product. More...
class  XprMMProductTransposed
 Expression for transpose(matrix-matrix product). More...
class  XprMMtProduct
 Expression for matrix-matrix product. More...
class  XprMtMProduct
 Expression for product of transposed(matrix)-matrix product. More...
class  XprMtVProduct
 Expression for matrix-transposed vector product using formula

\[ M^T\,v \]

. More...

class  XprMVProduct
 Expression for matrix-vector product using formula

\[ M\,v \]

. More...

class  XprNull
 Null object design pattern. More...
class  XprUnOp
 Unary operator working on one subexpression. More...
class  XprVector
 Represents the expression for vectors at any node in the parse tree. More...
struct  NumericTraits< std::complex< int > >
struct  NumericTraits< std::complex< unsigned int > >
struct  NumericTraits< std::complex< long > >
struct  NumericTraits< std::complex< unsigned long > >
struct  NumericTraits< std::complex< float > >
struct  NumericTraits< std::complex< double > >
struct  NumericTraits< std::complex< long double > >
struct  PrecisionTraits< std::complex< int > >
struct  PrecisionTraits< std::complex< unsigned int > >
struct  PrecisionTraits< std::complex< long > >
struct  PrecisionTraits< std::complex< unsigned long > >
struct  PrecisionTraits< std::complex< float > >
struct  PrecisionTraits< std::complex< double > >
struct  PrecisionTraits< std::complex< long double > >
struct  Fcnl_abs< std::complex< T > >
struct  Fcnl_conj< std::complex< T > >
struct  Fcnl_real< std::complex< T > >
struct  Fcnl_imag< std::complex< T > >
struct  Fcnl_arg< std::complex< T > >
struct  Fcnl_norm< std::complex< T > >


namespace  element_wise
 Operators inside this namespace does elementwise operations.
namespace  loop
 Loop stuff inside here.
namespace  meta
 Meta stuff inside here.
namespace  util
 Miscellaneous utility functions used.


template<class E>
AliasProxy< E > alias (E &expr)
 Simplify syntax for alias Matrices and Vectors, where aliasing left hand values appear in the expression.
template<class T1, class T2, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_atan2<
T1, T2 >, MatrixConstReference<
T1, Rows, Cols >, MatrixConstReference<
T2, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
atan2 (const Matrix< T1, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const Matrix< T2, Cols, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 arcus tangent of two variables function for two Matrizes.
template<class E, class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_atan2<
typename E::value_type, T >,
MatrixConstReference< T,
Rows, Cols >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
atan2 (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 arcus tangent of two variables function on XprMatrix and Matrix.
template<class E, class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_atan2<
T, typename E::value_type >,
MatrixConstReference< T,
Rows, Cols >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
atan2 (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 arcus tangent of two variables function on Matrix and XprMatrix.
template<class T1, class T2, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_drem<
T1, T2 >, MatrixConstReference<
T1, Rows, Cols >, MatrixConstReference<
T2, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
drem (const Matrix< T1, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const Matrix< T2, Cols, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 floating-point remainder function for two Matrizes.
template<class E, class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_drem<
typename E::value_type, T >,
MatrixConstReference< T,
Rows, Cols >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
drem (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 floating-point remainder function on XprMatrix and Matrix.
template<class E, class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_drem<
T, typename E::value_type >,
MatrixConstReference< T,
Rows, Cols >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
drem (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 floating-point remainder function on Matrix and XprMatrix.
template<class T1, class T2, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_fmod<
T1, T2 >, MatrixConstReference<
T1, Rows, Cols >, MatrixConstReference<
T2, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
fmod (const Matrix< T1, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const Matrix< T2, Cols, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 floating-point remainder function for two Matrizes.
template<class E, class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_fmod<
typename E::value_type, T >,
MatrixConstReference< T,
Rows, Cols >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
fmod (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 floating-point remainder function on XprMatrix and Matrix.
template<class E, class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_fmod<
T, typename E::value_type >,
MatrixConstReference< T,
Rows, Cols >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
fmod (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 floating-point remainder function on Matrix and XprMatrix.
template<class T1, class T2, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_hypot<
T1, T2 >, MatrixConstReference<
T1, Rows, Cols >, MatrixConstReference<
T2, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
hypot (const Matrix< T1, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const Matrix< T2, Cols, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Euclidean distance function for two Matrizes.
template<class E, class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_hypot<
typename E::value_type, T >,
MatrixConstReference< T,
Rows, Cols >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
hypot (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Euclidean distance function on XprMatrix and Matrix.
template<class E, class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_hypot<
T, typename E::value_type >,
MatrixConstReference< T,
Rows, Cols >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
hypot (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Euclidean distance function on Matrix and XprMatrix.
template<class T1, class T2, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_jn<
T1, T2 >, MatrixConstReference<
T1, Rows, Cols >, MatrixConstReference<
T2, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
jn (const Matrix< T1, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const Matrix< T2, Cols, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Bessel function for two Matrizes.
template<class E, class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_jn<
typename E::value_type, T >,
MatrixConstReference< T,
Rows, Cols >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
jn (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Bessel function on XprMatrix and Matrix.
template<class E, class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_jn<
T, typename E::value_type >,
MatrixConstReference< T,
Rows, Cols >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
jn (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Bessel function on Matrix and XprMatrix.
template<class T1, class T2, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_yn<
T1, T2 >, MatrixConstReference<
T1, Rows, Cols >, MatrixConstReference<
T2, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
yn (const Matrix< T1, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const Matrix< T2, Cols, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Bessel function for two Matrizes.
template<class E, class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_yn<
typename E::value_type, T >,
MatrixConstReference< T,
Rows, Cols >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
yn (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Bessel function on XprMatrix and Matrix.
template<class E, class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_yn<
T, typename E::value_type >,
MatrixConstReference< T,
Rows, Cols >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
yn (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Bessel function on Matrix and XprMatrix.
template<class T1, class T2, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_pow<
T1, T2 >, MatrixConstReference<
T1, Rows, Cols >, MatrixConstReference<
T2, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
pow (const Matrix< T1, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const Matrix< T2, Cols, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 power function for two Matrizes.
template<class E, class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_pow<
typename E::value_type, T >,
MatrixConstReference< T,
Rows, Cols >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
pow (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 power function on XprMatrix and Matrix.
template<class E, class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_pow<
T, typename E::value_type >,
MatrixConstReference< T,
Rows, Cols >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
pow (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 power function on Matrix and XprMatrix.
template<class T1, class T2, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_polar<
T1, T2 >, MatrixConstReference<
T1, Rows, Cols >, MatrixConstReference<
T2, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
polar (const Matrix< T1, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const Matrix< T2, Cols, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_polar<
typename E::value_type, T >,
MatrixConstReference< T,
Rows, Cols >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
polar (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_polar<
T, typename E::value_type >,
MatrixConstReference< T,
Rows, Cols >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
polar (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_atan2<
T, int >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
int > >, Rows, Cols > 
atan2 (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 arcus tangent of two variables function on Matrix and int.
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_drem<
T, int >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
int > >, Rows, Cols > 
drem (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 floating-point remainder function on Matrix and int.
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_fmod<
T, int >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
int > >, Rows, Cols > 
fmod (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 floating-point remainder function on Matrix and int.
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_hypot<
T, int >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
int > >, Rows, Cols > 
hypot (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Euclidean distance function on Matrix and int.
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_jn<
T, int >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
int > >, Rows, Cols > 
jn (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Bessel function on Matrix and int.
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_yn<
T, int >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
int > >, Rows, Cols > 
yn (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Bessel function on Matrix and int.
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_pow<
T, int >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
int > >, Rows, Cols > 
pow (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 power function on Matrix and int.
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_atan2<
T, float >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
float > >, Rows, Cols > 
atan2 (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 arcus tangent of two variables function on Matrix and float.
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_drem<
T, float >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
float > >, Rows, Cols > 
drem (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 floating-point remainder function on Matrix and float.
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_fmod<
T, float >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
float > >, Rows, Cols > 
fmod (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 floating-point remainder function on Matrix and float.
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_hypot<
T, float >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
float > >, Rows, Cols > 
hypot (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Euclidean distance function on Matrix and float.
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_jn<
T, float >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
float > >, Rows, Cols > 
jn (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Bessel function on Matrix and float.
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_yn<
T, float >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
float > >, Rows, Cols > 
yn (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Bessel function on Matrix and float.
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_pow<
T, float >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
float > >, Rows, Cols > 
pow (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 power function on Matrix and float.
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_atan2<
T, double >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
double > >, Rows, Cols > 
atan2 (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 arcus tangent of two variables function on Matrix and double.
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_drem<
T, double >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
double > >, Rows, Cols > 
drem (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 floating-point remainder function on Matrix and double.
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_fmod<
T, double >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
double > >, Rows, Cols > 
fmod (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 floating-point remainder function on Matrix and double.
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_hypot<
T, double >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
double > >, Rows, Cols > 
hypot (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Euclidean distance function on Matrix and double.
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_jn<
T, double >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
double > >, Rows, Cols > 
jn (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Bessel function on Matrix and double.
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_yn<
T, double >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
double > >, Rows, Cols > 
yn (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Bessel function on Matrix and double.
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_pow<
T, double >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
double > >, Rows, Cols > 
pow (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 power function on Matrix and double.
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_atan2<
T, long double >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
long double > >, Rows, Cols > 
atan2 (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 arcus tangent of two variables function on Matrix and long double.
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_drem<
T, long double >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
long double > >, Rows, Cols > 
drem (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 floating-point remainder function on Matrix and long double.
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_fmod<
T, long double >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
long double > >, Rows, Cols > 
fmod (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 floating-point remainder function on Matrix and long double.
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_hypot<
T, long double >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
long double > >, Rows, Cols > 
hypot (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Euclidean distance function on Matrix and long double.
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_jn<
T, long double >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
long double > >, Rows, Cols > 
jn (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Bessel function on Matrix and long double.
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_yn<
T, long double >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
long double > >, Rows, Cols > 
yn (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Bessel function on Matrix and long double.
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_pow<
T, long double >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
long double > >, Rows, Cols > 
pow (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 power function on Matrix and long double.
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
bool all_elements (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &e)
 check on statements for all elements
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
bool any_elements (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &e)
 check on statements for any elements
template<class E1, class T2, class T3, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprEval< XprMatrix<
E1, Rows, Cols >, MatrixConstReference<
T2, Rows, Cols >, MatrixConstReference<
T3, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
eval (const XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols > &e1, const Matrix< T2, Rows, Cols > &m2, const Matrix< T3, Rows, Cols > &m3)
 Evals the matrix expressions.
template<class E1, class T2, class E3, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprEval< XprMatrix<
E1, Rows, Cols >, MatrixConstReference<
T2, Rows, Cols >, XprMatrix<
E3, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
eval (const XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols > &e1, const Matrix< T2, Rows, Cols > &m2, const XprMatrix< E3, Rows, Cols > &e3)
 Evals the matrix expressions.
template<class E1, class E2, class T3, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprEval< XprMatrix<
E1, Rows, Cols >, XprMatrix<
E2, Rows, Cols >, MatrixConstReference<
T3, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
eval (const XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols > &e1, const XprMatrix< E2, Rows, Cols > &e2, const Matrix< T3, Rows, Cols > &m3)
 Evals the matrix expressions.
template<class E1, class E2, class E3, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprEval< XprMatrix<
E1, Rows, Cols >, XprMatrix<
E2, Rows, Cols >, XprMatrix<
E3, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
eval (const XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols > &e1, const XprMatrix< E2, Rows, Cols > &e2, const XprMatrix< E3, Rows, Cols > &e3)
 Evals the matrix expressions.
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprEval< XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
int >, XprLiteral< int > >,
Rows, Cols > 
eval (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &e, int x2, int x3)
template<class E1, class E3, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprEval< XprMatrix<
E1, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
int >, XprMatrix< E3, Rows,
Cols > >, Rows, Cols > 
eval (const XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols > &e1, int x2, const XprMatrix< E3, Rows, Cols > &e3)
template<class E1, class E2, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprEval< XprMatrix<
E1, Rows, Cols >, XprMatrix<
E2, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
int > >, Rows, Cols > 
eval (const XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols > &e1, const XprMatrix< E2, Rows, Cols > &e2, int x3)
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprEval< XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
float >, XprLiteral< float > >,
Rows, Cols > 
eval (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &e, float x2, float x3)
template<class E1, class E3, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprEval< XprMatrix<
E1, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
float >, XprMatrix< E3, Rows,
Cols > >, Rows, Cols > 
eval (const XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols > &e1, float x2, const XprMatrix< E3, Rows, Cols > &e3)
template<class E1, class E2, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprEval< XprMatrix<
E1, Rows, Cols >, XprMatrix<
E2, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
float > >, Rows, Cols > 
eval (const XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols > &e1, const XprMatrix< E2, Rows, Cols > &e2, float x3)
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprEval< XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
double >, XprLiteral< double > >,
Rows, Cols > 
eval (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &e, double x2, double x3)
template<class E1, class E3, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprEval< XprMatrix<
E1, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
double >, XprMatrix< E3,
Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > 
eval (const XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols > &e1, double x2, const XprMatrix< E3, Rows, Cols > &e3)
template<class E1, class E2, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprEval< XprMatrix<
E1, Rows, Cols >, XprMatrix<
E2, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
double > >, Rows, Cols > 
eval (const XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols > &e1, const XprMatrix< E2, Rows, Cols > &e2, double x3)
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprEval< XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
long double >, XprLiteral<
long double > >, Rows, Cols > 
eval (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &e, long double x2, long double x3)
template<class E1, class E3, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprEval< XprMatrix<
E1, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
long double >, XprMatrix<
E3, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
eval (const XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols > &e1, long double x2, const XprMatrix< E3, Rows, Cols > &e3)
template<class E1, class E2, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprEval< XprMatrix<
E1, Rows, Cols >, XprMatrix<
E2, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
long double > >, Rows, Cols > 
eval (const XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols > &e1, const XprMatrix< E2, Rows, Cols > &e2, long double x3)
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class T>
XprMatrix< XprEval< XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
std::complex< T > >, XprLiteral<
std::complex< T > > >, Rows,
Cols > 
eval (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &e, const std::complex< T > &x2, const std::complex< T > &x3)
 Evals the matrix expressions.
template<class E1, class E3, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class T>
XprMatrix< XprEval< XprMatrix<
E1, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
std::complex< T > >, XprMatrix<
E3, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
eval (const XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols > &e1, const std::complex< T > &x2, const XprMatrix< E3, Rows, Cols > &e3)
 Evals the matrix expressions.
template<class E1, class E2, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class T>
XprMatrix< XprEval< XprMatrix<
E1, Rows, Cols >, XprMatrix<
E2, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
std::complex< T > > >, Rows,
Cols > 
eval (const XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols > &e1, const XprMatrix< E2, Rows, Cols > &e2, const std::complex< T > &x3)
 Evals the matrix expressions.
template<class T1, class T2, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
T1, T2 >, MatrixConstReference<
T1, Rows, Cols >, MatrixConstReference<
T2, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
add (const Matrix< T1, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const Matrix< T2, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
typename E::value_type, T >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
MatrixConstReference< T,
Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > 
add (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
typename E::value_type, T >,
MatrixConstReference< T,
Rows, Cols >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
add (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T1, class T2, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
T1, T2 >, MatrixConstReference<
T1, Rows, Cols >, MatrixConstReference<
T2, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
sub (const Matrix< T1, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const Matrix< T2, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
typename E::value_type, T >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
MatrixConstReference< T,
Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > 
sub (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
typename E::value_type, T >,
MatrixConstReference< T,
Rows, Cols >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
sub (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
T, int >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
int > >, Rows, Cols > 
add (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
int, T >, XprLiteral< int >,
MatrixConstReference< T,
Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > 
add (int lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
T, int >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
int > >, Rows, Cols > 
sub (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
int, T >, XprLiteral< int >,
MatrixConstReference< T,
Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > 
sub (int lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
T, int >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
int > >, Rows, Cols > 
mul (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
int, T >, XprLiteral< int >,
MatrixConstReference< T,
Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > 
mul (int lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
T, int >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
int > >, Rows, Cols > 
div (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
int, T >, XprLiteral< int >,
MatrixConstReference< T,
Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > 
div (int lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
T, float >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
float > >, Rows, Cols > 
add (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
float, T >, XprLiteral< float >,
MatrixConstReference< T,
Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > 
add (float lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
T, float >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
float > >, Rows, Cols > 
sub (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
float, T >, XprLiteral< float >,
MatrixConstReference< T,
Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > 
sub (float lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
T, float >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
float > >, Rows, Cols > 
mul (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
float, T >, XprLiteral< float >,
MatrixConstReference< T,
Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > 
mul (float lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
T, float >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
float > >, Rows, Cols > 
div (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
float, T >, XprLiteral< float >,
MatrixConstReference< T,
Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > 
div (float lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
T, double >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
double > >, Rows, Cols > 
add (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
double, T >, XprLiteral<
double >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
add (double lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
T, double >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
double > >, Rows, Cols > 
sub (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
double, T >, XprLiteral<
double >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
sub (double lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
T, double >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
double > >, Rows, Cols > 
mul (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
double, T >, XprLiteral<
double >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
mul (double lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
T, double >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
double > >, Rows, Cols > 
div (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
double, T >, XprLiteral<
double >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
div (double lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
T, long double >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
long double > >, Rows, Cols > 
add (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
long double, T >, XprLiteral<
long double >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
add (long double lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
T, long double >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
long double > >, Rows, Cols > 
sub (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
long double, T >, XprLiteral<
long double >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
sub (long double lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
T, long double >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
long double > >, Rows, Cols > 
mul (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
long double, T >, XprLiteral<
long double >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
mul (long double lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
T, long double >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
long double > >, Rows, Cols > 
div (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
long double, T >, XprLiteral<
long double >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
div (long double lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
std::complex< T >, std::complex<
T > >, MatrixConstReference<
std::complex< T >, Rows,
Cols >, XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > > >, Rows, Cols > 
add (const Matrix< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
std::complex< T >, std::complex<
T > >, XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > >, MatrixConstReference<
std::complex< T >, Rows,
Cols > >, Rows, Cols > 
add (const std::complex< T > &lhs, const Matrix< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
std::complex< T >, std::complex<
T > >, MatrixConstReference<
std::complex< T >, Rows,
Cols >, XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > > >, Rows, Cols > 
sub (const Matrix< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
std::complex< T >, std::complex<
T > >, XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > >, MatrixConstReference<
std::complex< T >, Rows,
Cols > >, Rows, Cols > 
sub (const std::complex< T > &lhs, const Matrix< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
std::complex< T >, std::complex<
T > >, MatrixConstReference<
std::complex< T >, Rows,
Cols >, XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > > >, Rows, Cols > 
mul (const Matrix< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
std::complex< T >, std::complex<
T > >, XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > >, MatrixConstReference<
std::complex< T >, Rows,
Cols > >, Rows, Cols > 
mul (const std::complex< T > &lhs, const Matrix< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
std::complex< T >, std::complex<
T > >, MatrixConstReference<
std::complex< T >, Rows,
Cols >, XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > > >, Rows, Cols > 
div (const Matrix< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
std::complex< T >, std::complex<
T > >, XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > >, MatrixConstReference<
std::complex< T >, Rows,
Cols > >, Rows, Cols > 
div (const std::complex< T > &lhs, const Matrix< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T1, std::size_t Rows1, std::size_t Cols1, class T2, std::size_t Cols2>
XprMatrix< XprMMProduct< MatrixConstReference<
T1, Rows1, Cols1 >, Rows1,
Cols1, MatrixConstReference<
T2, Cols1, Cols2 >, Cols2 >,
Rows1, Cols2 > 
prod (const Matrix< T1, Rows1, Cols1 > &lhs, const Matrix< T2, Cols1, Cols2 > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Function for the matrix-matrix-product.
template<class E1, std::size_t Rows1, std::size_t Cols1, class T2, std::size_t Cols2>
XprMatrix< XprMMProduct< XprMatrix<
E1, Rows1, Cols1 >, Rows1,
Cols1, MatrixConstReference<
T2, Cols1, Cols2 >, Cols2 >,
Rows1, Cols2 > 
prod (const XprMatrix< E1, Rows1, Cols1 > &lhs, const Matrix< T2, Cols1, Cols2 > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Evaluate the product of XprMatrix and Matrix.
template<class T1, std::size_t Rows1, std::size_t Cols1, class E2, std::size_t Cols2>
XprMatrix< XprMMProduct< MatrixConstReference<
T1, Rows1, Cols1 >, Rows1,
Cols1, XprMatrix< E2, Cols1,
Cols2 >, Cols2 >, Rows1,
Cols2 > 
prod (const Matrix< T1, Rows1, Cols1 > &lhs, const XprMatrix< E2, Cols1, Cols2 > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Evaluate the product of Matrix and XprMatrix.
template<class T1, std::size_t Rows1, std::size_t Cols1, class T2, std::size_t Cols2>
XprMatrix< XprMMProductTransposed<
MatrixConstReference< T1,
Rows1, Cols1 >, Rows1, Cols1,
MatrixConstReference< T2,
Cols1, Cols2 >, Cols2 >,
Cols2, Rows1 > 
trans_prod (const Matrix< T1, Rows1, Cols1 > &lhs, const Matrix< T2, Cols1, Cols2 > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Function for the trans(matrix-matrix-product).
template<class T1, std::size_t Rows1, std::size_t Cols1, class T2, std::size_t Cols2>
XprMatrix< XprMtMProduct<
MatrixConstReference< T1,
Rows1, Cols1 >, Rows1, Cols1,
MatrixConstReference< T2,
Rows1, Cols2 >, Cols2 >,
Cols1, Cols2 > 
MtM_prod (const Matrix< T1, Rows1, Cols1 > &lhs, const Matrix< T2, Rows1, Cols2 > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Function for the trans(matrix)-matrix-product.
template<class T1, std::size_t Rows1, std::size_t Cols1, class T2, std::size_t Rows2>
XprMatrix< XprMMtProduct<
MatrixConstReference< T1,
Rows1, Cols1 >, Rows1, Cols1,
MatrixConstReference< T2,
Rows2, Cols1 >, Cols1 >,
Rows1, Rows2 > 
MMt_prod (const Matrix< T1, Rows1, Cols1 > &lhs, const Matrix< T2, Rows2, Cols1 > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Function for the matrix-trans(matrix)-product.
template<class T1, class T2, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprVector< XprMVProduct< MatrixConstReference<
T1, Rows, Cols >, Rows, Cols,
VectorConstReference< T2,
Cols > >, Rows > 
prod (const Matrix< T1, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const Vector< T2, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Function for the matrix-vector-product.
template<class T1, class E2, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprVector< XprMVProduct< MatrixConstReference<
T1, Rows, Cols >, Rows, Cols,
XprVector< E2, Cols > >,
Rows > 
prod (const Matrix< T1, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const XprVector< E2, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Function for the matrix-vector-product.
template<class E1, class T2, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprVector< XprMVProduct< XprMatrix<
E1, Rows, Cols >, Rows, Cols,
VectorConstReference< T2,
Cols > >, Rows > 
prod (const XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const Vector< T2, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T1, class T2, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprVector< XprMtVProduct<
MatrixConstReference< T1,
Rows, Cols >, Rows, Cols,
VectorConstReference< T2,
Rows > >, Cols > 
Mtx_prod (const Matrix< T1, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const Vector< T2, Rows > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Function for the trans(matrix)-vector-product.
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprMatrixTranspose<
MatrixConstReference< T,
Rows, Cols > >, Cols, Rows > 
trans (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Transpose the matrix.
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
NumericTraits< T >::sum_type trace (const Matrix< T, Sz, Sz > &m) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprVector< XprMatrixRow< MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, Rows, Cols >,
Cols > 
row (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &m, std::size_t no) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Returns a row vector of the given matrix.
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprVector< XprMatrixCol< MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, Rows, Cols >,
Rows > 
col (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &m, std::size_t no) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Returns a column vector of the given matrix.
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprMatrixDiag<
MatrixConstReference< T,
Sz, Sz >, Sz >, Sz > 
diag (const Matrix< T, Sz, Sz > &m) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Returns the diagonal vector of the given square matrix.
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
Extremum< typename E::value_type,
std::size_t, matrix_tag
maximum (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &e)
 Find the maximum of a matrix expression.
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
Extremum< T, std::size_t,
maximum (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &m) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Find the maximum of a matrix.
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
Extremum< typename E::value_type,
std::size_t, matrix_tag
minimum (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &e)
 Find the minimum of a matrix expression.
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
Extremum< T, std::size_t,
minimum (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &m) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Find the minimum of a matrix.
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
E::value_type max (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &e)
 Find the maximum of a matrix expression.
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
max (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &m) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Find the maximum of a matrix.
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
E::value_type min (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &e)
 Find the minimum of a matrix expression.
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
min (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &m) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Find the minimum of a matrix.
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprIdentity< T,
Rows, Cols >, Rows, Cols > 
 Fill a matrix to an identity matrix (convenience wrapper for matrix typedefs).
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, Rows, Cols > 
cmatrix_ref (const T *mem) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Creates an expression wrapper for a C like matrices.
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Overload operator for i/o.
template<class T1, class T2, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
Matrix< T1, Rows, Cols > & operator+= (Matrix< T1, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const Matrix< T2, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > & operator+= (Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T1, class T2, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
Matrix< T1, Rows, Cols > & operator-= (Matrix< T1, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const Matrix< T2, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > & operator-= (Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T1, class T2, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
T1, T2 >, MatrixConstReference<
T1, Rows, Cols >, MatrixConstReference<
T2, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator+ (const Matrix< T1, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const Matrix< T2, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
typename E::value_type, T >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
MatrixConstReference< T,
Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator+ (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
typename E::value_type, T >,
MatrixConstReference< T,
Rows, Cols >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator+ (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T1, class T2, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
T1, T2 >, MatrixConstReference<
T1, Rows, Cols >, MatrixConstReference<
T2, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator- (const Matrix< T1, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const Matrix< T2, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
typename E::value_type, T >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
MatrixConstReference< T,
Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator- (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
typename E::value_type, T >,
MatrixConstReference< T,
Rows, Cols >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator- (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
T, int >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
int > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator+ (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
int, T >, XprLiteral< int >,
MatrixConstReference< T,
Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator+ (int lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
T, int >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
int > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator- (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
int, T >, XprLiteral< int >,
MatrixConstReference< T,
Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator- (int lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
T, int >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
int > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator * (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
int, T >, XprLiteral< int >,
MatrixConstReference< T,
Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator * (int lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
T, int >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
int > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator/ (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
int, T >, XprLiteral< int >,
MatrixConstReference< T,
Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator/ (int lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
T, float >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
float > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator+ (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
float, T >, XprLiteral< float >,
MatrixConstReference< T,
Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator+ (float lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
T, float >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
float > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator- (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
float, T >, XprLiteral< float >,
MatrixConstReference< T,
Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator- (float lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
T, float >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
float > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator * (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
float, T >, XprLiteral< float >,
MatrixConstReference< T,
Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator * (float lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
T, float >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
float > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator/ (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
float, T >, XprLiteral< float >,
MatrixConstReference< T,
Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator/ (float lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
T, double >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
double > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator+ (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
double, T >, XprLiteral<
double >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator+ (double lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
T, double >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
double > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator- (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
double, T >, XprLiteral<
double >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator- (double lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
T, double >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
double > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator * (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
double, T >, XprLiteral<
double >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator * (double lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
T, double >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
double > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator/ (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
double, T >, XprLiteral<
double >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator/ (double lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
T, long double >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
long double > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator+ (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
long double, T >, XprLiteral<
long double >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator+ (long double lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
T, long double >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
long double > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator- (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
long double, T >, XprLiteral<
long double >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator- (long double lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
T, long double >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
long double > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator * (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
long double, T >, XprLiteral<
long double >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator * (long double lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
T, long double >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
long double > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator/ (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
long double, T >, XprLiteral<
long double >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator/ (long double lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
std::complex< T >, std::complex<
T > >, MatrixConstReference<
std::complex< T >, Rows,
Cols >, XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator+ (const Matrix< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
std::complex< T >, std::complex<
T > >, XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > >, MatrixConstReference<
std::complex< T >, Rows,
Cols > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator+ (const std::complex< T > &lhs, const Matrix< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
std::complex< T >, std::complex<
T > >, MatrixConstReference<
std::complex< T >, Rows,
Cols >, XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator- (const Matrix< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
std::complex< T >, std::complex<
T > >, XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > >, MatrixConstReference<
std::complex< T >, Rows,
Cols > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator- (const std::complex< T > &lhs, const Matrix< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
std::complex< T >, std::complex<
T > >, MatrixConstReference<
std::complex< T >, Rows,
Cols >, XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator * (const Matrix< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
std::complex< T >, std::complex<
T > >, XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > >, MatrixConstReference<
std::complex< T >, Rows,
Cols > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator * (const std::complex< T > &lhs, const Matrix< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
std::complex< T >, std::complex<
T > >, MatrixConstReference<
std::complex< T >, Rows,
Cols >, XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator/ (const Matrix< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
std::complex< T >, std::complex<
T > >, XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > >, MatrixConstReference<
std::complex< T >, Rows,
Cols > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator/ (const std::complex< T > &lhs, const Matrix< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T1, std::size_t Rows1, std::size_t Cols1, class T2, std::size_t Cols2>
XprMatrix< XprMMProduct< MatrixConstReference<
T1, Rows1, Cols1 >, Rows1,
Cols1, MatrixConstReference<
T2, Cols1, Cols2 >, Cols2 >,
Rows1, Cols2 > 
operator * (const Matrix< T1, Rows1, Cols1 > &lhs, const Matrix< T2, Cols1, Cols2 > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 multiply two Matrices.
template<class E1, std::size_t Rows1, std::size_t Cols1, class T2, std::size_t Cols2>
XprMatrix< XprMMProduct< XprMatrix<
E1, Rows1, Cols1 >, Rows1,
Cols1, MatrixConstReference<
T2, Cols1, Cols2 >, Cols2 >,
Rows1, Cols2 > 
operator * (const XprMatrix< E1, Rows1, Cols1 > &lhs, const Matrix< T2, Cols1, Cols2 > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Evaluate the product of XprMatrix and Matrix.
template<class T1, std::size_t Rows1, std::size_t Cols1, class E2, std::size_t Cols2>
XprMatrix< XprMMProduct< MatrixConstReference<
T1, Rows1, Cols1 >, Rows1,
Cols1, XprMatrix< E2, Cols1,
Cols2 >, Cols2 >, Rows1,
Cols2 > 
operator * (const Matrix< T1, Rows1, Cols1 > &lhs, const XprMatrix< E2, Cols1, Cols2 > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Evaluate the product of Matrix and XprMatrix.
template<class T1, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class T2>
XprVector< XprMVProduct< MatrixConstReference<
T1, Rows, Cols >, Rows, Cols,
VectorConstReference< T2,
Cols > >, Rows > 
operator * (const Matrix< T1, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const Vector< T2, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 multiply a Matrix with a Vector.
template<class T1, class E2, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprVector< XprMVProduct< MatrixConstReference<
T1, Rows, Cols >, Rows, Cols,
XprVector< E2, Cols > >,
Rows > 
operator * (const Matrix< T1, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const XprVector< E2, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Function for the matrix-vector-product.
template<class E1, class T2, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprVector< XprMVProduct< XprMatrix<
E1, Rows, Cols >, Rows, Cols,
VectorConstReference< T2,
Cols > >, Rows > 
operator * (const XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const Vector< T2, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Compute the product of an XprMatrix with a Vector.
template<class T1, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class T2>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater<
T1, T2 >, MatrixConstReference<
T1, Rows, Cols >, MatrixConstReference<
T2, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator> (const Matrix< T1, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const Matrix< T2, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater<
typename E::value_type, T >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
MatrixConstReference< T,
Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator> (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class E>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater<
typename E::value_type, T >,
MatrixConstReference< T,
Rows, Cols >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator> (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T1, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class T2>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less<
T1, T2 >, MatrixConstReference<
T1, Rows, Cols >, MatrixConstReference<
T2, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator< (const Matrix< T1, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const Matrix< T2, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less<
typename E::value_type, T >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
MatrixConstReference< T,
Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator< (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class E>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less<
typename E::value_type, T >,
MatrixConstReference< T,
Rows, Cols >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator< (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T1, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class T2>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq<
T1, T2 >, MatrixConstReference<
T1, Rows, Cols >, MatrixConstReference<
T2, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator>= (const Matrix< T1, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const Matrix< T2, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq<
typename E::value_type, T >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
MatrixConstReference< T,
Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator>= (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class E>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq<
typename E::value_type, T >,
MatrixConstReference< T,
Rows, Cols >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator>= (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T1, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class T2>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq<
T1, T2 >, MatrixConstReference<
T1, Rows, Cols >, MatrixConstReference<
T2, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator<= (const Matrix< T1, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const Matrix< T2, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq<
typename E::value_type, T >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
MatrixConstReference< T,
Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator<= (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class E>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq<
typename E::value_type, T >,
MatrixConstReference< T,
Rows, Cols >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator<= (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T1, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class T2>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq<
T1, T2 >, MatrixConstReference<
T1, Rows, Cols >, MatrixConstReference<
T2, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator== (const Matrix< T1, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const Matrix< T2, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq<
typename E::value_type, T >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
MatrixConstReference< T,
Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator== (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class E>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq<
typename E::value_type, T >,
MatrixConstReference< T,
Rows, Cols >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator== (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T1, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class T2>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq<
T1, T2 >, MatrixConstReference<
T1, Rows, Cols >, MatrixConstReference<
T2, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator!= (const Matrix< T1, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const Matrix< T2, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq<
typename E::value_type, T >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
MatrixConstReference< T,
Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator!= (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class E>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq<
typename E::value_type, T >,
MatrixConstReference< T,
Rows, Cols >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator!= (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T1, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class T2>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_and<
T1, T2 >, MatrixConstReference<
T1, Rows, Cols >, MatrixConstReference<
T2, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator && (const Matrix< T1, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const Matrix< T2, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_and<
typename E::value_type, T >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
MatrixConstReference< T,
Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator && (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class E>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_and<
typename E::value_type, T >,
MatrixConstReference< T,
Rows, Cols >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator && (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T1, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class T2>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_or<
T1, T2 >, MatrixConstReference<
T1, Rows, Cols >, MatrixConstReference<
T2, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator|| (const Matrix< T1, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const Matrix< T2, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_or<
typename E::value_type, T >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
MatrixConstReference< T,
Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator|| (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class E>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_or<
typename E::value_type, T >,
MatrixConstReference< T,
Rows, Cols >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator|| (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater<
std::complex< T >, std::complex<
T > >, MatrixConstReference<
std::complex< T >, Rows,
Cols >, XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator> (const Matrix< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater<
std::complex< T >, std::complex<
T > >, XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > >, MatrixConstReference<
std::complex< T >, Rows,
Cols > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator> (const std::complex< T > &lhs, const Matrix< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less<
std::complex< T >, std::complex<
T > >, MatrixConstReference<
std::complex< T >, Rows,
Cols >, XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator< (const Matrix< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less<
std::complex< T >, std::complex<
T > >, XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > >, MatrixConstReference<
std::complex< T >, Rows,
Cols > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator< (const std::complex< T > &lhs, const Matrix< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq<
std::complex< T >, std::complex<
T > >, MatrixConstReference<
std::complex< T >, Rows,
Cols >, XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator>= (const Matrix< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq<
std::complex< T >, std::complex<
T > >, XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > >, MatrixConstReference<
std::complex< T >, Rows,
Cols > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator>= (const std::complex< T > &lhs, const Matrix< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq<
std::complex< T >, std::complex<
T > >, MatrixConstReference<
std::complex< T >, Rows,
Cols >, XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator<= (const Matrix< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq<
std::complex< T >, std::complex<
T > >, XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > >, MatrixConstReference<
std::complex< T >, Rows,
Cols > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator<= (const std::complex< T > &lhs, const Matrix< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq<
std::complex< T >, std::complex<
T > >, MatrixConstReference<
std::complex< T >, Rows,
Cols >, XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator== (const Matrix< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq<
std::complex< T >, std::complex<
T > >, XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > >, MatrixConstReference<
std::complex< T >, Rows,
Cols > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator== (const std::complex< T > &lhs, const Matrix< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq<
std::complex< T >, std::complex<
T > >, MatrixConstReference<
std::complex< T >, Rows,
Cols >, XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator!= (const Matrix< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq<
std::complex< T >, std::complex<
T > >, XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > >, MatrixConstReference<
std::complex< T >, Rows,
Cols > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator!= (const std::complex< T > &lhs, const Matrix< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_and<
std::complex< T >, std::complex<
T > >, MatrixConstReference<
std::complex< T >, Rows,
Cols >, XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator && (const Matrix< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_and<
std::complex< T >, std::complex<
T > >, XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > >, MatrixConstReference<
std::complex< T >, Rows,
Cols > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator && (const std::complex< T > &lhs, const Matrix< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_or<
std::complex< T >, std::complex<
T > >, MatrixConstReference<
std::complex< T >, Rows,
Cols >, XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator|| (const Matrix< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_or<
std::complex< T >, std::complex<
T > >, XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > >, MatrixConstReference<
std::complex< T >, Rows,
Cols > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator|| (const std::complex< T > &lhs, const Matrix< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater<
T, int >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
int > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator> (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater<
int, T >, XprLiteral< int >,
MatrixConstReference< T,
Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator> (int lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less<
T, int >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
int > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator< (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less<
int, T >, XprLiteral< int >,
MatrixConstReference< T,
Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator< (int lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq<
T, int >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
int > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator>= (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq<
int, T >, XprLiteral< int >,
MatrixConstReference< T,
Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator>= (int lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq<
T, int >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
int > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator<= (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq<
int, T >, XprLiteral< int >,
MatrixConstReference< T,
Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator<= (int lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq<
T, int >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
int > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator== (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq<
int, T >, XprLiteral< int >,
MatrixConstReference< T,
Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator== (int lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq<
T, int >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
int > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator!= (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq<
int, T >, XprLiteral< int >,
MatrixConstReference< T,
Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator!= (int lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_and<
T, int >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
int > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator && (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_and<
int, T >, XprLiteral< int >,
MatrixConstReference< T,
Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator && (int lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_or<
T, int >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
int > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator|| (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_or<
int, T >, XprLiteral< int >,
MatrixConstReference< T,
Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator|| (int lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater<
T, float >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
float > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator> (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater<
float, T >, XprLiteral< float >,
MatrixConstReference< T,
Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator> (float lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less<
T, float >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
float > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator< (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less<
float, T >, XprLiteral< float >,
MatrixConstReference< T,
Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator< (float lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq<
T, float >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
float > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator>= (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq<
float, T >, XprLiteral< float >,
MatrixConstReference< T,
Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator>= (float lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq<
T, float >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
float > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator<= (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq<
float, T >, XprLiteral< float >,
MatrixConstReference< T,
Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator<= (float lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq<
T, float >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
float > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator== (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq<
float, T >, XprLiteral< float >,
MatrixConstReference< T,
Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator== (float lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq<
T, float >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
float > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator!= (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq<
float, T >, XprLiteral< float >,
MatrixConstReference< T,
Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator!= (float lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_and<
T, float >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
float > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator && (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_and<
float, T >, XprLiteral< float >,
MatrixConstReference< T,
Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator && (float lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_or<
T, float >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
float > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator|| (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_or<
float, T >, XprLiteral< float >,
MatrixConstReference< T,
Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator|| (float lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater<
T, double >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
double > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator> (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater<
double, T >, XprLiteral<
double >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator> (double lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less<
T, double >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
double > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator< (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less<
double, T >, XprLiteral<
double >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator< (double lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq<
T, double >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
double > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator>= (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq<
double, T >, XprLiteral<
double >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator>= (double lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq<
T, double >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
double > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator<= (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq<
double, T >, XprLiteral<
double >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator<= (double lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq<
T, double >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
double > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator== (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq<
double, T >, XprLiteral<
double >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator== (double lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq<
T, double >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
double > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator!= (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq<
double, T >, XprLiteral<
double >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator!= (double lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_and<
T, double >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
double > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator && (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_and<
double, T >, XprLiteral<
double >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator && (double lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_or<
T, double >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
double > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator|| (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_or<
double, T >, XprLiteral<
double >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator|| (double lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater<
T, long double >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
long double > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator> (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater<
long double, T >, XprLiteral<
long double >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator> (long double lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less<
T, long double >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
long double > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator< (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less<
long double, T >, XprLiteral<
long double >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator< (long double lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq<
T, long double >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
long double > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator>= (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq<
long double, T >, XprLiteral<
long double >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator>= (long double lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq<
T, long double >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
long double > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator<= (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq<
long double, T >, XprLiteral<
long double >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator<= (long double lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq<
T, long double >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
long double > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator== (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq<
long double, T >, XprLiteral<
long double >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator== (long double lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq<
T, long double >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
long double > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator!= (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq<
long double, T >, XprLiteral<
long double >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator!= (long double lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_and<
T, long double >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
long double > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator && (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_and<
long double, T >, XprLiteral<
long double >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator && (long double lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_or<
T, long double >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral<
long double > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator|| (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_or<
long double, T >, XprLiteral<
long double >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator|| (long double lhs, const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_not<
T >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator! (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_compl<
T >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator~ (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_neg<
T >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator- (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_abs<
T >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
abs (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 absolute value function on Matrix.
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_cbrt<
T >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
cbrt (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 cube root function on Matrix.
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_ceil<
T >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
ceil (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_floor<
T >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
floor (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 round function on Matrix.
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_rint<
T >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
rint (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 round function on Matrix.
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_sin<
T >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
sin (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 sin function on Matrix.
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_cos<
T >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
cos (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 cos function on Matrix.
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_tan<
T >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
tan (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_sinh<
T >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
sinh (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 sinh function on Matrix.
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_cosh<
T >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
cosh (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 cosh function on Matrix.
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_tanh<
T >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
tanh (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_asin<
T >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
asin (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 asin function on Matrix.
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_acos<
T >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
acos (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 acos function on Matrix.
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_atan<
T >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
atan (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 atan function on Matrix.
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_exp<
T >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
exp (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 exponential function on Matrix.
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_log<
T >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
log (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 logarithmic function on Matrix.
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_log10<
T >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
log10 (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 logarithmic function on Matrix.
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_sqrt<
T >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
sqrt (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 sqrt function on Matrix.
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_asinh<
T >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
asinh (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 IEEE Math asinh function on Matrix.
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_acosh<
T >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
acosh (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 IEEE Math acosh function on Matrix.
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_atanh<
T >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
atanh (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 IEEE Math atanh function on Matrix.
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_expm1<
T >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
expm1 (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 IEEE Math expm1 function on Matrix.
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_log1p<
T >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
log1p (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 IEEE Math log1p function on Matrix.
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_erf<
T >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
erf (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 IEEE Math erf function on Matrix.
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_erfc<
T >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
erfc (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 IEEE Math erfc function on Matrix.
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_j0<
T >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
j0 (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 IEEE Math Bessel function on Matrix.
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_j1<
T >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
j1 (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 IEEE Math Bessel function on Matrix.
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_y0<
T >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
y0 (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 IEEE Math Bessel function on Matrix.
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_y1<
T >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
y1 (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 IEEE Math Bessel function on Matrix.
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_lgamma<
T >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
lgamma (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 IEEE Math lgamma function on Matrix.
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_isnan<
T >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
isnan (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs)
 IEEE Math isnan.
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_isinf<
T >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
isinf (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 IEEE Math isinf.
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_finite<
T >, MatrixConstReference<
T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
finite (const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_real<
std::complex< T > >, MatrixConstReference<
std::complex< T >, Rows,
Cols > >, Rows, Cols > 
real (const Matrix< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_imag<
std::complex< T > >, MatrixConstReference<
std::complex< T >, Rows,
Cols > >, Rows, Cols > 
imag (const Matrix< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_arg<
std::complex< T > >, MatrixConstReference<
std::complex< T >, Rows,
Cols > >, Rows, Cols > 
arg (const Matrix< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_norm<
std::complex< T > >, MatrixConstReference<
std::complex< T >, Rows,
Cols > >, Rows, Cols > 
norm (const Matrix< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_conj<
std::complex< T > >, MatrixConstReference<
std::complex< T >, Rows,
Cols > >, Rows, Cols > 
conj (const Matrix< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E>
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const TvmetBase< E > &e)
 overloaded ostream operator using static polymorphic.
template<class T1, class T2, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_atan2<
T1, T2 >, VectorConstReference<
T1, Sz >, VectorConstReference<
T2, Sz > >, Sz > 
atan2 (const Vector< T1, Sz > &lhs, const Vector< T2, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 arcus tangent of two variables function for two Vector.
template<class E, class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_atan2<
typename E::value_type, T >,
VectorConstReference< T,
Sz >, XprVector< E, Sz > >,
Sz > 
atan2 (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 arcus tangent of two variables function on XprVector and Vector.
template<class E, class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_atan2<
T, typename E::value_type >,
VectorConstReference< T,
Sz >, XprVector< E, Sz > >,
Sz > 
atan2 (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 arcus tangent of two variables function on Vector and XprVector.
template<class T1, class T2, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_drem<
T1, T2 >, VectorConstReference<
T1, Sz >, VectorConstReference<
T2, Sz > >, Sz > 
drem (const Vector< T1, Sz > &lhs, const Vector< T2, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 floating-point remainder function for two Vector.
template<class E, class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_drem<
typename E::value_type, T >,
VectorConstReference< T,
Sz >, XprVector< E, Sz > >,
Sz > 
drem (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 floating-point remainder function on XprVector and Vector.
template<class E, class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_drem<
T, typename E::value_type >,
VectorConstReference< T,
Sz >, XprVector< E, Sz > >,
Sz > 
drem (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 floating-point remainder function on Vector and XprVector.
template<class T1, class T2, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_fmod<
T1, T2 >, VectorConstReference<
T1, Sz >, VectorConstReference<
T2, Sz > >, Sz > 
fmod (const Vector< T1, Sz > &lhs, const Vector< T2, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 floating-point remainder function for two Vector.
template<class E, class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_fmod<
typename E::value_type, T >,
VectorConstReference< T,
Sz >, XprVector< E, Sz > >,
Sz > 
fmod (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 floating-point remainder function on XprVector and Vector.
template<class E, class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_fmod<
T, typename E::value_type >,
VectorConstReference< T,
Sz >, XprVector< E, Sz > >,
Sz > 
fmod (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 floating-point remainder function on Vector and XprVector.
template<class T1, class T2, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_hypot<
T1, T2 >, VectorConstReference<
T1, Sz >, VectorConstReference<
T2, Sz > >, Sz > 
hypot (const Vector< T1, Sz > &lhs, const Vector< T2, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Euclidean distance function for two Vector.
template<class E, class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_hypot<
typename E::value_type, T >,
VectorConstReference< T,
Sz >, XprVector< E, Sz > >,
Sz > 
hypot (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Euclidean distance function on XprVector and Vector.
template<class E, class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_hypot<
T, typename E::value_type >,
VectorConstReference< T,
Sz >, XprVector< E, Sz > >,
Sz > 
hypot (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Euclidean distance function on Vector and XprVector.
template<class T1, class T2, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_jn<
T1, T2 >, VectorConstReference<
T1, Sz >, VectorConstReference<
T2, Sz > >, Sz > 
jn (const Vector< T1, Sz > &lhs, const Vector< T2, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Bessel function for two Vector.
template<class E, class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_jn<
typename E::value_type, T >,
VectorConstReference< T,
Sz >, XprVector< E, Sz > >,
Sz > 
jn (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Bessel function on XprVector and Vector.
template<class E, class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_jn<
T, typename E::value_type >,
VectorConstReference< T,
Sz >, XprVector< E, Sz > >,
Sz > 
jn (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Bessel function on Vector and XprVector.
template<class T1, class T2, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_yn<
T1, T2 >, VectorConstReference<
T1, Sz >, VectorConstReference<
T2, Sz > >, Sz > 
yn (const Vector< T1, Sz > &lhs, const Vector< T2, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Bessel function for two Vector.
template<class E, class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_yn<
typename E::value_type, T >,
VectorConstReference< T,
Sz >, XprVector< E, Sz > >,
Sz > 
yn (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Bessel function on XprVector and Vector.
template<class E, class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_yn<
T, typename E::value_type >,
VectorConstReference< T,
Sz >, XprVector< E, Sz > >,
Sz > 
yn (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Bessel function on Vector and XprVector.
template<class T1, class T2, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_pow<
T1, T2 >, VectorConstReference<
T1, Sz >, VectorConstReference<
T2, Sz > >, Sz > 
pow (const Vector< T1, Sz > &lhs, const Vector< T2, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 power function for two Vector.
template<class E, class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_pow<
typename E::value_type, T >,
VectorConstReference< T,
Sz >, XprVector< E, Sz > >,
Sz > 
pow (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 power function on XprVector and Vector.
template<class E, class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_pow<
T, typename E::value_type >,
VectorConstReference< T,
Sz >, XprVector< E, Sz > >,
Sz > 
pow (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 power function on Vector and XprVector.
template<class T1, class T2, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_polar<
T1, T2 >, VectorConstReference<
T1, Sz >, VectorConstReference<
T2, Sz > >, Sz > 
polar (const Vector< T1, Sz > &lhs, const Vector< T2, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_polar<
typename E::value_type, T >,
VectorConstReference< T,
Sz >, XprVector< E, Sz > >,
Sz > 
polar (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_polar<
T, typename E::value_type >,
VectorConstReference< T,
Sz >, XprVector< E, Sz > >,
Sz > 
polar (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_atan2<
T, int >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< int > >,
Sz > 
atan2 (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 arcus tangent of two variables function on Vector and int.
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_drem<
T, int >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< int > >,
Sz > 
drem (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 floating-point remainder function on Vector and int.
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_fmod<
T, int >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< int > >,
Sz > 
fmod (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 floating-point remainder function on Vector and int.
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_hypot<
T, int >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< int > >,
Sz > 
hypot (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Euclidean distance function on Vector and int.
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_jn<
T, int >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< int > >,
Sz > 
jn (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Bessel function on Vector and int.
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_yn<
T, int >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< int > >,
Sz > 
yn (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Bessel function on Vector and int.
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_pow<
T, int >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< int > >,
Sz > 
pow (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 power function on Vector and int.
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_atan2<
T, float >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< float > >,
Sz > 
atan2 (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 arcus tangent of two variables function on Vector and float.
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_drem<
T, float >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< float > >,
Sz > 
drem (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 floating-point remainder function on Vector and float.
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_fmod<
T, float >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< float > >,
Sz > 
fmod (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 floating-point remainder function on Vector and float.
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_hypot<
T, float >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< float > >,
Sz > 
hypot (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Euclidean distance function on Vector and float.
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_jn<
T, float >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< float > >,
Sz > 
jn (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Bessel function on Vector and float.
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_yn<
T, float >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< float > >,
Sz > 
yn (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Bessel function on Vector and float.
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_pow<
T, float >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< float > >,
Sz > 
pow (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 power function on Vector and float.
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_atan2<
T, double >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< double > >,
Sz > 
atan2 (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 arcus tangent of two variables function on Vector and double.
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_drem<
T, double >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< double > >,
Sz > 
drem (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 floating-point remainder function on Vector and double.
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_fmod<
T, double >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< double > >,
Sz > 
fmod (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 floating-point remainder function on Vector and double.
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_hypot<
T, double >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< double > >,
Sz > 
hypot (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Euclidean distance function on Vector and double.
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_jn<
T, double >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< double > >,
Sz > 
jn (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Bessel function on Vector and double.
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_yn<
T, double >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< double > >,
Sz > 
yn (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Bessel function on Vector and double.
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_pow<
T, double >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< double > >,
Sz > 
pow (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 power function on Vector and double.
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_atan2<
T, long double >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< long
double > >, Sz > 
atan2 (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 arcus tangent of two variables function on Vector and long double.
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_drem<
T, long double >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< long
double > >, Sz > 
drem (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 floating-point remainder function on Vector and long double.
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_fmod<
T, long double >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< long
double > >, Sz > 
fmod (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 floating-point remainder function on Vector and long double.
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_hypot<
T, long double >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< long
double > >, Sz > 
hypot (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Euclidean distance function on Vector and long double.
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_jn<
T, long double >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< long
double > >, Sz > 
jn (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Bessel function on Vector and long double.
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_yn<
T, long double >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< long
double > >, Sz > 
yn (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Bessel function on Vector and long double.
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_pow<
T, long double >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< long
double > >, Sz > 
pow (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 power function on Vector and long double.
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
bool all_elements (const XprVector< E, Sz > &e)
 check on statements for all elements
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
bool any_elements (const XprVector< E, Sz > &e)
 check on statements for any elements
template<class E1, class T2, class T3, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprEval< XprVector<
E1, Sz >, VectorConstReference<
T2, Sz >, VectorConstReference<
T3, Sz > >, Sz > 
eval (const XprVector< E1, Sz > &e1, const Vector< T2, Sz > &v2, const Vector< T3, Sz > &v3)
 eval(const XprVector<E1, Sz>& e1, const Vector<T2, Sz>& v2, const Vector<T3, Sz>& v3) Evals the vector expressions.
template<class E1, class T2, class E3, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprEval< XprVector<
E1, Sz >, VectorConstReference<
T2, Sz >, XprVector< E3,
Sz > >, Sz > 
eval (const XprVector< E1, Sz > &e1, const Vector< T2, Sz > &v2, const XprVector< E3, Sz > &e3)
 eval(const XprVector<E1, Sz>& e1, const Vector<T2, Sz>& v2, const XprVector<E3, Sz>& e3) Evals the vector expressions.
template<class E1, class E2, class T3, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprEval< XprVector<
E1, Sz >, XprVector< E2,
Sz >, VectorConstReference<
T3, Sz > >, Sz > 
eval (const XprVector< E1, Sz > &e1, const XprVector< E2, Sz > &e2, const Vector< T3, Sz > &v3)
 eval(const XprVector<E1, Sz>& e1, const XprVector<E2, Sz>& e2, const Vector<T3, Sz>& v3) Evals the vector expressions.
template<class E1, class E2, class E3, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprEval< XprVector<
E1, Sz >, XprVector< E2,
Sz >, XprVector< E3, Sz > >,
Sz > 
eval (const XprVector< E1, Sz > &e1, const XprVector< E2, Sz > &e2, const XprVector< E3, Sz > &e3)
 eval(const XprVector<E1, Sz>& e1, const XprVector<E2, Sz>& e2, const XprVector<E3, Sz>& e3) Evals the vector expressions.
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprEval< XprVector<
E, Sz >, XprLiteral< int >,
XprLiteral< int > >, Sz > 
eval (const XprVector< E, Sz > &e, int x2, int x3)
template<class E1, class E3, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprEval< XprVector<
E1, Sz >, XprLiteral< int >,
XprVector< E3, Sz > >, Sz > 
eval (const XprVector< E1, Sz > &e1, int x2, const XprVector< E3, Sz > &e3)
template<class E1, class E2, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprEval< XprVector<
E1, Sz >, XprVector< E2,
Sz >, XprLiteral< int > >,
Sz > 
eval (const XprVector< E1, Sz > &e1, const XprVector< E2, Sz > &e2, int x3)
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprEval< XprVector<
E, Sz >, XprLiteral< float >,
XprLiteral< float > >, Sz > 
eval (const XprVector< E, Sz > &e, float x2, float x3)
template<class E1, class E3, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprEval< XprVector<
E1, Sz >, XprLiteral< float >,
XprVector< E3, Sz > >, Sz > 
eval (const XprVector< E1, Sz > &e1, float x2, const XprVector< E3, Sz > &e3)
template<class E1, class E2, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprEval< XprVector<
E1, Sz >, XprVector< E2,
Sz >, XprLiteral< float > >,
Sz > 
eval (const XprVector< E1, Sz > &e1, const XprVector< E2, Sz > &e2, float x3)
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprEval< XprVector<
E, Sz >, XprLiteral< double >,
XprLiteral< double > >, Sz > 
eval (const XprVector< E, Sz > &e, double x2, double x3)
template<class E1, class E3, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprEval< XprVector<
E1, Sz >, XprLiteral< double >,
XprVector< E3, Sz > >, Sz > 
eval (const XprVector< E1, Sz > &e1, double x2, const XprVector< E3, Sz > &e3)
template<class E1, class E2, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprEval< XprVector<
E1, Sz >, XprVector< E2,
Sz >, XprLiteral< double > >,
Sz > 
eval (const XprVector< E1, Sz > &e1, const XprVector< E2, Sz > &e2, double x3)
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprEval< XprVector<
E, Sz >, XprLiteral< long
double >, XprLiteral< long
double > >, Sz > 
eval (const XprVector< E, Sz > &e, long double x2, long double x3)
template<class E1, class E3, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprEval< XprVector<
E1, Sz >, XprLiteral< long
double >, XprVector< E3, Sz > >,
Sz > 
eval (const XprVector< E1, Sz > &e1, long double x2, const XprVector< E3, Sz > &e3)
template<class E1, class E2, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprEval< XprVector<
E1, Sz >, XprVector< E2,
Sz >, XprLiteral< long double > >,
Sz > 
eval (const XprVector< E1, Sz > &e1, const XprVector< E2, Sz > &e2, long double x3)
template<class E, std::size_t Sz, class T>
XprVector< XprEval< XprVector<
E, Sz >, XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > >, XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > > >, Sz > 
eval (const XprVector< E, Sz > &e, std::complex< T > z2, std::complex< T > z3)
 eval(const XprVector<E, Sz>& e, std::complex<T> z2, std::complex<T> z3) Evals the vector expressions.
template<class E1, class E3, std::size_t Sz, class T>
XprVector< XprEval< XprVector<
E1, Sz >, XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > >, XprVector< E3, Sz > >,
Sz > 
eval (const XprVector< E1, Sz > &e1, std::complex< T > z2, const XprVector< E3, Sz > &e3)
 eval(const XprVector<E1, Sz>& e1, std::complex<T> z2, const XprVector<E3, Sz>& e3) Evals the vector expressions.
template<class E1, class E2, std::size_t Sz, class T>
XprVector< XprEval< XprVector<
E1, Sz >, XprVector< E2,
Sz >, XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > > >, Sz > 
eval (const XprVector< E1, Sz > &e1, const XprVector< E2, Sz > &e2, std::complex< T > z3)
 eval(const XprVector<E1, Sz>& e1, const XprVector<E2, Sz>& e2, std::complex<T> z3) Evals the vector expressions.
template<class T1, class T2, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
T1, T2 >, VectorConstReference<
T1, Sz >, VectorConstReference<
T2, Sz > >, Sz > 
add (const Vector< T1, Sz > &lhs, const Vector< T2, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
typename E::value_type, T >,
XprVector< E, Sz >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
add (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
T, typename E::value_type >,
VectorConstReference< T,
Sz >, XprVector< E, Sz > >,
Sz > 
add (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T1, class T2, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
T1, T2 >, VectorConstReference<
T1, Sz >, VectorConstReference<
T2, Sz > >, Sz > 
sub (const Vector< T1, Sz > &lhs, const Vector< T2, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
typename E::value_type, T >,
XprVector< E, Sz >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
sub (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
T, typename E::value_type >,
VectorConstReference< T,
Sz >, XprVector< E, Sz > >,
Sz > 
sub (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T1, class T2, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
T1, T2 >, VectorConstReference<
T1, Sz >, VectorConstReference<
T2, Sz > >, Sz > 
mul (const Vector< T1, Sz > &lhs, const Vector< T2, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
typename E::value_type, T >,
XprVector< E, Sz >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
mul (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
T, typename E::value_type >,
VectorConstReference< T,
Sz >, XprVector< E, Sz > >,
Sz > 
mul (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
T, int >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< int > >,
Sz > 
add (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
int, T >, XprLiteral< int >,
VectorConstReference< T,
Sz > >, Sz > 
add (int lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
T, int >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< int > >,
Sz > 
sub (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
int, T >, XprLiteral< int >,
VectorConstReference< T,
Sz > >, Sz > 
sub (int lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
T, int >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< int > >,
Sz > 
mul (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
int, T >, XprLiteral< int >,
VectorConstReference< T,
Sz > >, Sz > 
mul (int lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
T, int >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< int > >,
Sz > 
div (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
int, T >, XprLiteral< int >,
VectorConstReference< T,
Sz > >, Sz > 
div (int lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
T, float >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< float > >,
Sz > 
add (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
float, T >, XprLiteral< float >,
VectorConstReference< T,
Sz > >, Sz > 
add (float lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
T, float >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< float > >,
Sz > 
sub (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
float, T >, XprLiteral< float >,
VectorConstReference< T,
Sz > >, Sz > 
sub (float lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
T, float >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< float > >,
Sz > 
mul (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
float, T >, XprLiteral< float >,
VectorConstReference< T,
Sz > >, Sz > 
mul (float lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
T, float >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< float > >,
Sz > 
div (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
float, T >, XprLiteral< float >,
VectorConstReference< T,
Sz > >, Sz > 
div (float lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
T, double >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< double > >,
Sz > 
add (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
double, T >, XprLiteral<
double >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
add (double lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
T, double >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< double > >,
Sz > 
sub (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
double, T >, XprLiteral<
double >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
sub (double lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
T, double >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< double > >,
Sz > 
mul (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
double, T >, XprLiteral<
double >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
mul (double lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
T, double >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< double > >,
Sz > 
div (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
double, T >, XprLiteral<
double >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
div (double lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
T, long double >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< long
double > >, Sz > 
add (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
long double, T >, XprLiteral<
long double >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
add (long double lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
T, long double >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< long
double > >, Sz > 
sub (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
long double, T >, XprLiteral<
long double >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
sub (long double lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
T, long double >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< long
double > >, Sz > 
mul (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
long double, T >, XprLiteral<
long double >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
mul (long double lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
T, long double >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< long
double > >, Sz > 
div (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
long double, T >, XprLiteral<
long double >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
div (long double lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
std::complex< T >, std::complex<
T > >, VectorConstReference<
std::complex< T >, Sz >,
XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > > >, Sz > 
add (const Vector< std::complex< T >, Sz > &lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
std::complex< T >, std::complex<
T > >, XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > >, VectorConstReference<
std::complex< T >, Sz > >,
Sz > 
add (const std::complex< T > &lhs, const Vector< std::complex< T >, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
std::complex< T >, std::complex<
T > >, VectorConstReference<
std::complex< T >, Sz >,
XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > > >, Sz > 
sub (const Vector< std::complex< T >, Sz > &lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
std::complex< T >, std::complex<
T > >, XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > >, VectorConstReference<
std::complex< T >, Sz > >,
Sz > 
sub (const std::complex< T > &lhs, const Vector< std::complex< T >, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
std::complex< T >, std::complex<
T > >, VectorConstReference<
std::complex< T >, Sz >,
XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > > >, Sz > 
mul (const Vector< std::complex< T >, Sz > &lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
std::complex< T >, std::complex<
T > >, XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > >, VectorConstReference<
std::complex< T >, Sz > >,
Sz > 
mul (const std::complex< T > &lhs, const Vector< std::complex< T >, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
std::complex< T >, std::complex<
T > >, VectorConstReference<
std::complex< T >, Sz >,
XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > > >, Sz > 
div (const Vector< std::complex< T >, Sz > &lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
std::complex< T >, std::complex<
T > >, XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > >, VectorConstReference<
std::complex< T >, Sz > >,
Sz > 
div (const std::complex< T > &lhs, const Vector< std::complex< T >, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
NumericTraits< T >::sum_type sum (const Vector< T, Sz > &v) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Compute the sum of the vector.
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
NumericTraits< T >::sum_type product (const Vector< T, Sz > &v) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Compute the product of the vector elements.
template<class T1, class T2, std::size_t Sz>
PromoteTraits< T1, T2 >::value_type dot (const Vector< T1, Sz > &lhs, const Vector< T2, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Compute the dot/inner product.
template<class T1, class T2>
Vector< typename PromoteTraits<
T1, T2 >::value_type, 3 > 
cross (const Vector< T1, 3 > &lhs, const Vector< T2, 3 > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Compute the cross/outer product.
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
NumericTraits< T >::sum_type norm1 (const Vector< T, Sz > &v) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 The $l_1$ norm of a vector v.
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
NumericTraits< T >::sum_type norm2 (const Vector< T, Sz > &v) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 The euklidian norm (or $l_2$ norm) of a vector v.
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
T, T >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< T > >,
Sz > 
normalize (const Vector< T, Sz > &v) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Normalize the given vector.
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
Extremum< typename E::value_type,
std::size_t, vector_tag
maximum (const XprVector< E, Sz > &e)
 Find the maximum of a vector expression.
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
Extremum< T, std::size_t,
maximum (const Vector< T, Sz > &v) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Find the maximum of a vector.
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
Extremum< typename E::value_type,
std::size_t, vector_tag
minimum (const XprVector< E, Sz > &e)
 Find the minimum of a vector expression.
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
Extremum< T, std::size_t,
minimum (const Vector< T, Sz > &v) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Find the minimum of a vector.
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
E::value_type max (const XprVector< E, Sz > &e)
 Find the maximum of a vector expression.
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
max (const Vector< T, Sz > &v) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Find the maximum of a vector.
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
E::value_type min (const XprVector< E, Sz > &e)
 Find the minimum of a vector expression.
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
min (const Vector< T, Sz > &v) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Find the minimum of a vector.
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, Sz > 
cvector_ref (const T *mem) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Creates an expression wrapper for a C like vector arrays.
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Overload operator for i/o.
template<class T1, class T2, std::size_t Sz>
Vector< T1, Sz > & operator+= (Vector< T1, Sz > &lhs, const Vector< T2, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, class E, std::size_t Sz>
Vector< T, Sz > & operator+= (Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T1, class T2, std::size_t Sz>
Vector< T1, Sz > & operator-= (Vector< T1, Sz > &lhs, const Vector< T2, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, class E, std::size_t Sz>
Vector< T, Sz > & operator-= (Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T1, class T2, std::size_t Sz>
Vector< T1, Sz > & operator *= (Vector< T1, Sz > &lhs, const Vector< T2, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, class E, std::size_t Sz>
Vector< T, Sz > & operator *= (Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T1, class T2, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
T1, T2 >, VectorConstReference<
T1, Sz >, VectorConstReference<
T2, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator+ (const Vector< T1, Sz > &lhs, const Vector< T2, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
typename E::value_type, T >,
XprVector< E, Sz >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator+ (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
T, typename E::value_type >,
VectorConstReference< T,
Sz >, XprVector< E, Sz > >,
Sz > 
operator+ (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T1, class T2, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
T1, T2 >, VectorConstReference<
T1, Sz >, VectorConstReference<
T2, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator- (const Vector< T1, Sz > &lhs, const Vector< T2, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
typename E::value_type, T >,
XprVector< E, Sz >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator- (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
T, typename E::value_type >,
VectorConstReference< T,
Sz >, XprVector< E, Sz > >,
Sz > 
operator- (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T1, class T2, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
T1, T2 >, VectorConstReference<
T1, Sz >, VectorConstReference<
T2, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator * (const Vector< T1, Sz > &lhs, const Vector< T2, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
typename E::value_type, T >,
XprVector< E, Sz >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator * (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
T, typename E::value_type >,
VectorConstReference< T,
Sz >, XprVector< E, Sz > >,
Sz > 
operator * (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
T, int >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< int > >,
Sz > 
operator+ (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
int, T >, XprLiteral< int >,
VectorConstReference< T,
Sz > >, Sz > 
operator+ (int lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
T, int >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< int > >,
Sz > 
operator- (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
int, T >, XprLiteral< int >,
VectorConstReference< T,
Sz > >, Sz > 
operator- (int lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
T, int >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< int > >,
Sz > 
operator * (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
int, T >, XprLiteral< int >,
VectorConstReference< T,
Sz > >, Sz > 
operator * (int lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
T, int >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< int > >,
Sz > 
operator/ (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
int, T >, XprLiteral< int >,
VectorConstReference< T,
Sz > >, Sz > 
operator/ (int lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
T, float >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< float > >,
Sz > 
operator+ (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
float, T >, XprLiteral< float >,
VectorConstReference< T,
Sz > >, Sz > 
operator+ (float lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
T, float >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< float > >,
Sz > 
operator- (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
float, T >, XprLiteral< float >,
VectorConstReference< T,
Sz > >, Sz > 
operator- (float lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
T, float >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< float > >,
Sz > 
operator * (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
float, T >, XprLiteral< float >,
VectorConstReference< T,
Sz > >, Sz > 
operator * (float lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
T, float >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< float > >,
Sz > 
operator/ (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
float, T >, XprLiteral< float >,
VectorConstReference< T,
Sz > >, Sz > 
operator/ (float lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
T, double >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< double > >,
Sz > 
operator+ (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
double, T >, XprLiteral<
double >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator+ (double lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
T, double >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< double > >,
Sz > 
operator- (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
double, T >, XprLiteral<
double >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator- (double lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
T, double >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< double > >,
Sz > 
operator * (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
double, T >, XprLiteral<
double >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator * (double lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
T, double >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< double > >,
Sz > 
operator/ (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
double, T >, XprLiteral<
double >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator/ (double lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
T, long double >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< long
double > >, Sz > 
operator+ (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
long double, T >, XprLiteral<
long double >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator+ (long double lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
T, long double >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< long
double > >, Sz > 
operator- (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
long double, T >, XprLiteral<
long double >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator- (long double lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
T, long double >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< long
double > >, Sz > 
operator * (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
long double, T >, XprLiteral<
long double >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator * (long double lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
T, long double >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< long
double > >, Sz > 
operator/ (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
long double, T >, XprLiteral<
long double >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator/ (long double lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
std::complex< T >, std::complex<
T > >, VectorConstReference<
std::complex< T >, Sz >,
XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > > >, Sz > 
operator+ (const Vector< std::complex< T >, Sz > &lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
std::complex< T >, std::complex<
T > >, XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > >, VectorConstReference<
std::complex< T >, Sz > >,
Sz > 
operator+ (const std::complex< T > &lhs, const Vector< std::complex< T >, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
std::complex< T >, std::complex<
T > >, VectorConstReference<
std::complex< T >, Sz >,
XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > > >, Sz > 
operator- (const Vector< std::complex< T >, Sz > &lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
std::complex< T >, std::complex<
T > >, XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > >, VectorConstReference<
std::complex< T >, Sz > >,
Sz > 
operator- (const std::complex< T > &lhs, const Vector< std::complex< T >, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
std::complex< T >, std::complex<
T > >, VectorConstReference<
std::complex< T >, Sz >,
XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > > >, Sz > 
operator * (const Vector< std::complex< T >, Sz > &lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
std::complex< T >, std::complex<
T > >, XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > >, VectorConstReference<
std::complex< T >, Sz > >,
Sz > 
operator * (const std::complex< T > &lhs, const Vector< std::complex< T >, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
std::complex< T >, std::complex<
T > >, VectorConstReference<
std::complex< T >, Sz >,
XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > > >, Sz > 
operator/ (const Vector< std::complex< T >, Sz > &lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
std::complex< T >, std::complex<
T > >, XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > >, VectorConstReference<
std::complex< T >, Sz > >,
Sz > 
operator/ (const std::complex< T > &lhs, const Vector< std::complex< T >, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T1, class T2, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater<
T1, T2 >, VectorConstReference<
T1, Sz >, VectorConstReference<
T2, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator> (const Vector< T1, Sz > &lhs, const Vector< T2, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater<
typename E::value_type, T >,
XprVector< E, Sz >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator> (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater<
T, typename E::value_type >,
VectorConstReference< T,
Sz >, XprVector< E, Sz > >,
Sz > 
operator> (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T1, class T2, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less<
T1, T2 >, VectorConstReference<
T1, Sz >, VectorConstReference<
T2, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator< (const Vector< T1, Sz > &lhs, const Vector< T2, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less<
typename E::value_type, T >,
XprVector< E, Sz >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator< (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less<
T, typename E::value_type >,
VectorConstReference< T,
Sz >, XprVector< E, Sz > >,
Sz > 
operator< (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T1, class T2, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq<
T1, T2 >, VectorConstReference<
T1, Sz >, VectorConstReference<
T2, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator>= (const Vector< T1, Sz > &lhs, const Vector< T2, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq<
typename E::value_type, T >,
XprVector< E, Sz >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator>= (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq<
T, typename E::value_type >,
VectorConstReference< T,
Sz >, XprVector< E, Sz > >,
Sz > 
operator>= (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T1, class T2, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq<
T1, T2 >, VectorConstReference<
T1, Sz >, VectorConstReference<
T2, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator<= (const Vector< T1, Sz > &lhs, const Vector< T2, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq<
typename E::value_type, T >,
XprVector< E, Sz >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator<= (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq<
T, typename E::value_type >,
VectorConstReference< T,
Sz >, XprVector< E, Sz > >,
Sz > 
operator<= (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T1, class T2, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq<
T1, T2 >, VectorConstReference<
T1, Sz >, VectorConstReference<
T2, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator== (const Vector< T1, Sz > &lhs, const Vector< T2, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq<
typename E::value_type, T >,
XprVector< E, Sz >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator== (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq<
T, typename E::value_type >,
VectorConstReference< T,
Sz >, XprVector< E, Sz > >,
Sz > 
operator== (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T1, class T2, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq<
T1, T2 >, VectorConstReference<
T1, Sz >, VectorConstReference<
T2, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator!= (const Vector< T1, Sz > &lhs, const Vector< T2, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq<
typename E::value_type, T >,
XprVector< E, Sz >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator!= (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq<
T, typename E::value_type >,
VectorConstReference< T,
Sz >, XprVector< E, Sz > >,
Sz > 
operator!= (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T1, class T2, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_and<
T1, T2 >, VectorConstReference<
T1, Sz >, VectorConstReference<
T2, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator && (const Vector< T1, Sz > &lhs, const Vector< T2, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_and<
typename E::value_type, T >,
XprVector< E, Sz >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator && (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_and<
T, typename E::value_type >,
VectorConstReference< T,
Sz >, XprVector< E, Sz > >,
Sz > 
operator && (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T1, class T2, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_or<
T1, T2 >, VectorConstReference<
T1, Sz >, VectorConstReference<
T2, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator|| (const Vector< T1, Sz > &lhs, const Vector< T2, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_or<
typename E::value_type, T >,
XprVector< E, Sz >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator|| (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_or<
T, typename E::value_type >,
VectorConstReference< T,
Sz >, XprVector< E, Sz > >,
Sz > 
operator|| (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater<
std::complex< T >, std::complex<
T > >, VectorConstReference<
std::complex< T >, Sz >,
XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > > >, Sz > 
operator> (const Vector< std::complex< T >, Sz > &lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater<
std::complex< T >, std::complex<
T > >, XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > >, VectorConstReference<
std::complex< T >, Sz > >,
Sz > 
operator> (const std::complex< T > &lhs, const Vector< std::complex< T >, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less<
std::complex< T >, std::complex<
T > >, VectorConstReference<
std::complex< T >, Sz >,
XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > > >, Sz > 
operator< (const Vector< std::complex< T >, Sz > &lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less<
std::complex< T >, std::complex<
T > >, XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > >, VectorConstReference<
std::complex< T >, Sz > >,
Sz > 
operator< (const std::complex< T > &lhs, const Vector< std::complex< T >, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq<
std::complex< T >, std::complex<
T > >, VectorConstReference<
std::complex< T >, Sz >,
XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > > >, Sz > 
operator>= (const Vector< std::complex< T >, Sz > &lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq<
std::complex< T >, std::complex<
T > >, XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > >, VectorConstReference<
std::complex< T >, Sz > >,
Sz > 
operator>= (const std::complex< T > &lhs, const Vector< std::complex< T >, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq<
std::complex< T >, std::complex<
T > >, VectorConstReference<
std::complex< T >, Sz >,
XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > > >, Sz > 
operator<= (const Vector< std::complex< T >, Sz > &lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq<
std::complex< T >, std::complex<
T > >, XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > >, VectorConstReference<
std::complex< T >, Sz > >,
Sz > 
operator<= (const std::complex< T > &lhs, const Vector< std::complex< T >, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq<
std::complex< T >, std::complex<
T > >, VectorConstReference<
std::complex< T >, Sz >,
XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > > >, Sz > 
operator== (const Vector< std::complex< T >, Sz > &lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq<
std::complex< T >, std::complex<
T > >, XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > >, VectorConstReference<
std::complex< T >, Sz > >,
Sz > 
operator== (const std::complex< T > &lhs, const Vector< std::complex< T >, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq<
std::complex< T >, std::complex<
T > >, VectorConstReference<
std::complex< T >, Sz >,
XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > > >, Sz > 
operator!= (const Vector< std::complex< T >, Sz > &lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq<
std::complex< T >, std::complex<
T > >, XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > >, VectorConstReference<
std::complex< T >, Sz > >,
Sz > 
operator!= (const std::complex< T > &lhs, const Vector< std::complex< T >, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_and<
std::complex< T >, std::complex<
T > >, VectorConstReference<
std::complex< T >, Sz >,
XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > > >, Sz > 
operator && (const Vector< std::complex< T >, Sz > &lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_and<
std::complex< T >, std::complex<
T > >, XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > >, VectorConstReference<
std::complex< T >, Sz > >,
Sz > 
operator && (const std::complex< T > &lhs, const Vector< std::complex< T >, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_or<
std::complex< T >, std::complex<
T > >, VectorConstReference<
std::complex< T >, Sz >,
XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > > >, Sz > 
operator|| (const Vector< std::complex< T >, Sz > &lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_or<
std::complex< T >, std::complex<
T > >, XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > >, VectorConstReference<
std::complex< T >, Sz > >,
Sz > 
operator|| (const std::complex< T > &lhs, const Vector< std::complex< T >, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater<
T, int >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< int > >,
Sz > 
operator> (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater<
int, T >, XprLiteral< int >,
VectorConstReference< T,
Sz > >, Sz > 
operator> (int lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less<
T, int >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< int > >,
Sz > 
operator< (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less<
int, T >, XprLiteral< int >,
VectorConstReference< T,
Sz > >, Sz > 
operator< (int lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq<
T, int >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< int > >,
Sz > 
operator>= (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq<
int, T >, XprLiteral< int >,
VectorConstReference< T,
Sz > >, Sz > 
operator>= (int lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq<
T, int >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< int > >,
Sz > 
operator<= (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq<
int, T >, XprLiteral< int >,
VectorConstReference< T,
Sz > >, Sz > 
operator<= (int lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq<
T, int >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< int > >,
Sz > 
operator== (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq<
int, T >, XprLiteral< int >,
VectorConstReference< T,
Sz > >, Sz > 
operator== (int lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq<
T, int >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< int > >,
Sz > 
operator!= (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq<
int, T >, XprLiteral< int >,
VectorConstReference< T,
Sz > >, Sz > 
operator!= (int lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_and<
T, int >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< int > >,
Sz > 
operator && (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_and<
int, T >, XprLiteral< int >,
VectorConstReference< T,
Sz > >, Sz > 
operator && (int lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_or<
T, int >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< int > >,
Sz > 
operator|| (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_or<
int, T >, XprLiteral< int >,
VectorConstReference< T,
Sz > >, Sz > 
operator|| (int lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater<
T, float >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< float > >,
Sz > 
operator> (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater<
float, T >, XprLiteral< float >,
VectorConstReference< T,
Sz > >, Sz > 
operator> (float lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less<
T, float >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< float > >,
Sz > 
operator< (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less<
float, T >, XprLiteral< float >,
VectorConstReference< T,
Sz > >, Sz > 
operator< (float lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq<
T, float >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< float > >,
Sz > 
operator>= (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq<
float, T >, XprLiteral< float >,
VectorConstReference< T,
Sz > >, Sz > 
operator>= (float lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq<
T, float >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< float > >,
Sz > 
operator<= (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq<
float, T >, XprLiteral< float >,
VectorConstReference< T,
Sz > >, Sz > 
operator<= (float lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq<
T, float >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< float > >,
Sz > 
operator== (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq<
float, T >, XprLiteral< float >,
VectorConstReference< T,
Sz > >, Sz > 
operator== (float lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq<
T, float >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< float > >,
Sz > 
operator!= (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq<
float, T >, XprLiteral< float >,
VectorConstReference< T,
Sz > >, Sz > 
operator!= (float lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_and<
T, float >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< float > >,
Sz > 
operator && (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_and<
float, T >, XprLiteral< float >,
VectorConstReference< T,
Sz > >, Sz > 
operator && (float lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_or<
T, float >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< float > >,
Sz > 
operator|| (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_or<
float, T >, XprLiteral< float >,
VectorConstReference< T,
Sz > >, Sz > 
operator|| (float lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater<
T, double >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< double > >,
Sz > 
operator> (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater<
double, T >, XprLiteral<
double >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator> (double lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less<
T, double >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< double > >,
Sz > 
operator< (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less<
double, T >, XprLiteral<
double >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator< (double lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq<
T, double >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< double > >,
Sz > 
operator>= (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq<
double, T >, XprLiteral<
double >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator>= (double lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq<
T, double >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< double > >,
Sz > 
operator<= (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq<
double, T >, XprLiteral<
double >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator<= (double lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq<
T, double >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< double > >,
Sz > 
operator== (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq<
double, T >, XprLiteral<
double >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator== (double lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq<
T, double >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< double > >,
Sz > 
operator!= (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq<
double, T >, XprLiteral<
double >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator!= (double lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_and<
T, double >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< double > >,
Sz > 
operator && (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_and<
double, T >, XprLiteral<
double >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator && (double lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_or<
T, double >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< double > >,
Sz > 
operator|| (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_or<
double, T >, XprLiteral<
double >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator|| (double lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater<
T, long double >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< long
double > >, Sz > 
operator> (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater<
long double, T >, XprLiteral<
long double >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator> (long double lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less<
T, long double >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< long
double > >, Sz > 
operator< (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less<
long double, T >, XprLiteral<
long double >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator< (long double lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq<
T, long double >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< long
double > >, Sz > 
operator>= (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq<
long double, T >, XprLiteral<
long double >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator>= (long double lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq<
T, long double >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< long
double > >, Sz > 
operator<= (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq<
long double, T >, XprLiteral<
long double >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator<= (long double lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq<
T, long double >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< long
double > >, Sz > 
operator== (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq<
long double, T >, XprLiteral<
long double >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator== (long double lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq<
T, long double >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< long
double > >, Sz > 
operator!= (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq<
long double, T >, XprLiteral<
long double >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator!= (long double lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_and<
T, long double >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< long
double > >, Sz > 
operator && (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_and<
long double, T >, XprLiteral<
long double >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator && (long double lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_or<
T, long double >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz >, XprLiteral< long
double > >, Sz > 
operator|| (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_or<
long double, T >, XprLiteral<
long double >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator|| (long double lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_not<
T >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator! (const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_compl<
T >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator~ (const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_neg<
T >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator- (const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_abs<
T >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
abs (const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 absolute value function on Vector.
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_cbrt<
T >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
cbrt (const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 cube root function on Vector.
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_ceil<
T >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
ceil (const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_floor<
T >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
floor (const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 round function on Vector.
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_rint<
T >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
rint (const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 round function on Vector.
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_sin<
T >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
sin (const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 sin function on Vector.
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_cos<
T >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
cos (const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 cos function on Vector.
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_tan<
T >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
tan (const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_sinh<
T >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
sinh (const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 sinh function on Vector.
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_cosh<
T >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
cosh (const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 cosh function on Vector.
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_tanh<
T >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
tanh (const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_asin<
T >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
asin (const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 asin function on Vector.
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_acos<
T >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
acos (const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 acos function on Vector.
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_atan<
T >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
atan (const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 atan function on Vector.
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_exp<
T >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
exp (const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 exponential function on Vector.
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_log<
T >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
log (const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 logarithmic function on Vector.
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_log10<
T >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
log10 (const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 logarithmic function on Vector.
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_sqrt<
T >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
sqrt (const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 sqrt function on Vector.
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_asinh<
T >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
asinh (const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 IEEE Math asinh function on Vector.
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_acosh<
T >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
acosh (const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 IEEE Math acosh function on Vector.
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_atanh<
T >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
atanh (const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 IEEE Math atanh function on Vector.
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_expm1<
T >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
expm1 (const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 IEEE Math expm1 function on Vector.
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_log1p<
T >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
log1p (const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 IEEE Math log1p function on Vector.
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_erf<
T >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
erf (const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 IEEE Math erf function on Vector.
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_erfc<
T >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
erfc (const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 IEEE Math erfc function on Vector.
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_j0<
T >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
j0 (const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 IEEE Math Bessel function on Vector.
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_j1<
T >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
j1 (const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 IEEE Math Bessel function on Vector.
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_y0<
T >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
y0 (const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 IEEE Math Bessel function on Vector.
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_y1<
T >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
y1 (const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 IEEE Math Bessel function on Vector.
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_lgamma<
T >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
lgamma (const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 IEEE Math lgamma function on Vector.
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_isnan<
T >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
isnan (const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs)
 IEEE Math isnan.
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_isinf<
T >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
isinf (const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 IEEE Math isinf.
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_finite<
T >, VectorConstReference<
T, Sz > >, Sz > 
finite (const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_real<
std::complex< T > >, VectorConstReference<
std::complex< T >, Sz > >,
Sz > 
real (const Vector< std::complex< T >, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_imag<
std::complex< T > >, VectorConstReference<
std::complex< T >, Sz > >,
Sz > 
imag (const Vector< std::complex< T >, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_arg<
std::complex< T > >, VectorConstReference<
std::complex< T >, Sz > >,
Sz > 
arg (const Vector< std::complex< T >, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_norm<
std::complex< T > >, VectorConstReference<
std::complex< T >, Sz > >,
Sz > 
norm (const Vector< std::complex< T >, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_conj<
std::complex< T > >, VectorConstReference<
std::complex< T >, Sz > >,
Sz > 
conj (const Vector< std::complex< T >, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E1, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class E2>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_atan2<
typename E1::value_type,
typename E2::value_type >,
XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols >,
XprMatrix< E2, Rows, Cols > >,
Rows, Cols > 
atan2 (const XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const XprMatrix< E2, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 arcus tangent of two variables function for two XprMatrix.
template<class E1, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class E2>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_drem<
typename E1::value_type,
typename E2::value_type >,
XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols >,
XprMatrix< E2, Rows, Cols > >,
Rows, Cols > 
drem (const XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const XprMatrix< E2, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 floating-point remainder function for two XprMatrix.
template<class E1, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class E2>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_fmod<
typename E1::value_type,
typename E2::value_type >,
XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols >,
XprMatrix< E2, Rows, Cols > >,
Rows, Cols > 
fmod (const XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const XprMatrix< E2, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 floating-point remainder function for two XprMatrix.
template<class E1, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class E2>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_hypot<
typename E1::value_type,
typename E2::value_type >,
XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols >,
XprMatrix< E2, Rows, Cols > >,
Rows, Cols > 
hypot (const XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const XprMatrix< E2, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Euclidean distance function for two XprMatrix.
template<class E1, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class E2>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_jn<
typename E1::value_type,
typename E2::value_type >,
XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols >,
XprMatrix< E2, Rows, Cols > >,
Rows, Cols > 
jn (const XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const XprMatrix< E2, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Bessel function for two XprMatrix.
template<class E1, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class E2>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_yn<
typename E1::value_type,
typename E2::value_type >,
XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols >,
XprMatrix< E2, Rows, Cols > >,
Rows, Cols > 
yn (const XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const XprMatrix< E2, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Bessel function for two XprMatrix.
template<class E1, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class E2>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_pow<
typename E1::value_type,
typename E2::value_type >,
XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols >,
XprMatrix< E2, Rows, Cols > >,
Rows, Cols > 
pow (const XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const XprMatrix< E2, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 power function for two XprMatrix.
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_atan2<
typename E::value_type, int >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
XprLiteral< int > >, Rows,
Cols > 
atan2 (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 arcus tangent of two variables function between XprMatrix and int.
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_drem<
typename E::value_type, int >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
XprLiteral< int > >, Rows,
Cols > 
drem (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 floating-point remainder function between XprMatrix and int.
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_fmod<
typename E::value_type, int >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
XprLiteral< int > >, Rows,
Cols > 
fmod (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 floating-point remainder function between XprMatrix and int.
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_hypot<
typename E::value_type, int >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
XprLiteral< int > >, Rows,
Cols > 
hypot (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Euclidean distance function between XprMatrix and int.
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_jn<
typename E::value_type, int >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
XprLiteral< int > >, Rows,
Cols > 
jn (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Bessel function between XprMatrix and int.
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_yn<
typename E::value_type, int >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
XprLiteral< int > >, Rows,
Cols > 
yn (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Bessel function between XprMatrix and int.
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_pow<
typename E::value_type, int >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
XprLiteral< int > >, Rows,
Cols > 
pow (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 power function between XprMatrix and int.
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_atan2<
typename E::value_type, float >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
XprLiteral< float > >, Rows,
Cols > 
atan2 (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 arcus tangent of two variables function between XprMatrix and float.
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_drem<
typename E::value_type, float >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
XprLiteral< float > >, Rows,
Cols > 
drem (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 floating-point remainder function between XprMatrix and float.
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_fmod<
typename E::value_type, float >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
XprLiteral< float > >, Rows,
Cols > 
fmod (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 floating-point remainder function between XprMatrix and float.
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_hypot<
typename E::value_type, float >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
XprLiteral< float > >, Rows,
Cols > 
hypot (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Euclidean distance function between XprMatrix and float.
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_jn<
typename E::value_type, float >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
XprLiteral< float > >, Rows,
Cols > 
jn (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Bessel function between XprMatrix and float.
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_yn<
typename E::value_type, float >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
XprLiteral< float > >, Rows,
Cols > 
yn (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Bessel function between XprMatrix and float.
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_pow<
typename E::value_type, float >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
XprLiteral< float > >, Rows,
Cols > 
pow (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 power function between XprMatrix and float.
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_atan2<
typename E::value_type, double >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
XprLiteral< double > >, Rows,
Cols > 
atan2 (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 arcus tangent of two variables function between XprMatrix and double.
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_drem<
typename E::value_type, double >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
XprLiteral< double > >, Rows,
Cols > 
drem (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 floating-point remainder function between XprMatrix and double.
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_fmod<
typename E::value_type, double >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
XprLiteral< double > >, Rows,
Cols > 
fmod (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 floating-point remainder function between XprMatrix and double.
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_hypot<
typename E::value_type, double >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
XprLiteral< double > >, Rows,
Cols > 
hypot (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Euclidean distance function between XprMatrix and double.
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_jn<
typename E::value_type, double >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
XprLiteral< double > >, Rows,
Cols > 
jn (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Bessel function between XprMatrix and double.
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_yn<
typename E::value_type, double >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
XprLiteral< double > >, Rows,
Cols > 
yn (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Bessel function between XprMatrix and double.
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_pow<
typename E::value_type, double >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
XprLiteral< double > >, Rows,
Cols > 
pow (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 power function between XprMatrix and double.
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_atan2<
typename E::value_type, long
double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows,
Cols >, XprLiteral< long
double > >, Rows, Cols > 
atan2 (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 arcus tangent of two variables function between XprMatrix and long double.
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_drem<
typename E::value_type, long
double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows,
Cols >, XprLiteral< long
double > >, Rows, Cols > 
drem (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 floating-point remainder function between XprMatrix and long double.
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_fmod<
typename E::value_type, long
double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows,
Cols >, XprLiteral< long
double > >, Rows, Cols > 
fmod (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 floating-point remainder function between XprMatrix and long double.
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_hypot<
typename E::value_type, long
double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows,
Cols >, XprLiteral< long
double > >, Rows, Cols > 
hypot (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Euclidean distance function between XprMatrix and long double.
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_jn<
typename E::value_type, long
double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows,
Cols >, XprLiteral< long
double > >, Rows, Cols > 
jn (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Bessel function between XprMatrix and long double.
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_yn<
typename E::value_type, long
double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows,
Cols >, XprLiteral< long
double > >, Rows, Cols > 
yn (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Bessel function between XprMatrix and long double.
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_pow<
typename E::value_type, long
double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows,
Cols >, XprLiteral< long
double > >, Rows, Cols > 
pow (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 power function between XprMatrix and long double.
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class T>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_pow<
typename E::value_type, std::complex<
T > >, XprMatrix< E, Rows,
Cols >, XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > > >, Rows, Cols > 
pow (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 power function between XprMatrix and std::complex<T>.
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class T>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_atan2<
typename E::value_type, std::complex<
T > >, XprMatrix< E, Rows,
Cols >, XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > > >, Rows, Cols > 
atan2 (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 arcus tangent of two variables function between XprMatrix and std::complex<T>.
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class T>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_drem<
typename E::value_type, std::complex<
T > >, XprMatrix< E, Rows,
Cols >, XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > > >, Rows, Cols > 
drem (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 floating-point remainder function between XprMatrix and std::complex<T>.
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class T>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_fmod<
typename E::value_type, std::complex<
T > >, XprMatrix< E, Rows,
Cols >, XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > > >, Rows, Cols > 
fmod (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 floating-point remainder function between XprMatrix and std::complex<T>.
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class T>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_hypot<
typename E::value_type, std::complex<
T > >, XprMatrix< E, Rows,
Cols >, XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > > >, Rows, Cols > 
hypot (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Euclidean distance function between XprMatrix and std::complex<T>.
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class T>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_jn<
typename E::value_type, std::complex<
T > >, XprMatrix< E, Rows,
Cols >, XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > > >, Rows, Cols > 
jn (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Bessel function between XprMatrix and std::complex<T>.
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class T>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_yn<
typename E::value_type, std::complex<
T > >, XprMatrix< E, Rows,
Cols >, XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > > >, Rows, Cols > 
yn (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Bessel function between XprMatrix and std::complex<T>.
template<class E1, class E2, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
typename E1::value_type,
typename E2::value_type >,
XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols >,
XprMatrix< E2, Rows, Cols > >,
Rows, Cols > 
add (const XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const XprMatrix< E2, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E1, class E2, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
typename E1::value_type,
typename E2::value_type >,
XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols >,
XprMatrix< E2, Rows, Cols > >,
Rows, Cols > 
sub (const XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const XprMatrix< E2, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
typename E::value_type, int >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
XprLiteral< int > >, Rows,
Cols > 
add (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
int, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< int >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
add (int lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
typename E::value_type, int >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
XprLiteral< int > >, Rows,
Cols > 
sub (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
int, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< int >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
sub (int lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
typename E::value_type, int >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
XprLiteral< int > >, Rows,
Cols > 
mul (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
int, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< int >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
mul (int lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
typename E::value_type, int >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
XprLiteral< int > >, Rows,
Cols > 
div (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
int, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< int >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
div (int lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
typename E::value_type, float >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
XprLiteral< float > >, Rows,
Cols > 
add (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
float, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< float >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
add (float lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
typename E::value_type, float >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
XprLiteral< float > >, Rows,
Cols > 
sub (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
float, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< float >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
sub (float lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
typename E::value_type, float >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
XprLiteral< float > >, Rows,
Cols > 
mul (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
float, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< float >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
mul (float lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
typename E::value_type, float >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
XprLiteral< float > >, Rows,
Cols > 
div (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
float, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< float >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
div (float lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
typename E::value_type, double >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
XprLiteral< double > >, Rows,
Cols > 
add (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
double, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< double >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
add (double lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
typename E::value_type, double >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
XprLiteral< double > >, Rows,
Cols > 
sub (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
double, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< double >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
sub (double lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
typename E::value_type, double >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
XprLiteral< double > >, Rows,
Cols > 
mul (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
double, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< double >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
mul (double lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
typename E::value_type, double >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
XprLiteral< double > >, Rows,
Cols > 
div (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
double, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< double >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
div (double lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
typename E::value_type, long
double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows,
Cols >, XprLiteral< long
double > >, Rows, Cols > 
add (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
long double, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< long double >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >,
Rows, Cols > 
add (long double lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
typename E::value_type, long
double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows,
Cols >, XprLiteral< long
double > >, Rows, Cols > 
sub (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
long double, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< long double >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >,
Rows, Cols > 
sub (long double lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
typename E::value_type, long
double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows,
Cols >, XprLiteral< long
double > >, Rows, Cols > 
mul (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
long double, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< long double >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >,
Rows, Cols > 
mul (long double lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
typename E::value_type, long
double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows,
Cols >, XprLiteral< long
double > >, Rows, Cols > 
div (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
long double, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< long double >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >,
Rows, Cols > 
div (long double lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
typename E::value_type, std::complex<
T > >, XprMatrix< E, Rows,
Cols >, XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > > >, Rows, Cols > 
add (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
std::complex< T >, typename
E::value_type >, XprLiteral<
std::complex< T > >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
add (const std::complex< T > &lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
typename E::value_type, std::complex<
T > >, XprMatrix< E, Rows,
Cols >, XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > > >, Rows, Cols > 
sub (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
std::complex< T >, typename
E::value_type >, XprLiteral<
std::complex< T > >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
sub (const std::complex< T > &lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
typename E::value_type, std::complex<
T > >, XprMatrix< E, Rows,
Cols >, XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > > >, Rows, Cols > 
mul (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
std::complex< T >, typename
E::value_type >, XprLiteral<
std::complex< T > >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
mul (const std::complex< T > &lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
typename E::value_type, std::complex<
T > >, XprMatrix< E, Rows,
Cols >, XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > > >, Rows, Cols > 
div (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T, class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
std::complex< T >, typename
E::value_type >, XprLiteral<
std::complex< T > >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
div (const std::complex< T > &lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E1, std::size_t Rows1, std::size_t Cols1, class E2, std::size_t Cols2>
XprMatrix< XprMMProduct< XprMatrix<
E1, Rows1, Cols1 >, Rows1,
Cols1, XprMatrix< E2, Cols1,
Cols2 >, Cols2 >, Rows1,
Cols2 > 
prod (const XprMatrix< E1, Rows1, Cols1 > &lhs, const XprMatrix< E2, Cols1, Cols2 > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Evaluate the product of two XprMatrix.
template<class E1, std::size_t Rows1, std::size_t Cols1, class E2, std::size_t Cols2>
XprMatrix< XprMMProductTransposed<
XprMatrix< E1, Rows1, Cols1 >,
Rows1, Cols1, XprMatrix<
E2, Cols1, Cols2 >, Cols2 >,
Cols2, Rows1 > 
trans_prod (const XprMatrix< E1, Rows1, Cols1 > &lhs, const XprMatrix< E2, Cols1, Cols2 > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Function for the trans(matrix-matrix-product) Perform on given Matrix M1 and M2:

\[ (M_1\,M_2)^T \]


template<class E1, std::size_t Rows1, std::size_t Cols1, class E2, std::size_t Cols2>
XprMatrix< XprMtMProduct<
XprMatrix< E1, Rows1, Cols1 >,
Rows1, Cols1, XprMatrix<
E2, Rows1, Cols2 >, Cols2 >,
Cols1, Cols2 > 
MtM_prod (const XprMatrix< E1, Rows1, Cols1 > &lhs, const XprMatrix< E2, Rows1, Cols2 > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Function for the trans(matrix)-matrix-product.
template<class E1, std::size_t Rows1, std::size_t Cols1, class E2, std::size_t Rows2>
XprMatrix< XprMMtProduct<
XprMatrix< E1, Rows1, Cols1 >,
Rows1, Cols1, XprMatrix<
E2, Rows2, Cols1 >, Cols1 >,
Rows1, Rows2 > 
MMt_prod (const XprMatrix< E1, Rows1, Cols1 > &lhs, const XprMatrix< E2, Rows2, Cols1 > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Function for the matrix-trans(matrix)-product.
template<class E1, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class E2>
XprVector< XprMVProduct< XprMatrix<
E1, Rows, Cols >, Rows, Cols,
XprVector< E2, Cols > >,
Rows > 
prod (const XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const XprVector< E2, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Evaluate the product of XprMatrix and XprVector.
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprMatrixTranspose<
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >,
Cols, Rows > 
trans (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Transpose an expression matrix.
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
NumericTraits< typename E::value_type
trace (const XprMatrix< E, Sz, Sz > &m) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprVector< XprMatrixRow< XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols >, Rows, Cols >,
Cols > 
row (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &m, std::size_t no) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Returns a row vector of the given matrix.
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprVector< XprMatrixCol< XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols >, Rows, Cols >,
Rows > 
col (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &m, std::size_t no) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Returns a column vector of the given matrix.
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprMatrixDiag<
XprMatrix< E, Sz, Sz >, Sz >,
Sz > 
diag (const XprMatrix< E, Sz, Sz > &m) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Returns the diagonal vector of the given square matrix.
template<class E1, std::size_t Rows1, std::size_t Cols1, class E2>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
typename E1::value_type,
typename E2::value_type >,
XprMatrix< E1, Rows1, Cols1 >,
XprMatrix< E2, Rows1, Cols1 > >,
Rows1, Cols1 > 
operator+ (const XprMatrix< E1, Rows1, Cols1 > &lhs, const XprMatrix< E2, Rows1, Cols1 > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E1, std::size_t Rows1, std::size_t Cols1, class E2>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
typename E1::value_type,
typename E2::value_type >,
XprMatrix< E1, Rows1, Cols1 >,
XprMatrix< E2, Rows1, Cols1 > >,
Rows1, Cols1 > 
operator- (const XprMatrix< E1, Rows1, Cols1 > &lhs, const XprMatrix< E2, Rows1, Cols1 > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
typename E::value_type, int >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
XprLiteral< int > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator+ (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
int, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< int >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator+ (int lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
typename E::value_type, int >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
XprLiteral< int > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator- (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
int, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< int >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator- (int lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
typename E::value_type, int >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
XprLiteral< int > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator * (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
int, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< int >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator * (int lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
typename E::value_type, int >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
XprLiteral< int > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator/ (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
int, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< int >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator/ (int lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
typename E::value_type, float >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
XprLiteral< float > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator+ (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
float, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< float >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator+ (float lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
typename E::value_type, float >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
XprLiteral< float > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator- (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
float, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< float >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator- (float lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
typename E::value_type, float >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
XprLiteral< float > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator * (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
float, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< float >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator * (float lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
typename E::value_type, float >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
XprLiteral< float > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator/ (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
float, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< float >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator/ (float lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
typename E::value_type, double >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
XprLiteral< double > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator+ (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
double, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< double >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator+ (double lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
typename E::value_type, double >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
XprLiteral< double > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator- (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
double, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< double >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator- (double lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
typename E::value_type, double >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
XprLiteral< double > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator * (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
double, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< double >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator * (double lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
typename E::value_type, double >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
XprLiteral< double > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator/ (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
double, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< double >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator/ (double lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
typename E::value_type, long
double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows,
Cols >, XprLiteral< long
double > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator+ (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
long double, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< long double >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >,
Rows, Cols > 
operator+ (long double lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
typename E::value_type, long
double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows,
Cols >, XprLiteral< long
double > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator- (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
long double, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< long double >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >,
Rows, Cols > 
operator- (long double lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
typename E::value_type, long
double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows,
Cols >, XprLiteral< long
double > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator * (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
long double, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< long double >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >,
Rows, Cols > 
operator * (long double lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
typename E::value_type, long
double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows,
Cols >, XprLiteral< long
double > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator/ (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
long double, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< long double >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >,
Rows, Cols > 
operator/ (long double lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class T>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
typename E::value_type, std::complex<
T > >, XprMatrix< E, Rows,
Cols >, XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator+ (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class T>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
std::complex< T >, typename
E::value_type >, XprLiteral<
std::complex< T > >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator+ (const std::complex< T > &lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class T>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
typename E::value_type, std::complex<
T > >, XprMatrix< E, Rows,
Cols >, XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator- (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class T>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
std::complex< T >, typename
E::value_type >, XprLiteral<
std::complex< T > >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator- (const std::complex< T > &lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class T>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
typename E::value_type, std::complex<
T > >, XprMatrix< E, Rows,
Cols >, XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator * (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class T>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
std::complex< T >, typename
E::value_type >, XprLiteral<
std::complex< T > >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator * (const std::complex< T > &lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class T>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
typename E::value_type, std::complex<
T > >, XprMatrix< E, Rows,
Cols >, XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator/ (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class T>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
std::complex< T >, typename
E::value_type >, XprLiteral<
std::complex< T > >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator/ (const std::complex< T > &lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E1, std::size_t Rows1, std::size_t Cols1, class E2, std::size_t Cols2>
XprMatrix< XprMMProduct< XprMatrix<
E1, Rows1, Cols1 >, Rows1,
Cols1, XprMatrix< E2, Cols1,
Cols2 >, Cols2 >, Rows1,
Cols2 > 
operator * (const XprMatrix< E1, Rows1, Cols1 > &lhs, const XprMatrix< E2, Cols1, Cols2 > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Multliply operator for two XprMatrix.
template<class E1, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class E2>
XprVector< XprMVProduct< XprMatrix<
E1, Rows, Cols >, Rows, Cols,
XprVector< E2, Cols > >,
Rows > 
operator * (const XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const XprVector< E2, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Evaluate the product of XprMatrix and XprVector.
template<class E1, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class E2>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater<
typename E1::value_type,
typename E2::value_type >,
XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols >,
XprMatrix< E2, Rows, Cols > >,
Rows, Cols > 
operator> (const XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const XprMatrix< E2, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E1, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class E2>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less<
typename E1::value_type,
typename E2::value_type >,
XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols >,
XprMatrix< E2, Rows, Cols > >,
Rows, Cols > 
operator< (const XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const XprMatrix< E2, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E1, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class E2>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq<
typename E1::value_type,
typename E2::value_type >,
XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols >,
XprMatrix< E2, Rows, Cols > >,
Rows, Cols > 
operator>= (const XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const XprMatrix< E2, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E1, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class E2>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq<
typename E1::value_type,
typename E2::value_type >,
XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols >,
XprMatrix< E2, Rows, Cols > >,
Rows, Cols > 
operator<= (const XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const XprMatrix< E2, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E1, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class E2>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq<
typename E1::value_type,
typename E2::value_type >,
XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols >,
XprMatrix< E2, Rows, Cols > >,
Rows, Cols > 
operator== (const XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const XprMatrix< E2, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E1, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class E2>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq<
typename E1::value_type,
typename E2::value_type >,
XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols >,
XprMatrix< E2, Rows, Cols > >,
Rows, Cols > 
operator!= (const XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const XprMatrix< E2, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E1, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class E2>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_and<
typename E1::value_type,
typename E2::value_type >,
XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols >,
XprMatrix< E2, Rows, Cols > >,
Rows, Cols > 
operator && (const XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const XprMatrix< E2, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E1, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class E2>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_or<
typename E1::value_type,
typename E2::value_type >,
XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols >,
XprMatrix< E2, Rows, Cols > >,
Rows, Cols > 
operator|| (const XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const XprMatrix< E2, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class T>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater<
typename E::value_type, std::complex<
T > >, XprMatrix< E, Rows,
Cols >, XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator> (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class T>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater<
std::complex< T >, typename
E::value_type >, XprLiteral<
std::complex< T > >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator> (const std::complex< T > &lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class T>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less<
typename E::value_type, std::complex<
T > >, XprMatrix< E, Rows,
Cols >, XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator< (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class T>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less<
std::complex< T >, typename
E::value_type >, XprLiteral<
std::complex< T > >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator< (const std::complex< T > &lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class T>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq<
typename E::value_type, std::complex<
T > >, XprMatrix< E, Rows,
Cols >, XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator>= (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class T>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq<
std::complex< T >, typename
E::value_type >, XprLiteral<
std::complex< T > >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator>= (const std::complex< T > &lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class T>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq<
typename E::value_type, std::complex<
T > >, XprMatrix< E, Rows,
Cols >, XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator<= (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class T>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq<
std::complex< T >, typename
E::value_type >, XprLiteral<
std::complex< T > >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator<= (const std::complex< T > &lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class T>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq<
typename E::value_type, std::complex<
T > >, XprMatrix< E, Rows,
Cols >, XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator== (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class T>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq<
std::complex< T >, typename
E::value_type >, XprLiteral<
std::complex< T > >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator== (const std::complex< T > &lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class T>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq<
typename E::value_type, std::complex<
T > >, XprMatrix< E, Rows,
Cols >, XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator!= (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class T>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq<
std::complex< T >, typename
E::value_type >, XprLiteral<
std::complex< T > >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator!= (const std::complex< T > &lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class T>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_and<
typename E::value_type, std::complex<
T > >, XprMatrix< E, Rows,
Cols >, XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator && (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class T>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_and<
std::complex< T >, typename
E::value_type >, XprLiteral<
std::complex< T > >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator && (const std::complex< T > &lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class T>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_or<
typename E::value_type, std::complex<
T > >, XprMatrix< E, Rows,
Cols >, XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator|| (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class T>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_or<
std::complex< T >, typename
E::value_type >, XprLiteral<
std::complex< T > >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator|| (const std::complex< T > &lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater<
typename E::value_type, int >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
XprLiteral< int > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator> (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater<
int, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< int >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator> (int lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less<
typename E::value_type, int >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
XprLiteral< int > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator< (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less<
int, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< int >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator< (int lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq<
typename E::value_type, int >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
XprLiteral< int > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator>= (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq<
int, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< int >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator>= (int lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq<
typename E::value_type, int >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
XprLiteral< int > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator<= (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq<
int, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< int >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator<= (int lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq<
typename E::value_type, int >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
XprLiteral< int > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator== (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq<
int, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< int >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator== (int lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq<
typename E::value_type, int >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
XprLiteral< int > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator!= (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq<
int, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< int >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator!= (int lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_and<
typename E::value_type, int >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
XprLiteral< int > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator && (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Logical AND operator between XprMatrix and int.
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_and<
int, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< int >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator && (int lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Logical AND operator between int and XprMatrix.
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_or<
typename E::value_type, int >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
XprLiteral< int > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator|| (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Logical OR operator between XprMatrix and int.
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_or<
int, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< int >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator|| (int lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Logical OR operator between int and XprMatrix.
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater<
typename E::value_type, float >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
XprLiteral< float > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator> (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater<
float, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< float >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator> (float lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less<
typename E::value_type, float >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
XprLiteral< float > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator< (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less<
float, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< float >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator< (float lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq<
typename E::value_type, float >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
XprLiteral< float > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator>= (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq<
float, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< float >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator>= (float lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq<
typename E::value_type, float >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
XprLiteral< float > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator<= (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq<
float, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< float >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator<= (float lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq<
typename E::value_type, float >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
XprLiteral< float > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator== (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq<
float, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< float >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator== (float lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq<
typename E::value_type, float >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
XprLiteral< float > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator!= (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq<
float, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< float >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator!= (float lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_and<
typename E::value_type, float >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
XprLiteral< float > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator && (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_and<
float, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< float >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator && (float lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_or<
typename E::value_type, float >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
XprLiteral< float > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator|| (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_or<
float, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< float >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator|| (float lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater<
typename E::value_type, double >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
XprLiteral< double > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator> (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater<
double, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< double >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator> (double lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less<
typename E::value_type, double >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
XprLiteral< double > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator< (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less<
double, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< double >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator< (double lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq<
typename E::value_type, double >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
XprLiteral< double > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator>= (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq<
double, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< double >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator>= (double lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq<
typename E::value_type, double >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
XprLiteral< double > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator<= (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq<
double, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< double >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator<= (double lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq<
typename E::value_type, double >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
XprLiteral< double > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator== (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq<
double, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< double >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator== (double lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq<
typename E::value_type, double >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
XprLiteral< double > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator!= (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq<
double, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< double >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator!= (double lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_and<
typename E::value_type, double >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
XprLiteral< double > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator && (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_and<
double, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< double >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator && (double lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_or<
typename E::value_type, double >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >,
XprLiteral< double > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator|| (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_or<
double, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< double >, XprMatrix<
E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows,
Cols > 
operator|| (double lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater<
typename E::value_type, long
double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows,
Cols >, XprLiteral< long
double > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator> (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater<
long double, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< long double >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >,
Rows, Cols > 
operator> (long double lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less<
typename E::value_type, long
double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows,
Cols >, XprLiteral< long
double > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator< (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less<
long double, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< long double >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >,
Rows, Cols > 
operator< (long double lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq<
typename E::value_type, long
double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows,
Cols >, XprLiteral< long
double > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator>= (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq<
long double, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< long double >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >,
Rows, Cols > 
operator>= (long double lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq<
typename E::value_type, long
double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows,
Cols >, XprLiteral< long
double > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator<= (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq<
long double, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< long double >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >,
Rows, Cols > 
operator<= (long double lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq<
typename E::value_type, long
double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows,
Cols >, XprLiteral< long
double > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator== (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq<
long double, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< long double >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >,
Rows, Cols > 
operator== (long double lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq<
typename E::value_type, long
double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows,
Cols >, XprLiteral< long
double > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator!= (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq<
long double, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< long double >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >,
Rows, Cols > 
operator!= (long double lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_and<
typename E::value_type, long
double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows,
Cols >, XprLiteral< long
double > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator && (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_and<
long double, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< long double >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >,
Rows, Cols > 
operator && (long double lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_or<
typename E::value_type, long
double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows,
Cols >, XprLiteral< long
double > >, Rows, Cols > 
operator|| (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_or<
long double, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< long double >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >,
Rows, Cols > 
operator|| (long double lhs, const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_not<
typename E::value_type >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >,
Rows, Cols > 
operator! (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &m) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Logical Not operator for XprMatrix.
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_compl<
typename E::value_type >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >,
Rows, Cols > 
operator~ (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &m) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Bitwise Not operator for XprMatrix.
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_neg<
typename E::value_type >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >,
Rows, Cols > 
operator- (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &m) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Negate operator for XprMatrix.
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_abs<
typename E::value_type >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >,
Rows, Cols > 
abs (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 absolute value function for XprMatrix.
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_cbrt<
typename E::value_type >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >,
Rows, Cols > 
cbrt (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 cube root function for XprMatrix.
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_ceil<
typename E::value_type >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >,
Rows, Cols > 
ceil (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_floor<
typename E::value_type >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >,
Rows, Cols > 
floor (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 round function for XprMatrix.
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_rint<
typename E::value_type >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >,
Rows, Cols > 
rint (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 round function for XprMatrix.
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_sin<
typename E::value_type >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >,
Rows, Cols > 
sin (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 sin function for XprMatrix.
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_cos<
typename E::value_type >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >,
Rows, Cols > 
cos (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 cos function for XprMatrix.
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_tan<
typename E::value_type >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >,
Rows, Cols > 
tan (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_sinh<
typename E::value_type >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >,
Rows, Cols > 
sinh (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 sinh function for XprMatrix.
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_cosh<
typename E::value_type >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >,
Rows, Cols > 
cosh (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 cosh function for XprMatrix.
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_tanh<
typename E::value_type >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >,
Rows, Cols > 
tanh (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_asin<
typename E::value_type >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >,
Rows, Cols > 
asin (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 asin function for XprMatrix.
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_acos<
typename E::value_type >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >,
Rows, Cols > 
acos (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 acos function for XprMatrix.
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_atan<
typename E::value_type >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >,
Rows, Cols > 
atan (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 atan function for XprMatrix.
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_exp<
typename E::value_type >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >,
Rows, Cols > 
exp (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 exponential function for XprMatrix.
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_log<
typename E::value_type >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >,
Rows, Cols > 
log (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 logarithmic function for XprMatrix.
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_log10<
typename E::value_type >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >,
Rows, Cols > 
log10 (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 logarithmic function for XprMatrix.
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_sqrt<
typename E::value_type >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >,
Rows, Cols > 
sqrt (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 sqrt function for XprMatrix.
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_asinh<
typename E::value_type >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >,
Rows, Cols > 
asinh (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 IEEE Math asinh function for XprMatrix.
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_acosh<
typename E::value_type >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >,
Rows, Cols > 
acosh (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 IEEE Math acosh function for XprMatrix.
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_atanh<
typename E::value_type >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >,
Rows, Cols > 
atanh (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 IEEE Math atanh function for XprMatrix.
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_expm1<
typename E::value_type >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >,
Rows, Cols > 
expm1 (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 IEEE Math expm1 function for XprMatrix.
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_log1p<
typename E::value_type >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >,
Rows, Cols > 
log1p (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 IEEE Math log1p function for XprMatrix.
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_erf<
typename E::value_type >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >,
Rows, Cols > 
erf (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 IEEE Math erf function for XprMatrix.
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_erfc<
typename E::value_type >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >,
Rows, Cols > 
erfc (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 IEEE Math erfc function for XprMatrix.
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_j0<
typename E::value_type >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >,
Rows, Cols > 
j0 (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 IEEE Math Bessel function for XprMatrix.
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_j1<
typename E::value_type >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >,
Rows, Cols > 
j1 (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 IEEE Math Bessel function for XprMatrix.
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_y0<
typename E::value_type >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >,
Rows, Cols > 
y0 (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 IEEE Math Bessel function for XprMatrix.
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_y1<
typename E::value_type >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >,
Rows, Cols > 
y1 (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 IEEE Math Bessel function for XprMatrix.
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_lgamma<
typename E::value_type >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >,
Rows, Cols > 
lgamma (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 IEEE Math lgamma function for XprMatrix.
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_isnan<
typename E::value_type >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >,
Rows, Cols > 
isnan (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs)
 IEEE Math isnan.
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_isinf<
typename E::value_type >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >,
Rows, Cols > 
isinf (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 IEEE Math isinf.
template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_finite<
typename E::value_type >,
XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >,
Rows, Cols > 
finite (const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class T>
operator+ (const T &lhs, XprNull)
template<class T>
operator- (const T &lhs, XprNull)
template<class T>
operator * (const T &lhs, XprNull)
template<class T>
operator/ (const T &lhs, XprNull)
template<class E1, class E2, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_atan2<
typename E1::value_type,
typename E2::value_type >,
XprVector< E1, Sz >, XprVector<
E2, Sz > >, Sz > 
atan2 (const XprVector< E1, Sz > &lhs, const XprVector< E2, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 arcus tangent of two variables function for two XprVector.
template<class E1, class E2, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_drem<
typename E1::value_type,
typename E2::value_type >,
XprVector< E1, Sz >, XprVector<
E2, Sz > >, Sz > 
drem (const XprVector< E1, Sz > &lhs, const XprVector< E2, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 floating-point remainder function for two XprVector.
template<class E1, class E2, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_fmod<
typename E1::value_type,
typename E2::value_type >,
XprVector< E1, Sz >, XprVector<
E2, Sz > >, Sz > 
fmod (const XprVector< E1, Sz > &lhs, const XprVector< E2, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 floating-point remainder function for two XprVector.
template<class E1, class E2, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_hypot<
typename E1::value_type,
typename E2::value_type >,
XprVector< E1, Sz >, XprVector<
E2, Sz > >, Sz > 
hypot (const XprVector< E1, Sz > &lhs, const XprVector< E2, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Euclidean distance function for two XprVector.
template<class E1, class E2, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_jn<
typename E1::value_type,
typename E2::value_type >,
XprVector< E1, Sz >, XprVector<
E2, Sz > >, Sz > 
jn (const XprVector< E1, Sz > &lhs, const XprVector< E2, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Bessel function for two XprVector.
template<class E1, class E2, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_yn<
typename E1::value_type,
typename E2::value_type >,
XprVector< E1, Sz >, XprVector<
E2, Sz > >, Sz > 
yn (const XprVector< E1, Sz > &lhs, const XprVector< E2, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Bessel function for two XprVector.
template<class E1, class E2, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_pow<
typename E1::value_type,
typename E2::value_type >,
XprVector< E1, Sz >, XprVector<
E2, Sz > >, Sz > 
pow (const XprVector< E1, Sz > &lhs, const XprVector< E2, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 power function for two XprVector.
template<class E1, class E2, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_polar<
typename E1::value_type,
typename E2::value_type >,
XprVector< E1, Sz >, XprVector<
E2, Sz > >, Sz > 
polar (const XprVector< E1, Sz > &lhs, const XprVector< E2, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_atan2<
typename E::value_type, int >,
XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral<
int > >, Sz > 
atan2 (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 arcus tangent of two variables function between XprVector and int.
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_drem<
typename E::value_type, int >,
XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral<
int > >, Sz > 
drem (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 floating-point remainder function between XprVector and int.
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_fmod<
typename E::value_type, int >,
XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral<
int > >, Sz > 
fmod (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 floating-point remainder function between XprVector and int.
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_hypot<
typename E::value_type, int >,
XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral<
int > >, Sz > 
hypot (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Euclidean distance function between XprVector and int.
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_jn<
typename E::value_type, int >,
XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral<
int > >, Sz > 
jn (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Bessel function between XprVector and int.
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_yn<
typename E::value_type, int >,
XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral<
int > >, Sz > 
yn (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Bessel function between XprVector and int.
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_pow<
typename E::value_type, int >,
XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral<
int > >, Sz > 
pow (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 power function between XprVector and int.
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_atan2<
typename E::value_type, float >,
XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral<
float > >, Sz > 
atan2 (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 arcus tangent of two variables function between XprVector and float.
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_drem<
typename E::value_type, float >,
XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral<
float > >, Sz > 
drem (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 floating-point remainder function between XprVector and float.
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_fmod<
typename E::value_type, float >,
XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral<
float > >, Sz > 
fmod (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 floating-point remainder function between XprVector and float.
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_hypot<
typename E::value_type, float >,
XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral<
float > >, Sz > 
hypot (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Euclidean distance function between XprVector and float.
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_jn<
typename E::value_type, float >,
XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral<
float > >, Sz > 
jn (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Bessel function between XprVector and float.
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_yn<
typename E::value_type, float >,
XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral<
float > >, Sz > 
yn (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Bessel function between XprVector and float.
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_pow<
typename E::value_type, float >,
XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral<
float > >, Sz > 
pow (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 power function between XprVector and float.
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_atan2<
typename E::value_type, double >,
XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral<
double > >, Sz > 
atan2 (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 arcus tangent of two variables function between XprVector and double.
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_drem<
typename E::value_type, double >,
XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral<
double > >, Sz > 
drem (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 floating-point remainder function between XprVector and double.
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_fmod<
typename E::value_type, double >,
XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral<
double > >, Sz > 
fmod (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 floating-point remainder function between XprVector and double.
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_hypot<
typename E::value_type, double >,
XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral<
double > >, Sz > 
hypot (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Euclidean distance function between XprVector and double.
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_jn<
typename E::value_type, double >,
XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral<
double > >, Sz > 
jn (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Bessel function between XprVector and double.
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_yn<
typename E::value_type, double >,
XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral<
double > >, Sz > 
yn (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Bessel function between XprVector and double.
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_pow<
typename E::value_type, double >,
XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral<
double > >, Sz > 
pow (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 power function between XprVector and double.
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_atan2<
typename E::value_type, long
double >, XprVector< E, Sz >,
XprLiteral< long double > >,
Sz > 
atan2 (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 arcus tangent of two variables function between XprVector and long double.
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_drem<
typename E::value_type, long
double >, XprVector< E, Sz >,
XprLiteral< long double > >,
Sz > 
drem (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 floating-point remainder function between XprVector and long double.
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_fmod<
typename E::value_type, long
double >, XprVector< E, Sz >,
XprLiteral< long double > >,
Sz > 
fmod (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 floating-point remainder function between XprVector and long double.
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_hypot<
typename E::value_type, long
double >, XprVector< E, Sz >,
XprLiteral< long double > >,
Sz > 
hypot (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Euclidean distance function between XprVector and long double.
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_jn<
typename E::value_type, long
double >, XprVector< E, Sz >,
XprLiteral< long double > >,
Sz > 
jn (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Bessel function between XprVector and long double.
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_yn<
typename E::value_type, long
double >, XprVector< E, Sz >,
XprLiteral< long double > >,
Sz > 
yn (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Bessel function between XprVector and long double.
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_pow<
typename E::value_type, long
double >, XprVector< E, Sz >,
XprLiteral< long double > >,
Sz > 
pow (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 power function between XprVector and long double.
template<class E, std::size_t Sz, class T>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_atan2<
typename E::value_type, std::complex<
T > >, XprVector< E, Sz >,
XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > > >, Sz > 
atan2 (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 arcus tangent of two variables function between XprVector and std::complex<T>.
template<class E, std::size_t Sz, class T>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_drem<
typename E::value_type, std::complex<
T > >, XprVector< E, Sz >,
XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > > >, Sz > 
drem (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 floating-point remainder function between XprVector and std::complex<T>.
template<class E, std::size_t Sz, class T>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_fmod<
typename E::value_type, std::complex<
T > >, XprVector< E, Sz >,
XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > > >, Sz > 
fmod (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 floating-point remainder function between XprVector and std::complex<T>.
template<class E, std::size_t Sz, class T>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_hypot<
typename E::value_type, std::complex<
T > >, XprVector< E, Sz >,
XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > > >, Sz > 
hypot (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Euclidean distance function between XprVector and std::complex<T>.
template<class E, std::size_t Sz, class T>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_jn<
typename E::value_type, std::complex<
T > >, XprVector< E, Sz >,
XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > > >, Sz > 
jn (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Bessel function between XprVector and std::complex<T>.
template<class E, std::size_t Sz, class T>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_yn<
typename E::value_type, std::complex<
T > >, XprVector< E, Sz >,
XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > > >, Sz > 
yn (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Bessel function between XprVector and std::complex<T>.
template<class E, std::size_t Sz, class T>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_pow<
typename E::value_type, std::complex<
T > >, XprVector< E, Sz >,
XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > > >, Sz > 
pow (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 power function between XprVector and std::complex<T>.
template<class E1, class E2, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
typename E1::value_type,
typename E2::value_type >,
XprVector< E1, Sz >, XprVector<
E2, Sz > >, Sz > 
add (const XprVector< E1, Sz > &lhs, const XprVector< E2, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E1, class E2, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
typename E1::value_type,
typename E2::value_type >,
XprVector< E1, Sz >, XprVector<
E2, Sz > >, Sz > 
sub (const XprVector< E1, Sz > &lhs, const XprVector< E2, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E1, class E2, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
typename E1::value_type,
typename E2::value_type >,
XprVector< E1, Sz >, XprVector<
E2, Sz > >, Sz > 
mul (const XprVector< E1, Sz > &lhs, const XprVector< E2, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
typename E::value_type, int >,
XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral<
int > >, Sz > 
add (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
int, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< int >, XprVector<
E, Sz > >, Sz > 
add (int lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
typename E::value_type, int >,
XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral<
int > >, Sz > 
sub (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
int, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< int >, XprVector<
E, Sz > >, Sz > 
sub (int lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
typename E::value_type, int >,
XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral<
int > >, Sz > 
mul (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
int, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< int >, XprVector<
E, Sz > >, Sz > 
mul (int lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
typename E::value_type, int >,
XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral<
int > >, Sz > 
div (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
int, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< int >, XprVector<
E, Sz > >, Sz > 
div (int lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
typename E::value_type, float >,
XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral<
float > >, Sz > 
add (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
float, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< float >, XprVector<
E, Sz > >, Sz > 
add (float lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
typename E::value_type, float >,
XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral<
float > >, Sz > 
sub (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
float, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< float >, XprVector<
E, Sz > >, Sz > 
sub (float lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
typename E::value_type, float >,
XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral<
float > >, Sz > 
mul (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
float, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< float >, XprVector<
E, Sz > >, Sz > 
mul (float lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
typename E::value_type, float >,
XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral<
float > >, Sz > 
div (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
float, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< float >, XprVector<
E, Sz > >, Sz > 
div (float lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
typename E::value_type, double >,
XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral<
double > >, Sz > 
add (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
double, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< double >, XprVector<
E, Sz > >, Sz > 
add (double lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
typename E::value_type, double >,
XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral<
double > >, Sz > 
sub (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
double, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< double >, XprVector<
E, Sz > >, Sz > 
sub (double lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
typename E::value_type, double >,
XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral<
double > >, Sz > 
mul (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
double, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< double >, XprVector<
E, Sz > >, Sz > 
mul (double lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
typename E::value_type, double >,
XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral<
double > >, Sz > 
div (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
double, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< double >, XprVector<
E, Sz > >, Sz > 
div (double lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
typename E::value_type, long
double >, XprVector< E, Sz >,
XprLiteral< long double > >,
Sz > 
add (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
long double, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< long double >,
XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > 
add (long double lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
typename E::value_type, long
double >, XprVector< E, Sz >,
XprLiteral< long double > >,
Sz > 
sub (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
long double, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< long double >,
XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > 
sub (long double lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
typename E::value_type, long
double >, XprVector< E, Sz >,
XprLiteral< long double > >,
Sz > 
mul (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
long double, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< long double >,
XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > 
mul (long double lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
typename E::value_type, long
double >, XprVector< E, Sz >,
XprLiteral< long double > >,
Sz > 
div (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
long double, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< long double >,
XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > 
div (long double lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz, class T>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
typename E::value_type, std::complex<
T > >, XprVector< E, Sz >,
XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > > >, Sz > 
add (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz, class T>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
std::complex< T >, typename
E::value_type >, XprLiteral<
std::complex< T > >, XprVector<
E, Sz > >, Sz > 
add (const std::complex< T > &lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz, class T>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
typename E::value_type, std::complex<
T > >, XprVector< E, Sz >,
XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > > >, Sz > 
sub (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz, class T>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
std::complex< T >, typename
E::value_type >, XprLiteral<
std::complex< T > >, XprVector<
E, Sz > >, Sz > 
sub (const std::complex< T > &lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz, class T>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
typename E::value_type, std::complex<
T > >, XprVector< E, Sz >,
XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > > >, Sz > 
mul (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz, class T>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
std::complex< T >, typename
E::value_type >, XprLiteral<
std::complex< T > >, XprVector<
E, Sz > >, Sz > 
mul (const std::complex< T > &lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz, class T>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
typename E::value_type, std::complex<
T > >, XprVector< E, Sz >,
XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > > >, Sz > 
div (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz, class T>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
std::complex< T >, typename
E::value_type >, XprLiteral<
std::complex< T > >, XprVector<
E, Sz > >, Sz > 
div (const std::complex< T > &lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
NumericTraits< typename E::value_type
sum (const XprVector< E, Sz > &v) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Compute the sum of the vector expression.
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
NumericTraits< typename E::value_type
product (const XprVector< E, Sz > &v) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Compute the product of the vector elements.
template<class E1, class E2, std::size_t Sz>
PromoteTraits< typename E1::value_type,
typename E2::value_type
dot (const XprVector< E1, Sz > &lhs, const XprVector< E2, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Compute the dot/inner product.
template<class T, class E, std::size_t Sz>
PromoteTraits< T, typename
E::value_type >::value_type 
dot (const Vector< T, Sz > &lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Compute the dot/inner product.
template<class E, class T, std::size_t Sz>
PromoteTraits< T, typename
E::value_type >::value_type 
dot (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, const Vector< T, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Compute the dot/inner product.
template<class E1, class E2>
Vector< typename PromoteTraits<
typename E1::value_type,
typename E2::value_type
>::value_type, 3 > 
cross (const XprVector< E1, 3 > &lhs, const XprVector< E2, 3 > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Compute the cross/outer product.
template<class T, class E>
Vector< typename PromoteTraits<
T, typename E::value_type
>::value_type, 3 > 
cross (const Vector< T, 3 > &lhs, const XprVector< E, 3 > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Compute the cross/outer product.
template<class E, class T>
Vector< typename PromoteTraits<
T, typename E::value_type
>::value_type, 3 > 
cross (const XprVector< E, 3 > &lhs, const Vector< T, 3 > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Compute the cross/outer product.
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
NumericTraits< typename E::value_type
norm1 (const XprVector< E, Sz > &v) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 The $l_1$ norm of a vector expression.
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
NumericTraits< typename E::value_type
norm2 (const XprVector< E, Sz > &v) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 The euklidian norm (or $l_2$ norm) of a vector expression.
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
typename E::value_type, typename
E::value_type >, XprVector<
E, Sz >, XprLiteral< typename
E::value_type > >, Sz > 
normalize (const XprVector< E, Sz > &v) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Normalize the given vector expression.
template<class T1, class E2>
Vector< typename PromoteTraits<
T1, typename E2::value_type
>::value_type, 3 > 
cross (const Vector< T1, 3 > &lhs, const XprVector< E2, 3 > &rhs)
template<class E1, class E2, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
typename E1::value_type,
typename E2::value_type >,
XprVector< E1, Sz >, XprVector<
E2, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator+ (const XprVector< E1, Sz > &lhs, const XprVector< E2, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Addition operator for two XprVector.
template<class E1, class E2, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
typename E1::value_type,
typename E2::value_type >,
XprVector< E1, Sz >, XprVector<
E2, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator- (const XprVector< E1, Sz > &lhs, const XprVector< E2, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Subtraction operator for two XprVector.
template<class E1, class E2, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
typename E1::value_type,
typename E2::value_type >,
XprVector< E1, Sz >, XprVector<
E2, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator * (const XprVector< E1, Sz > &lhs, const XprVector< E2, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Multliply operator for two XprVector.
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
typename E::value_type, int >,
XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral<
int > >, Sz > 
operator+ (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
int, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< int >, XprVector<
E, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator+ (int lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
typename E::value_type, int >,
XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral<
int > >, Sz > 
operator- (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
int, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< int >, XprVector<
E, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator- (int lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
typename E::value_type, int >,
XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral<
int > >, Sz > 
operator * (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
int, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< int >, XprVector<
E, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator * (int lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
typename E::value_type, int >,
XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral<
int > >, Sz > 
operator/ (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
int, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< int >, XprVector<
E, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator/ (int lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
typename E::value_type, float >,
XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral<
float > >, Sz > 
operator+ (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
float, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< float >, XprVector<
E, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator+ (float lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
typename E::value_type, float >,
XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral<
float > >, Sz > 
operator- (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
float, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< float >, XprVector<
E, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator- (float lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
typename E::value_type, float >,
XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral<
float > >, Sz > 
operator * (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
float, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< float >, XprVector<
E, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator * (float lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
typename E::value_type, float >,
XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral<
float > >, Sz > 
operator/ (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
float, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< float >, XprVector<
E, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator/ (float lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
typename E::value_type, double >,
XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral<
double > >, Sz > 
operator+ (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
double, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< double >, XprVector<
E, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator+ (double lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
typename E::value_type, double >,
XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral<
double > >, Sz > 
operator- (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
double, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< double >, XprVector<
E, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator- (double lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
typename E::value_type, double >,
XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral<
double > >, Sz > 
operator * (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
double, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< double >, XprVector<
E, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator * (double lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
typename E::value_type, double >,
XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral<
double > >, Sz > 
operator/ (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
double, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< double >, XprVector<
E, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator/ (double lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
typename E::value_type, long
double >, XprVector< E, Sz >,
XprLiteral< long double > >,
Sz > 
operator+ (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
long double, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< long double >,
XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator+ (long double lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
typename E::value_type, long
double >, XprVector< E, Sz >,
XprLiteral< long double > >,
Sz > 
operator- (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
long double, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< long double >,
XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator- (long double lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
typename E::value_type, long
double >, XprVector< E, Sz >,
XprLiteral< long double > >,
Sz > 
operator * (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
long double, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< long double >,
XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator * (long double lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
typename E::value_type, long
double >, XprVector< E, Sz >,
XprLiteral< long double > >,
Sz > 
operator/ (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
long double, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< long double >,
XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator/ (long double lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz, class T>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
typename E::value_type, std::complex<
T > >, XprVector< E, Sz >,
XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > > >, Sz > 
operator+ (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz, class T>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add<
std::complex< T >, typename
E::value_type >, XprLiteral<
std::complex< T > >, XprVector<
E, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator+ (const std::complex< T > &lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz, class T>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
typename E::value_type, std::complex<
T > >, XprVector< E, Sz >,
XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > > >, Sz > 
operator- (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz, class T>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub<
std::complex< T >, typename
E::value_type >, XprLiteral<
std::complex< T > >, XprVector<
E, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator- (const std::complex< T > &lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz, class T>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
typename E::value_type, std::complex<
T > >, XprVector< E, Sz >,
XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > > >, Sz > 
operator * (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz, class T>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul<
std::complex< T >, typename
E::value_type >, XprLiteral<
std::complex< T > >, XprVector<
E, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator * (const std::complex< T > &lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz, class T>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
typename E::value_type, std::complex<
T > >, XprVector< E, Sz >,
XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > > >, Sz > 
operator/ (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz, class T>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div<
std::complex< T >, typename
E::value_type >, XprLiteral<
std::complex< T > >, XprVector<
E, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator/ (const std::complex< T > &lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E1, class E2, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater<
typename E1::value_type,
typename E2::value_type >,
XprVector< E1, Sz >, XprVector<
E2, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator> (const XprVector< E1, Sz > &lhs, const XprVector< E2, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Bigger operator for two XprVector.
template<class E1, class E2, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less<
typename E1::value_type,
typename E2::value_type >,
XprVector< E1, Sz >, XprVector<
E2, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator< (const XprVector< E1, Sz > &lhs, const XprVector< E2, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Lesser operator for two XprVector.
template<class E1, class E2, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq<
typename E1::value_type,
typename E2::value_type >,
XprVector< E1, Sz >, XprVector<
E2, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator>= (const XprVector< E1, Sz > &lhs, const XprVector< E2, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Bigger Equal operator for two XprVector.
template<class E1, class E2, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq<
typename E1::value_type,
typename E2::value_type >,
XprVector< E1, Sz >, XprVector<
E2, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator<= (const XprVector< E1, Sz > &lhs, const XprVector< E2, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Less Equal operator for two XprVector.
template<class E1, class E2, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq<
typename E1::value_type,
typename E2::value_type >,
XprVector< E1, Sz >, XprVector<
E2, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator== (const XprVector< E1, Sz > &lhs, const XprVector< E2, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Equal operator for two XprVector.
template<class E1, class E2, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq<
typename E1::value_type,
typename E2::value_type >,
XprVector< E1, Sz >, XprVector<
E2, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator!= (const XprVector< E1, Sz > &lhs, const XprVector< E2, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Not Equal operator for two XprVector.
template<class E1, class E2, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_and<
typename E1::value_type,
typename E2::value_type >,
XprVector< E1, Sz >, XprVector<
E2, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator && (const XprVector< E1, Sz > &lhs, const XprVector< E2, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Logical AND operator for two XprVector.
template<class E1, class E2, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_or<
typename E1::value_type,
typename E2::value_type >,
XprVector< E1, Sz >, XprVector<
E2, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator|| (const XprVector< E1, Sz > &lhs, const XprVector< E2, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Logical OR operator for two XprVector.
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater<
typename E::value_type, int >,
XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral<
int > >, Sz > 
operator> (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater<
int, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< int >, XprVector<
E, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator> (int lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less<
typename E::value_type, int >,
XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral<
int > >, Sz > 
operator< (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less<
int, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< int >, XprVector<
E, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator< (int lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq<
typename E::value_type, int >,
XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral<
int > >, Sz > 
operator>= (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq<
int, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< int >, XprVector<
E, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator>= (int lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq<
typename E::value_type, int >,
XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral<
int > >, Sz > 
operator<= (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq<
int, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< int >, XprVector<
E, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator<= (int lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq<
typename E::value_type, int >,
XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral<
int > >, Sz > 
operator== (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq<
int, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< int >, XprVector<
E, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator== (int lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq<
typename E::value_type, int >,
XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral<
int > >, Sz > 
operator!= (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq<
int, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< int >, XprVector<
E, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator!= (int lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_and<
typename E::value_type, int >,
XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral<
int > >, Sz > 
operator && (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Logical AND operator between XprVector and int.
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_and<
int, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< int >, XprVector<
E, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator && (int lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Logical AND operator between int and XprVector.
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_or<
typename E::value_type, int >,
XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral<
int > >, Sz > 
operator|| (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, int rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Logical OR operator between XprVector and int.
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_or<
int, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< int >, XprVector<
E, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator|| (int lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Logical OR operator between int and XprVector.
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater<
typename E::value_type, float >,
XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral<
float > >, Sz > 
operator> (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater<
float, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< float >, XprVector<
E, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator> (float lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less<
typename E::value_type, float >,
XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral<
float > >, Sz > 
operator< (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less<
float, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< float >, XprVector<
E, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator< (float lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq<
typename E::value_type, float >,
XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral<
float > >, Sz > 
operator>= (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq<
float, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< float >, XprVector<
E, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator>= (float lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq<
typename E::value_type, float >,
XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral<
float > >, Sz > 
operator<= (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq<
float, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< float >, XprVector<
E, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator<= (float lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq<
typename E::value_type, float >,
XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral<
float > >, Sz > 
operator== (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq<
float, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< float >, XprVector<
E, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator== (float lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq<
typename E::value_type, float >,
XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral<
float > >, Sz > 
operator!= (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, float rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq<
float, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< float >, XprVector<
E, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator!= (float lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater<
typename E::value_type, double >,
XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral<
double > >, Sz > 
operator> (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater<
double, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< double >, XprVector<
E, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator> (double lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less<
typename E::value_type, double >,
XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral<
double > >, Sz > 
operator< (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less<
double, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< double >, XprVector<
E, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator< (double lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq<
typename E::value_type, double >,
XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral<
double > >, Sz > 
operator>= (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq<
double, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< double >, XprVector<
E, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator>= (double lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq<
typename E::value_type, double >,
XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral<
double > >, Sz > 
operator<= (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq<
double, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< double >, XprVector<
E, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator<= (double lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq<
typename E::value_type, double >,
XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral<
double > >, Sz > 
operator== (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq<
double, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< double >, XprVector<
E, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator== (double lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq<
typename E::value_type, double >,
XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral<
double > >, Sz > 
operator!= (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq<
double, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< double >, XprVector<
E, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator!= (double lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater<
typename E::value_type, long
double >, XprVector< E, Sz >,
XprLiteral< long double > >,
Sz > 
operator> (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater<
long double, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< long double >,
XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator> (long double lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less<
typename E::value_type, long
double >, XprVector< E, Sz >,
XprLiteral< long double > >,
Sz > 
operator< (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less<
long double, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< long double >,
XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator< (long double lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq<
typename E::value_type, long
double >, XprVector< E, Sz >,
XprLiteral< long double > >,
Sz > 
operator>= (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq<
long double, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< long double >,
XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator>= (long double lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq<
typename E::value_type, long
double >, XprVector< E, Sz >,
XprLiteral< long double > >,
Sz > 
operator<= (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq<
long double, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< long double >,
XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator<= (long double lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq<
typename E::value_type, long
double >, XprVector< E, Sz >,
XprLiteral< long double > >,
Sz > 
operator== (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq<
long double, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< long double >,
XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator== (long double lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq<
typename E::value_type, long
double >, XprVector< E, Sz >,
XprLiteral< long double > >,
Sz > 
operator!= (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, long double rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq<
long double, typename E::value_type >,
XprLiteral< long double >,
XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator!= (long double lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz, class T>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater<
typename E::value_type, std::complex<
T > >, XprVector< E, Sz >,
XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > > >, Sz > 
operator> (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz, class T>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater<
std::complex< T >, typename
E::value_type >, XprLiteral<
std::complex< T > >, XprVector<
E, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator> (const std::complex< T > &lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz, class T>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less<
typename E::value_type, std::complex<
T > >, XprVector< E, Sz >,
XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > > >, Sz > 
operator< (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz, class T>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less<
std::complex< T >, typename
E::value_type >, XprLiteral<
std::complex< T > >, XprVector<
E, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator< (const std::complex< T > &lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz, class T>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq<
typename E::value_type, std::complex<
T > >, XprVector< E, Sz >,
XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > > >, Sz > 
operator>= (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz, class T>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq<
std::complex< T >, typename
E::value_type >, XprLiteral<
std::complex< T > >, XprVector<
E, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator>= (const std::complex< T > &lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz, class T>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq<
typename E::value_type, std::complex<
T > >, XprVector< E, Sz >,
XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > > >, Sz > 
operator<= (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz, class T>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq<
std::complex< T >, typename
E::value_type >, XprLiteral<
std::complex< T > >, XprVector<
E, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator<= (const std::complex< T > &lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz, class T>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq<
typename E::value_type, std::complex<
T > >, XprVector< E, Sz >,
XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > > >, Sz > 
operator== (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz, class T>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq<
std::complex< T >, typename
E::value_type >, XprLiteral<
std::complex< T > >, XprVector<
E, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator== (const std::complex< T > &lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz, class T>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq<
typename E::value_type, std::complex<
T > >, XprVector< E, Sz >,
XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > > >, Sz > 
operator!= (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz, class T>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq<
std::complex< T >, typename
E::value_type >, XprLiteral<
std::complex< T > >, XprVector<
E, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator!= (const std::complex< T > &lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz, class T>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_and<
typename E::value_type, std::complex<
T > >, XprVector< E, Sz >,
XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > > >, Sz > 
operator && (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz, class T>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_and<
std::complex< T >, typename
E::value_type >, XprLiteral<
std::complex< T > >, XprVector<
E, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator && (const std::complex< T > &lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz, class T>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_or<
typename E::value_type, std::complex<
T > >, XprVector< E, Sz >,
XprLiteral< std::complex<
T > > >, Sz > 
operator|| (const XprVector< E, Sz > &lhs, const std::complex< T > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz, class T>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_or<
std::complex< T >, typename
E::value_type >, XprLiteral<
std::complex< T > >, XprVector<
E, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator|| (const std::complex< T > &lhs, const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_not<
typename E::value_type >,
XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator! (const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Logical Not operator for XprVector.
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_compl<
typename E::value_type >,
XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator~ (const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Bitwise Not operator for XprVector.
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_neg<
typename E::value_type >,
XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > 
operator- (const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 Negate operator for XprVector.
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_abs<
typename E::value_type >,
XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > 
abs (const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 absolute value function for XprVector
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_cbrt<
typename E::value_type >,
XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > 
cbrt (const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 cube root function for XprVector
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_ceil<
typename E::value_type >,
XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > 
ceil (const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_floor<
typename E::value_type >,
XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > 
floor (const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 round function for XprVector
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_rint<
typename E::value_type >,
XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > 
rint (const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 round function for XprVector
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_sin<
typename E::value_type >,
XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > 
sin (const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 sin function for XprVector
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_cos<
typename E::value_type >,
XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > 
cos (const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 cos function for XprVector
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_tan<
typename E::value_type >,
XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > 
tan (const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_sinh<
typename E::value_type >,
XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > 
sinh (const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 sinh function for XprVector
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_cosh<
typename E::value_type >,
XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > 
cosh (const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 cosh function for XprVector
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_tanh<
typename E::value_type >,
XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > 
tanh (const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_asin<
typename E::value_type >,
XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > 
asin (const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 asin function for XprVector
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_acos<
typename E::value_type >,
XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > 
acos (const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 acos function for XprVector
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_atan<
typename E::value_type >,
XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > 
atan (const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 atan function for XprVector
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_exp<
typename E::value_type >,
XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > 
exp (const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 exponential function for XprVector
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_log<
typename E::value_type >,
XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > 
log (const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 logarithmic function for XprVector
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_log10<
typename E::value_type >,
XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > 
log10 (const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 logarithmic function for XprVector
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_sqrt<
typename E::value_type >,
XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > 
sqrt (const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 sqrt function for XprVector
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_asinh<
typename E::value_type >,
XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > 
asinh (const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 IEEE Math asinh function for XprVector.
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_acosh<
typename E::value_type >,
XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > 
acosh (const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 IEEE Math acosh function for XprVector.
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_atanh<
typename E::value_type >,
XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > 
atanh (const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 IEEE Math atanh function for XprVector.
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_expm1<
typename E::value_type >,
XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > 
expm1 (const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 IEEE Math expm1 function for XprVector.
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_log1p<
typename E::value_type >,
XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > 
log1p (const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 IEEE Math log1p function for XprVector.
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_erf<
typename E::value_type >,
XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > 
erf (const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 IEEE Math erf function for XprVector.
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_erfc<
typename E::value_type >,
XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > 
erfc (const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 IEEE Math erfc function for XprVector.
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_j0<
typename E::value_type >,
XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > 
j0 (const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 IEEE Math Bessel function for XprVector.
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_j1<
typename E::value_type >,
XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > 
j1 (const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 IEEE Math Bessel function for XprVector.
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_y0<
typename E::value_type >,
XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > 
y0 (const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 IEEE Math Bessel function for XprVector.
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_y1<
typename E::value_type >,
XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > 
y1 (const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 IEEE Math Bessel function for XprVector.
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_lgamma<
typename E::value_type >,
XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > 
lgamma (const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 IEEE Math lgamma function for XprVector.
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_isnan<
typename E::value_type >,
XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > 
isnan (const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs)
 IEEE Math isnan.
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_isinf<
typename E::value_type >,
XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > 
isinf (const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE
 IEEE Math isinf.
template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_finite<
typename E::value_type >,
XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > 
finite (const XprVector< E, Sz > &rhs) TVMET_CXX_ALWAYS_INLINE

Function Documentation

template<class E, std::size_t Sz, class T>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< std::complex< T >, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::add ( const std::complex< T > &  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz, class T>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< typename E::value_type, std::complex< T > >, XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > > >, Sz > tvmet::add ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
const std::complex< T > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< long double, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< long double >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::add ( long double  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< typename E::value_type, long double >, XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral< long double > >, Sz > tvmet::add ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
long double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< double, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< double >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::add ( double  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< typename E::value_type, double >, XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral< double > >, Sz > tvmet::add ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< float, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< float >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::add ( float  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< typename E::value_type, float >, XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral< float > >, Sz > tvmet::add ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
float  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< int, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< int >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::add ( int  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< typename E::value_type, int >, XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral< int > >, Sz > tvmet::add ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
int  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E1, class E2, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< typename E1::value_type, typename E2::value_type >, XprVector< E1, Sz >, XprVector< E2, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::add ( const XprVector< E1, Sz > &  lhs,
const XprVector< E2, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< std::complex< T >, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::add ( const std::complex< T > &  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< typename E::value_type, std::complex< T > >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::add ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const std::complex< T > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< long double, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< long double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::add ( long double  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< typename E::value_type, long double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< long double > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::add ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
long double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< double, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::add ( double  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< typename E::value_type, double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< double > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::add ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< float, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< float >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::add ( float  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< typename E::value_type, float >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< float > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::add ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
float  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< int, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< int >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::add ( int  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< typename E::value_type, int >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< int > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::add ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
int  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E1, class E2, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< typename E1::value_type, typename E2::value_type >, XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols >, XprMatrix< E2, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::add ( const XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E2, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< std::complex< T >, std::complex< T > >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > >, VectorConstReference< std::complex< T >, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::add ( const std::complex< T > &  lhs,
const Vector< std::complex< T >, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< std::complex< T >, std::complex< T > >, VectorConstReference< std::complex< T >, Sz >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > > >, Sz > tvmet::add ( const Vector< std::complex< T >, Sz > &  lhs,
const std::complex< T > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< long double, T >, XprLiteral< long double >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::add ( long double  lhs,
const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< T, long double >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz >, XprLiteral< long double > >, Sz > tvmet::add ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
long double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< double, T >, XprLiteral< double >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::add ( double  lhs,
const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< T, double >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz >, XprLiteral< double > >, Sz > tvmet::add ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< float, T >, XprLiteral< float >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::add ( float  lhs,
const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< T, float >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz >, XprLiteral< float > >, Sz > tvmet::add ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
float  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< int, T >, XprLiteral< int >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::add ( int  lhs,
const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< T, int >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz >, XprLiteral< int > >, Sz > tvmet::add ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
int  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< T, typename E::value_type >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::add ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< typename E::value_type, T >, XprVector< E, Sz >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::add ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T1, class T2, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< T1, T2 >, VectorConstReference< T1, Sz >, VectorConstReference< T2, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::add ( const Vector< T1, Sz > &  lhs,
const Vector< T2, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< std::complex< T >, std::complex< T > >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > >, MatrixConstReference< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::add ( const std::complex< T > &  lhs,
const Matrix< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< std::complex< T >, std::complex< T > >, MatrixConstReference< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::add ( const Matrix< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const std::complex< T > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< long double, T >, XprLiteral< long double >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::add ( long double  lhs,
const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< T, long double >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< long double > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::add ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
long double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< double, T >, XprLiteral< double >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::add ( double  lhs,
const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< T, double >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< double > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::add ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< float, T >, XprLiteral< float >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::add ( float  lhs,
const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< T, float >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< float > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::add ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
float  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< int, T >, XprLiteral< int >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::add ( int  lhs,
const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< T, int >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< int > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::add ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
int  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< typename E::value_type, T >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::add ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< typename E::value_type, T >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::add ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T1, class T2, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< T1, T2 >, MatrixConstReference< T1, Rows, Cols >, MatrixConstReference< T2, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::add ( const Matrix< T1, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const Matrix< T2, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E>
AliasProxy<E> tvmet::alias ( E &  expr  )  [inline]

Simplify syntax for alias Matrices and Vectors, where aliasing left hand values appear in the expression.

 typedef tvmet::Matrix<double, 10, 10>  matrix_type;
 matrix_type          m;
 alias(m) += trans(m);
See also:

Some Notes ... about aliasing

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_arg< std::complex< T > >, VectorConstReference< std::complex< T >, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::arg ( const Vector< std::complex< T >, Sz > &  rhs  )  [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_arg< std::complex< T > >, MatrixConstReference< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::arg ( const Matrix< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > &  rhs  )  [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_ceil< typename E::value_type >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::ceil ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs  )  [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_ceil< typename E::value_type >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::ceil ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs  )  [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_ceil< T >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::ceil ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs  )  [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_ceil< T >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::ceil ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs  )  [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_conj< std::complex< T > >, VectorConstReference< std::complex< T >, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::conj ( const Vector< std::complex< T >, Sz > &  rhs  )  [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_conj< std::complex< T > >, MatrixConstReference< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::conj ( const Matrix< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > &  rhs  )  [inline]

template<class T1, class E2>
Vector< typename PromoteTraits<T1, typename E2::value_type>::value_type, 3> tvmet::cross ( const Vector< T1, 3 > &  lhs,
const XprVector< E2, 3 > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz, class T>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div< std::complex< T >, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::div ( const std::complex< T > &  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz, class T>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div< typename E::value_type, std::complex< T > >, XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > > >, Sz > tvmet::div ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
const std::complex< T > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div< long double, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< long double >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::div ( long double  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div< typename E::value_type, long double >, XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral< long double > >, Sz > tvmet::div ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
long double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div< double, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< double >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::div ( double  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div< typename E::value_type, double >, XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral< double > >, Sz > tvmet::div ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div< float, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< float >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::div ( float  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div< typename E::value_type, float >, XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral< float > >, Sz > tvmet::div ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
float  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div< int, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< int >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::div ( int  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div< typename E::value_type, int >, XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral< int > >, Sz > tvmet::div ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
int  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div< std::complex< T >, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::div ( const std::complex< T > &  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div< typename E::value_type, std::complex< T > >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::div ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const std::complex< T > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div< long double, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< long double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::div ( long double  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div< typename E::value_type, long double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< long double > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::div ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
long double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div< double, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::div ( double  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div< typename E::value_type, double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< double > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::div ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div< float, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< float >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::div ( float  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div< typename E::value_type, float >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< float > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::div ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
float  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div< int, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< int >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::div ( int  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div< typename E::value_type, int >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< int > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::div ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
int  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div< std::complex< T >, std::complex< T > >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > >, VectorConstReference< std::complex< T >, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::div ( const std::complex< T > &  lhs,
const Vector< std::complex< T >, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div< std::complex< T >, std::complex< T > >, VectorConstReference< std::complex< T >, Sz >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > > >, Sz > tvmet::div ( const Vector< std::complex< T >, Sz > &  lhs,
const std::complex< T > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div< long double, T >, XprLiteral< long double >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::div ( long double  lhs,
const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div< T, long double >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz >, XprLiteral< long double > >, Sz > tvmet::div ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
long double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div< double, T >, XprLiteral< double >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::div ( double  lhs,
const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div< T, double >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz >, XprLiteral< double > >, Sz > tvmet::div ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div< float, T >, XprLiteral< float >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::div ( float  lhs,
const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div< T, float >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz >, XprLiteral< float > >, Sz > tvmet::div ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
float  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div< int, T >, XprLiteral< int >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::div ( int  lhs,
const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div< T, int >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz >, XprLiteral< int > >, Sz > tvmet::div ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
int  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div< std::complex< T >, std::complex< T > >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > >, MatrixConstReference< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::div ( const std::complex< T > &  lhs,
const Matrix< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div< std::complex< T >, std::complex< T > >, MatrixConstReference< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::div ( const Matrix< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const std::complex< T > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div< long double, T >, XprLiteral< long double >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::div ( long double  lhs,
const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div< T, long double >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< long double > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::div ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
long double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div< double, T >, XprLiteral< double >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::div ( double  lhs,
const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div< T, double >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< double > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::div ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div< float, T >, XprLiteral< float >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::div ( float  lhs,
const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div< T, float >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< float > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::div ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
float  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div< int, T >, XprLiteral< int >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::div ( int  lhs,
const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div< T, int >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< int > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::div ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
int  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E1, class E2, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprEval< XprVector<E1, Sz>, XprVector<E2, Sz>, XprLiteral< long double > >, Sz > tvmet::eval ( const XprVector< E1, Sz > &  e1,
const XprVector< E2, Sz > &  e2,
long double  x3 
) [inline]

template<class E1, class E3, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprEval< XprVector<E1, Sz>, XprLiteral< long double >, XprVector<E3, Sz> >, Sz > tvmet::eval ( const XprVector< E1, Sz > &  e1,
long double  x2,
const XprVector< E3, Sz > &  e3 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprEval< XprVector<E, Sz>, XprLiteral< long double >, XprLiteral< long double > >, Sz > tvmet::eval ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  e,
long double  x2,
long double  x3 
) [inline]

template<class E1, class E2, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprEval< XprVector<E1, Sz>, XprVector<E2, Sz>, XprLiteral< double > >, Sz > tvmet::eval ( const XprVector< E1, Sz > &  e1,
const XprVector< E2, Sz > &  e2,
double  x3 
) [inline]

template<class E1, class E3, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprEval< XprVector<E1, Sz>, XprLiteral< double >, XprVector<E3, Sz> >, Sz > tvmet::eval ( const XprVector< E1, Sz > &  e1,
double  x2,
const XprVector< E3, Sz > &  e3 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprEval< XprVector<E, Sz>, XprLiteral< double >, XprLiteral< double > >, Sz > tvmet::eval ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  e,
double  x2,
double  x3 
) [inline]

template<class E1, class E2, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprEval< XprVector<E1, Sz>, XprVector<E2, Sz>, XprLiteral< float > >, Sz > tvmet::eval ( const XprVector< E1, Sz > &  e1,
const XprVector< E2, Sz > &  e2,
float  x3 
) [inline]

template<class E1, class E3, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprEval< XprVector<E1, Sz>, XprLiteral< float >, XprVector<E3, Sz> >, Sz > tvmet::eval ( const XprVector< E1, Sz > &  e1,
float  x2,
const XprVector< E3, Sz > &  e3 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprEval< XprVector<E, Sz>, XprLiteral< float >, XprLiteral< float > >, Sz > tvmet::eval ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  e,
float  x2,
float  x3 
) [inline]

template<class E1, class E2, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprEval< XprVector<E1, Sz>, XprVector<E2, Sz>, XprLiteral< int > >, Sz > tvmet::eval ( const XprVector< E1, Sz > &  e1,
const XprVector< E2, Sz > &  e2,
int  x3 
) [inline]

template<class E1, class E3, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprEval< XprVector<E1, Sz>, XprLiteral< int >, XprVector<E3, Sz> >, Sz > tvmet::eval ( const XprVector< E1, Sz > &  e1,
int  x2,
const XprVector< E3, Sz > &  e3 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprEval< XprVector<E, Sz>, XprLiteral< int >, XprLiteral< int > >, Sz > tvmet::eval ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  e,
int  x2,
int  x3 
) [inline]

template<class E1, class E2, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprEval< XprMatrix<E1, Rows, Cols>, XprMatrix<E2, Rows, Cols>, XprLiteral< long double > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::eval ( const XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols > &  e1,
const XprMatrix< E2, Rows, Cols > &  e2,
long double  x3 
) [inline]

template<class E1, class E3, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprEval< XprMatrix<E1, Rows, Cols>, XprLiteral< long double >, XprMatrix<E3, Rows, Cols> >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::eval ( const XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols > &  e1,
long double  x2,
const XprMatrix< E3, Rows, Cols > &  e3 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprEval< XprMatrix<E, Rows, Cols>, XprLiteral< long double >, XprLiteral< long double > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::eval ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  e,
long double  x2,
long double  x3 
) [inline]

template<class E1, class E2, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprEval< XprMatrix<E1, Rows, Cols>, XprMatrix<E2, Rows, Cols>, XprLiteral< double > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::eval ( const XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols > &  e1,
const XprMatrix< E2, Rows, Cols > &  e2,
double  x3 
) [inline]

template<class E1, class E3, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprEval< XprMatrix<E1, Rows, Cols>, XprLiteral< double >, XprMatrix<E3, Rows, Cols> >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::eval ( const XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols > &  e1,
double  x2,
const XprMatrix< E3, Rows, Cols > &  e3 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprEval< XprMatrix<E, Rows, Cols>, XprLiteral< double >, XprLiteral< double > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::eval ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  e,
double  x2,
double  x3 
) [inline]

template<class E1, class E2, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprEval< XprMatrix<E1, Rows, Cols>, XprMatrix<E2, Rows, Cols>, XprLiteral< float > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::eval ( const XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols > &  e1,
const XprMatrix< E2, Rows, Cols > &  e2,
float  x3 
) [inline]

template<class E1, class E3, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprEval< XprMatrix<E1, Rows, Cols>, XprLiteral< float >, XprMatrix<E3, Rows, Cols> >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::eval ( const XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols > &  e1,
float  x2,
const XprMatrix< E3, Rows, Cols > &  e3 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprEval< XprMatrix<E, Rows, Cols>, XprLiteral< float >, XprLiteral< float > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::eval ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  e,
float  x2,
float  x3 
) [inline]

template<class E1, class E2, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprEval< XprMatrix<E1, Rows, Cols>, XprMatrix<E2, Rows, Cols>, XprLiteral< int > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::eval ( const XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols > &  e1,
const XprMatrix< E2, Rows, Cols > &  e2,
int  x3 
) [inline]

template<class E1, class E3, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprEval< XprMatrix<E1, Rows, Cols>, XprLiteral< int >, XprMatrix<E3, Rows, Cols> >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::eval ( const XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols > &  e1,
int  x2,
const XprMatrix< E3, Rows, Cols > &  e3 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprEval< XprMatrix<E, Rows, Cols>, XprLiteral< int >, XprLiteral< int > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::eval ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  e,
int  x2,
int  x3 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_finite< typename E::value_type >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::finite ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs  )  [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_finite< typename E::value_type >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::finite ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs  )  [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_finite< T >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::finite ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs  )  [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_finite< T >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::finite ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs  )  [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_imag< std::complex< T > >, VectorConstReference< std::complex< T >, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::imag ( const Vector< std::complex< T >, Sz > &  rhs  )  [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_imag< std::complex< T > >, MatrixConstReference< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::imag ( const Matrix< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > &  rhs  )  [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz, class T>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< std::complex< T >, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::mul ( const std::complex< T > &  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz, class T>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< typename E::value_type, std::complex< T > >, XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > > >, Sz > tvmet::mul ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
const std::complex< T > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< long double, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< long double >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::mul ( long double  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< typename E::value_type, long double >, XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral< long double > >, Sz > tvmet::mul ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
long double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< double, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< double >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::mul ( double  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< typename E::value_type, double >, XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral< double > >, Sz > tvmet::mul ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< float, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< float >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::mul ( float  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< typename E::value_type, float >, XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral< float > >, Sz > tvmet::mul ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
float  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< int, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< int >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::mul ( int  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< typename E::value_type, int >, XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral< int > >, Sz > tvmet::mul ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
int  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E1, class E2, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< typename E1::value_type, typename E2::value_type >, XprVector< E1, Sz >, XprVector< E2, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::mul ( const XprVector< E1, Sz > &  lhs,
const XprVector< E2, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< std::complex< T >, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::mul ( const std::complex< T > &  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< typename E::value_type, std::complex< T > >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::mul ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const std::complex< T > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< long double, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< long double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::mul ( long double  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< typename E::value_type, long double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< long double > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::mul ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
long double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< double, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::mul ( double  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< typename E::value_type, double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< double > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::mul ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< float, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< float >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::mul ( float  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< typename E::value_type, float >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< float > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::mul ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
float  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< int, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< int >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::mul ( int  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< typename E::value_type, int >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< int > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::mul ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
int  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< std::complex< T >, std::complex< T > >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > >, VectorConstReference< std::complex< T >, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::mul ( const std::complex< T > &  lhs,
const Vector< std::complex< T >, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< std::complex< T >, std::complex< T > >, VectorConstReference< std::complex< T >, Sz >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > > >, Sz > tvmet::mul ( const Vector< std::complex< T >, Sz > &  lhs,
const std::complex< T > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< long double, T >, XprLiteral< long double >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::mul ( long double  lhs,
const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< T, long double >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz >, XprLiteral< long double > >, Sz > tvmet::mul ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
long double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< double, T >, XprLiteral< double >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::mul ( double  lhs,
const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< T, double >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz >, XprLiteral< double > >, Sz > tvmet::mul ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< float, T >, XprLiteral< float >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::mul ( float  lhs,
const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< T, float >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz >, XprLiteral< float > >, Sz > tvmet::mul ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
float  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< int, T >, XprLiteral< int >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::mul ( int  lhs,
const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< T, int >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz >, XprLiteral< int > >, Sz > tvmet::mul ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
int  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< T, typename E::value_type >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::mul ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< typename E::value_type, T >, XprVector< E, Sz >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::mul ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T1, class T2, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< T1, T2 >, VectorConstReference< T1, Sz >, VectorConstReference< T2, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::mul ( const Vector< T1, Sz > &  lhs,
const Vector< T2, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< std::complex< T >, std::complex< T > >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > >, MatrixConstReference< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::mul ( const std::complex< T > &  lhs,
const Matrix< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< std::complex< T >, std::complex< T > >, MatrixConstReference< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::mul ( const Matrix< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const std::complex< T > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< long double, T >, XprLiteral< long double >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::mul ( long double  lhs,
const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< T, long double >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< long double > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::mul ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
long double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< double, T >, XprLiteral< double >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::mul ( double  lhs,
const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< T, double >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< double > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::mul ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< float, T >, XprLiteral< float >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::mul ( float  lhs,
const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< T, float >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< float > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::mul ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
float  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< int, T >, XprLiteral< int >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::mul ( int  lhs,
const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< T, int >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< int > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::mul ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
int  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_norm< std::complex< T > >, VectorConstReference< std::complex< T >, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::norm ( const Vector< std::complex< T >, Sz > &  rhs  )  [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_norm< std::complex< T > >, MatrixConstReference< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::norm ( const Matrix< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > &  rhs  )  [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz, class T>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_and< std::complex< T >, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator && ( const std::complex< T > &  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz, class T>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_and< typename E::value_type, std::complex< T > >, XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > > >, Sz > tvmet::operator && ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
const std::complex< T > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_and< long double, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< long double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator && ( long double  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_and< typename E::value_type, long double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< long double > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator && ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
long double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_and< double, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator && ( double  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_and< typename E::value_type, double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< double > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator && ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_and< float, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< float >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator && ( float  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_and< typename E::value_type, float >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< float > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator && ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
float  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class T>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_and< std::complex< T >, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator && ( const std::complex< T > &  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class T>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_and< typename E::value_type, std::complex< T > >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator && ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const std::complex< T > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E1, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class E2>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_and< typename E1::value_type, typename E2::value_type >, XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols >, XprMatrix< E2, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator && ( const XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E2, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_and< long double, T >, XprLiteral< long double >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator && ( long double  lhs,
const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_and< T, long double >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz >, XprLiteral< long double > >, Sz > tvmet::operator && ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
long double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_and< double, T >, XprLiteral< double >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator && ( double  lhs,
const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_and< T, double >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz >, XprLiteral< double > >, Sz > tvmet::operator && ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_and< float, T >, XprLiteral< float >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator && ( float  lhs,
const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_and< T, float >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz >, XprLiteral< float > >, Sz > tvmet::operator && ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
float  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_and< int, T >, XprLiteral< int >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator && ( int  lhs,
const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_and< T, int >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz >, XprLiteral< int > >, Sz > tvmet::operator && ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
int  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_and< std::complex< T >, std::complex< T > >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > >, VectorConstReference< std::complex< T >, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator && ( const std::complex< T > &  lhs,
const Vector< std::complex< T >, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_and< std::complex< T >, std::complex< T > >, VectorConstReference< std::complex< T >, Sz >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > > >, Sz > tvmet::operator && ( const Vector< std::complex< T >, Sz > &  lhs,
const std::complex< T > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_and< T, typename E::value_type >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator && ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_and< typename E::value_type, T >, XprVector< E, Sz >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator && ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T1, class T2, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_and< T1, T2 >, VectorConstReference< T1, Sz >, VectorConstReference< T2, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator && ( const Vector< T1, Sz > &  lhs,
const Vector< T2, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_and< long double, T >, XprLiteral< long double >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator && ( long double  lhs,
const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_and< T, long double >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< long double > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator && ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
long double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_and< double, T >, XprLiteral< double >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator && ( double  lhs,
const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_and< T, double >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< double > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator && ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_and< float, T >, XprLiteral< float >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator && ( float  lhs,
const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_and< T, float >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< float > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator && ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
float  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_and< int, T >, XprLiteral< int >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator && ( int  lhs,
const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_and< T, int >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< int > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator && ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
int  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_and< std::complex< T >, std::complex< T > >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > >, MatrixConstReference< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator && ( const std::complex< T > &  lhs,
const Matrix< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_and< std::complex< T >, std::complex< T > >, MatrixConstReference< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator && ( const Matrix< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const std::complex< T > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class E>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_and< typename E::value_type, T >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator && ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_and< typename E::value_type, T >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator && ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T1, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class T2>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_and< T1, T2 >, MatrixConstReference< T1, Rows, Cols >, MatrixConstReference< T2, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator && ( const Matrix< T1, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const Matrix< T2, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz, class T>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< std::complex< T >, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator * ( const std::complex< T > &  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz, class T>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< typename E::value_type, std::complex< T > >, XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > > >, Sz > tvmet::operator * ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
const std::complex< T > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< long double, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< long double >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator * ( long double  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< typename E::value_type, long double >, XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral< long double > >, Sz > tvmet::operator * ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
long double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< double, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< double >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator * ( double  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< typename E::value_type, double >, XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral< double > >, Sz > tvmet::operator * ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< float, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< float >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator * ( float  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< typename E::value_type, float >, XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral< float > >, Sz > tvmet::operator * ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
float  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< int, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< int >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator * ( int  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< typename E::value_type, int >, XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral< int > >, Sz > tvmet::operator * ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
int  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T>
T tvmet::operator * ( const T &  lhs,
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class T>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< std::complex< T >, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator * ( const std::complex< T > &  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class T>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< typename E::value_type, std::complex< T > >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator * ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const std::complex< T > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< long double, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< long double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator * ( long double  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< typename E::value_type, long double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< long double > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator * ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
long double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< double, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator * ( double  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< typename E::value_type, double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< double > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator * ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< float, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< float >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator * ( float  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< typename E::value_type, float >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< float > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator * ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
float  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< int, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< int >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator * ( int  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< typename E::value_type, int >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< int > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator * ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
int  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< std::complex< T >, std::complex< T > >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > >, VectorConstReference< std::complex< T >, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator * ( const std::complex< T > &  lhs,
const Vector< std::complex< T >, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< std::complex< T >, std::complex< T > >, VectorConstReference< std::complex< T >, Sz >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > > >, Sz > tvmet::operator * ( const Vector< std::complex< T >, Sz > &  lhs,
const std::complex< T > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< long double, T >, XprLiteral< long double >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator * ( long double  lhs,
const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< T, long double >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz >, XprLiteral< long double > >, Sz > tvmet::operator * ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
long double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< double, T >, XprLiteral< double >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator * ( double  lhs,
const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< T, double >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz >, XprLiteral< double > >, Sz > tvmet::operator * ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< float, T >, XprLiteral< float >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator * ( float  lhs,
const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< T, float >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz >, XprLiteral< float > >, Sz > tvmet::operator * ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
float  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< int, T >, XprLiteral< int >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator * ( int  lhs,
const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< T, int >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz >, XprLiteral< int > >, Sz > tvmet::operator * ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
int  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< T, typename E::value_type >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator * ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< typename E::value_type, T >, XprVector< E, Sz >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator * ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T1, class T2, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< T1, T2 >, VectorConstReference< T1, Sz >, VectorConstReference< T2, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator * ( const Vector< T1, Sz > &  lhs,
const Vector< T2, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< std::complex< T >, std::complex< T > >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > >, MatrixConstReference< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator * ( const std::complex< T > &  lhs,
const Matrix< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< std::complex< T >, std::complex< T > >, MatrixConstReference< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator * ( const Matrix< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const std::complex< T > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< long double, T >, XprLiteral< long double >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator * ( long double  lhs,
const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< T, long double >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< long double > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator * ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
long double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< double, T >, XprLiteral< double >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator * ( double  lhs,
const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< T, double >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< double > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator * ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< float, T >, XprLiteral< float >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator * ( float  lhs,
const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< T, float >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< float > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator * ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
float  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< int, T >, XprLiteral< int >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator * ( int  lhs,
const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_mul< T, int >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< int > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator * ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
int  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, class E, std::size_t Sz>
Vector< T, Sz > & tvmet::operator *= ( Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T1, class T2, std::size_t Sz>
Vector< T1, Sz > & tvmet::operator *= ( Vector< T1, Sz > &  lhs,
const Vector< T2, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_not< T >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator! ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs  )  [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_not< T >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator! ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs  )  [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz, class T>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq< std::complex< T >, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator!= ( const std::complex< T > &  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz, class T>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq< typename E::value_type, std::complex< T > >, XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > > >, Sz > tvmet::operator!= ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
const std::complex< T > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq< long double, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< long double >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator!= ( long double  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq< typename E::value_type, long double >, XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral< long double > >, Sz > tvmet::operator!= ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
long double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq< double, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< double >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator!= ( double  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq< typename E::value_type, double >, XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral< double > >, Sz > tvmet::operator!= ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq< float, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< float >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator!= ( float  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq< typename E::value_type, float >, XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral< float > >, Sz > tvmet::operator!= ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
float  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq< int, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< int >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator!= ( int  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq< typename E::value_type, int >, XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral< int > >, Sz > tvmet::operator!= ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
int  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq< long double, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< long double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator!= ( long double  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq< typename E::value_type, long double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< long double > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator!= ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
long double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq< double, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator!= ( double  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq< typename E::value_type, double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< double > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator!= ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq< float, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< float >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator!= ( float  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq< typename E::value_type, float >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< float > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator!= ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
float  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq< int, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< int >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator!= ( int  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq< typename E::value_type, int >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< int > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator!= ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
int  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class T>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq< std::complex< T >, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator!= ( const std::complex< T > &  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class T>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq< typename E::value_type, std::complex< T > >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator!= ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const std::complex< T > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E1, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class E2>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq< typename E1::value_type, typename E2::value_type >, XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols >, XprMatrix< E2, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator!= ( const XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E2, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq< long double, T >, XprLiteral< long double >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator!= ( long double  lhs,
const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq< T, long double >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz >, XprLiteral< long double > >, Sz > tvmet::operator!= ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
long double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq< double, T >, XprLiteral< double >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator!= ( double  lhs,
const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq< T, double >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz >, XprLiteral< double > >, Sz > tvmet::operator!= ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq< float, T >, XprLiteral< float >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator!= ( float  lhs,
const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq< T, float >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz >, XprLiteral< float > >, Sz > tvmet::operator!= ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
float  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq< int, T >, XprLiteral< int >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator!= ( int  lhs,
const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq< T, int >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz >, XprLiteral< int > >, Sz > tvmet::operator!= ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
int  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq< std::complex< T >, std::complex< T > >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > >, VectorConstReference< std::complex< T >, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator!= ( const std::complex< T > &  lhs,
const Vector< std::complex< T >, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq< std::complex< T >, std::complex< T > >, VectorConstReference< std::complex< T >, Sz >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > > >, Sz > tvmet::operator!= ( const Vector< std::complex< T >, Sz > &  lhs,
const std::complex< T > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq< T, typename E::value_type >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator!= ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq< typename E::value_type, T >, XprVector< E, Sz >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator!= ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T1, class T2, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq< T1, T2 >, VectorConstReference< T1, Sz >, VectorConstReference< T2, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator!= ( const Vector< T1, Sz > &  lhs,
const Vector< T2, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq< long double, T >, XprLiteral< long double >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator!= ( long double  lhs,
const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq< T, long double >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< long double > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator!= ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
long double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq< double, T >, XprLiteral< double >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator!= ( double  lhs,
const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq< T, double >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< double > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator!= ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq< float, T >, XprLiteral< float >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator!= ( float  lhs,
const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq< T, float >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< float > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator!= ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
float  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq< int, T >, XprLiteral< int >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator!= ( int  lhs,
const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq< T, int >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< int > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator!= ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
int  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq< std::complex< T >, std::complex< T > >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > >, MatrixConstReference< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator!= ( const std::complex< T > &  lhs,
const Matrix< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq< std::complex< T >, std::complex< T > >, MatrixConstReference< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator!= ( const Matrix< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const std::complex< T > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class E>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq< typename E::value_type, T >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator!= ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq< typename E::value_type, T >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator!= ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T1, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class T2>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_not_eq< T1, T2 >, MatrixConstReference< T1, Rows, Cols >, MatrixConstReference< T2, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator!= ( const Matrix< T1, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const Matrix< T2, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz, class T>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< std::complex< T >, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator+ ( const std::complex< T > &  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz, class T>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< typename E::value_type, std::complex< T > >, XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > > >, Sz > tvmet::operator+ ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
const std::complex< T > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< long double, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< long double >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator+ ( long double  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< typename E::value_type, long double >, XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral< long double > >, Sz > tvmet::operator+ ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
long double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< double, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< double >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator+ ( double  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< typename E::value_type, double >, XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral< double > >, Sz > tvmet::operator+ ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< float, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< float >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator+ ( float  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< typename E::value_type, float >, XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral< float > >, Sz > tvmet::operator+ ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
float  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< int, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< int >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator+ ( int  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< typename E::value_type, int >, XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral< int > >, Sz > tvmet::operator+ ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
int  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T>
T tvmet::operator+ ( const T &  lhs,
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class T>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< std::complex< T >, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator+ ( const std::complex< T > &  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class T>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< typename E::value_type, std::complex< T > >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator+ ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const std::complex< T > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< long double, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< long double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator+ ( long double  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< typename E::value_type, long double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< long double > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator+ ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
long double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< double, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator+ ( double  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< typename E::value_type, double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< double > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator+ ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< float, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< float >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator+ ( float  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< typename E::value_type, float >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< float > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator+ ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
float  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< int, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< int >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator+ ( int  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< typename E::value_type, int >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< int > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator+ ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
int  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E1, std::size_t Rows1, std::size_t Cols1, class E2>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< typename E1::value_type, typename E2::value_type >, XprMatrix< E1, Rows1, Cols1 >, XprMatrix< E2, Rows1, Cols1 > >, Rows1, Cols1 > tvmet::operator+ ( const XprMatrix< E1, Rows1, Cols1 > &  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E2, Rows1, Cols1 > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< std::complex< T >, std::complex< T > >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > >, VectorConstReference< std::complex< T >, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator+ ( const std::complex< T > &  lhs,
const Vector< std::complex< T >, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< std::complex< T >, std::complex< T > >, VectorConstReference< std::complex< T >, Sz >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > > >, Sz > tvmet::operator+ ( const Vector< std::complex< T >, Sz > &  lhs,
const std::complex< T > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< long double, T >, XprLiteral< long double >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator+ ( long double  lhs,
const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< T, long double >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz >, XprLiteral< long double > >, Sz > tvmet::operator+ ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
long double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< double, T >, XprLiteral< double >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator+ ( double  lhs,
const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< T, double >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz >, XprLiteral< double > >, Sz > tvmet::operator+ ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< float, T >, XprLiteral< float >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator+ ( float  lhs,
const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< T, float >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz >, XprLiteral< float > >, Sz > tvmet::operator+ ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
float  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< int, T >, XprLiteral< int >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator+ ( int  lhs,
const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< T, int >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz >, XprLiteral< int > >, Sz > tvmet::operator+ ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
int  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< T, typename E::value_type >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator+ ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< typename E::value_type, T >, XprVector< E, Sz >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator+ ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T1, class T2, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< T1, T2 >, VectorConstReference< T1, Sz >, VectorConstReference< T2, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator+ ( const Vector< T1, Sz > &  lhs,
const Vector< T2, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< std::complex< T >, std::complex< T > >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > >, MatrixConstReference< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator+ ( const std::complex< T > &  lhs,
const Matrix< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< std::complex< T >, std::complex< T > >, MatrixConstReference< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator+ ( const Matrix< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const std::complex< T > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< long double, T >, XprLiteral< long double >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator+ ( long double  lhs,
const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< T, long double >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< long double > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator+ ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
long double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< double, T >, XprLiteral< double >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator+ ( double  lhs,
const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< T, double >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< double > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator+ ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< float, T >, XprLiteral< float >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator+ ( float  lhs,
const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< T, float >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< float > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator+ ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
float  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< int, T >, XprLiteral< int >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator+ ( int  lhs,
const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< T, int >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< int > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator+ ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
int  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< typename E::value_type, T >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator+ ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< typename E::value_type, T >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator+ ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T1, class T2, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_add< T1, T2 >, MatrixConstReference< T1, Rows, Cols >, MatrixConstReference< T2, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator+ ( const Matrix< T1, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const Matrix< T2, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, class E, std::size_t Sz>
Vector< T, Sz > & tvmet::operator+= ( Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T1, class T2, std::size_t Sz>
Vector< T1, Sz > & tvmet::operator+= ( Vector< T1, Sz > &  lhs,
const Vector< T2, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > & tvmet::operator+= ( Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T1, class T2, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
Matrix< T1, Rows, Cols > & tvmet::operator+= ( Matrix< T1, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const Matrix< T2, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz, class T>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< std::complex< T >, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator- ( const std::complex< T > &  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz, class T>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< typename E::value_type, std::complex< T > >, XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > > >, Sz > tvmet::operator- ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
const std::complex< T > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< long double, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< long double >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator- ( long double  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< typename E::value_type, long double >, XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral< long double > >, Sz > tvmet::operator- ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
long double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< double, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< double >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator- ( double  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< typename E::value_type, double >, XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral< double > >, Sz > tvmet::operator- ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< float, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< float >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator- ( float  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< typename E::value_type, float >, XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral< float > >, Sz > tvmet::operator- ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
float  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< int, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< int >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator- ( int  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< typename E::value_type, int >, XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral< int > >, Sz > tvmet::operator- ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
int  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T>
T tvmet::operator- ( const T &  lhs,
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class T>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< std::complex< T >, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator- ( const std::complex< T > &  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class T>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< typename E::value_type, std::complex< T > >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator- ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const std::complex< T > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< long double, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< long double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator- ( long double  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< typename E::value_type, long double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< long double > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator- ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
long double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< double, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator- ( double  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< typename E::value_type, double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< double > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator- ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< float, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< float >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator- ( float  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< typename E::value_type, float >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< float > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator- ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
float  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< int, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< int >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator- ( int  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< typename E::value_type, int >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< int > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator- ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
int  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E1, std::size_t Rows1, std::size_t Cols1, class E2>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< typename E1::value_type, typename E2::value_type >, XprMatrix< E1, Rows1, Cols1 >, XprMatrix< E2, Rows1, Cols1 > >, Rows1, Cols1 > tvmet::operator- ( const XprMatrix< E1, Rows1, Cols1 > &  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E2, Rows1, Cols1 > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_neg< T >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator- ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs  )  [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< std::complex< T >, std::complex< T > >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > >, VectorConstReference< std::complex< T >, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator- ( const std::complex< T > &  lhs,
const Vector< std::complex< T >, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< std::complex< T >, std::complex< T > >, VectorConstReference< std::complex< T >, Sz >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > > >, Sz > tvmet::operator- ( const Vector< std::complex< T >, Sz > &  lhs,
const std::complex< T > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< long double, T >, XprLiteral< long double >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator- ( long double  lhs,
const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< T, long double >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz >, XprLiteral< long double > >, Sz > tvmet::operator- ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
long double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< double, T >, XprLiteral< double >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator- ( double  lhs,
const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< T, double >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz >, XprLiteral< double > >, Sz > tvmet::operator- ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< float, T >, XprLiteral< float >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator- ( float  lhs,
const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< T, float >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz >, XprLiteral< float > >, Sz > tvmet::operator- ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
float  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< int, T >, XprLiteral< int >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator- ( int  lhs,
const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< T, int >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz >, XprLiteral< int > >, Sz > tvmet::operator- ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
int  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< T, typename E::value_type >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator- ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< typename E::value_type, T >, XprVector< E, Sz >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator- ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T1, class T2, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< T1, T2 >, VectorConstReference< T1, Sz >, VectorConstReference< T2, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator- ( const Vector< T1, Sz > &  lhs,
const Vector< T2, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_neg< T >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator- ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs  )  [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< std::complex< T >, std::complex< T > >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > >, MatrixConstReference< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator- ( const std::complex< T > &  lhs,
const Matrix< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< std::complex< T >, std::complex< T > >, MatrixConstReference< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator- ( const Matrix< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const std::complex< T > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< long double, T >, XprLiteral< long double >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator- ( long double  lhs,
const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< T, long double >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< long double > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator- ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
long double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< double, T >, XprLiteral< double >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator- ( double  lhs,
const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< T, double >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< double > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator- ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< float, T >, XprLiteral< float >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator- ( float  lhs,
const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< T, float >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< float > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator- ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
float  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< int, T >, XprLiteral< int >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator- ( int  lhs,
const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< T, int >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< int > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator- ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
int  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< typename E::value_type, T >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator- ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< typename E::value_type, T >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator- ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T1, class T2, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< T1, T2 >, MatrixConstReference< T1, Rows, Cols >, MatrixConstReference< T2, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator- ( const Matrix< T1, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const Matrix< T2, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, class E, std::size_t Sz>
Vector< T, Sz > & tvmet::operator-= ( Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T1, class T2, std::size_t Sz>
Vector< T1, Sz > & tvmet::operator-= ( Vector< T1, Sz > &  lhs,
const Vector< T2, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > & tvmet::operator-= ( Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T1, class T2, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
Matrix< T1, Rows, Cols > & tvmet::operator-= ( Matrix< T1, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const Matrix< T2, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz, class T>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div< std::complex< T >, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator/ ( const std::complex< T > &  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz, class T>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div< typename E::value_type, std::complex< T > >, XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > > >, Sz > tvmet::operator/ ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
const std::complex< T > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div< long double, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< long double >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator/ ( long double  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div< typename E::value_type, long double >, XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral< long double > >, Sz > tvmet::operator/ ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
long double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div< double, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< double >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator/ ( double  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div< typename E::value_type, double >, XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral< double > >, Sz > tvmet::operator/ ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div< float, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< float >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator/ ( float  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div< typename E::value_type, float >, XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral< float > >, Sz > tvmet::operator/ ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
float  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div< int, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< int >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator/ ( int  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div< typename E::value_type, int >, XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral< int > >, Sz > tvmet::operator/ ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
int  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T>
T tvmet::operator/ ( const T &  lhs,
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class T>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div< std::complex< T >, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator/ ( const std::complex< T > &  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class T>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div< typename E::value_type, std::complex< T > >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator/ ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const std::complex< T > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div< long double, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< long double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator/ ( long double  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div< typename E::value_type, long double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< long double > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator/ ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
long double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div< double, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator/ ( double  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div< typename E::value_type, double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< double > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator/ ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div< float, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< float >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator/ ( float  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div< typename E::value_type, float >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< float > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator/ ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
float  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div< int, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< int >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator/ ( int  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div< typename E::value_type, int >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< int > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator/ ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
int  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div< std::complex< T >, std::complex< T > >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > >, VectorConstReference< std::complex< T >, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator/ ( const std::complex< T > &  lhs,
const Vector< std::complex< T >, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div< std::complex< T >, std::complex< T > >, VectorConstReference< std::complex< T >, Sz >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > > >, Sz > tvmet::operator/ ( const Vector< std::complex< T >, Sz > &  lhs,
const std::complex< T > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div< long double, T >, XprLiteral< long double >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator/ ( long double  lhs,
const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div< T, long double >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz >, XprLiteral< long double > >, Sz > tvmet::operator/ ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
long double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div< double, T >, XprLiteral< double >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator/ ( double  lhs,
const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div< T, double >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz >, XprLiteral< double > >, Sz > tvmet::operator/ ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div< float, T >, XprLiteral< float >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator/ ( float  lhs,
const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div< T, float >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz >, XprLiteral< float > >, Sz > tvmet::operator/ ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
float  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div< int, T >, XprLiteral< int >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator/ ( int  lhs,
const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div< T, int >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz >, XprLiteral< int > >, Sz > tvmet::operator/ ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
int  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div< std::complex< T >, std::complex< T > >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > >, MatrixConstReference< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator/ ( const std::complex< T > &  lhs,
const Matrix< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div< std::complex< T >, std::complex< T > >, MatrixConstReference< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator/ ( const Matrix< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const std::complex< T > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div< long double, T >, XprLiteral< long double >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator/ ( long double  lhs,
const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div< T, long double >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< long double > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator/ ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
long double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div< double, T >, XprLiteral< double >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator/ ( double  lhs,
const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div< T, double >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< double > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator/ ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div< float, T >, XprLiteral< float >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator/ ( float  lhs,
const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div< T, float >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< float > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator/ ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
float  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div< int, T >, XprLiteral< int >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator/ ( int  lhs,
const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_div< T, int >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< int > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator/ ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
int  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz, class T>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less< std::complex< T >, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator< ( const std::complex< T > &  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz, class T>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less< typename E::value_type, std::complex< T > >, XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > > >, Sz > tvmet::operator< ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
const std::complex< T > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less< long double, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< long double >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator< ( long double  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less< typename E::value_type, long double >, XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral< long double > >, Sz > tvmet::operator< ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
long double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less< double, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< double >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator< ( double  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less< typename E::value_type, double >, XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral< double > >, Sz > tvmet::operator< ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less< float, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< float >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator< ( float  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less< typename E::value_type, float >, XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral< float > >, Sz > tvmet::operator< ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
float  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less< int, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< int >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator< ( int  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less< typename E::value_type, int >, XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral< int > >, Sz > tvmet::operator< ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
int  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less< long double, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< long double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator< ( long double  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less< typename E::value_type, long double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< long double > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator< ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
long double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less< double, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator< ( double  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less< typename E::value_type, double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< double > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator< ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less< float, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< float >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator< ( float  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less< typename E::value_type, float >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< float > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator< ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
float  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less< int, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< int >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator< ( int  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less< typename E::value_type, int >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< int > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator< ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
int  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class T>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less< std::complex< T >, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator< ( const std::complex< T > &  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class T>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less< typename E::value_type, std::complex< T > >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator< ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const std::complex< T > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E1, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class E2>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less< typename E1::value_type, typename E2::value_type >, XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols >, XprMatrix< E2, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator< ( const XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E2, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less< long double, T >, XprLiteral< long double >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator< ( long double  lhs,
const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less< T, long double >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz >, XprLiteral< long double > >, Sz > tvmet::operator< ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
long double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less< double, T >, XprLiteral< double >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator< ( double  lhs,
const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less< T, double >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz >, XprLiteral< double > >, Sz > tvmet::operator< ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less< float, T >, XprLiteral< float >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator< ( float  lhs,
const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less< T, float >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz >, XprLiteral< float > >, Sz > tvmet::operator< ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
float  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less< int, T >, XprLiteral< int >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator< ( int  lhs,
const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less< T, int >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz >, XprLiteral< int > >, Sz > tvmet::operator< ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
int  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less< std::complex< T >, std::complex< T > >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > >, VectorConstReference< std::complex< T >, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator< ( const std::complex< T > &  lhs,
const Vector< std::complex< T >, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less< std::complex< T >, std::complex< T > >, VectorConstReference< std::complex< T >, Sz >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > > >, Sz > tvmet::operator< ( const Vector< std::complex< T >, Sz > &  lhs,
const std::complex< T > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less< T, typename E::value_type >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator< ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less< typename E::value_type, T >, XprVector< E, Sz >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator< ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T1, class T2, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less< T1, T2 >, VectorConstReference< T1, Sz >, VectorConstReference< T2, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator< ( const Vector< T1, Sz > &  lhs,
const Vector< T2, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less< long double, T >, XprLiteral< long double >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator< ( long double  lhs,
const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less< T, long double >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< long double > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator< ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
long double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less< double, T >, XprLiteral< double >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator< ( double  lhs,
const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less< T, double >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< double > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator< ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less< float, T >, XprLiteral< float >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator< ( float  lhs,
const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less< T, float >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< float > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator< ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
float  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less< int, T >, XprLiteral< int >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator< ( int  lhs,
const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less< T, int >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< int > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator< ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
int  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less< std::complex< T >, std::complex< T > >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > >, MatrixConstReference< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator< ( const std::complex< T > &  lhs,
const Matrix< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less< std::complex< T >, std::complex< T > >, MatrixConstReference< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator< ( const Matrix< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const std::complex< T > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class E>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less< typename E::value_type, T >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator< ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less< typename E::value_type, T >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator< ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T1, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class T2>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less< T1, T2 >, MatrixConstReference< T1, Rows, Cols >, MatrixConstReference< T2, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator< ( const Matrix< T1, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const Matrix< T2, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz, class T>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq< std::complex< T >, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator<= ( const std::complex< T > &  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz, class T>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq< typename E::value_type, std::complex< T > >, XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > > >, Sz > tvmet::operator<= ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
const std::complex< T > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq< long double, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< long double >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator<= ( long double  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq< typename E::value_type, long double >, XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral< long double > >, Sz > tvmet::operator<= ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
long double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq< double, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< double >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator<= ( double  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq< typename E::value_type, double >, XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral< double > >, Sz > tvmet::operator<= ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq< float, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< float >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator<= ( float  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq< typename E::value_type, float >, XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral< float > >, Sz > tvmet::operator<= ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
float  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq< int, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< int >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator<= ( int  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq< typename E::value_type, int >, XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral< int > >, Sz > tvmet::operator<= ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
int  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq< long double, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< long double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator<= ( long double  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq< typename E::value_type, long double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< long double > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator<= ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
long double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq< double, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator<= ( double  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq< typename E::value_type, double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< double > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator<= ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq< float, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< float >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator<= ( float  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq< typename E::value_type, float >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< float > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator<= ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
float  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq< int, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< int >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator<= ( int  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq< typename E::value_type, int >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< int > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator<= ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
int  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class T>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq< std::complex< T >, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator<= ( const std::complex< T > &  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class T>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq< typename E::value_type, std::complex< T > >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator<= ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const std::complex< T > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E1, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class E2>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq< typename E1::value_type, typename E2::value_type >, XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols >, XprMatrix< E2, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator<= ( const XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E2, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq< long double, T >, XprLiteral< long double >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator<= ( long double  lhs,
const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq< T, long double >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz >, XprLiteral< long double > >, Sz > tvmet::operator<= ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
long double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq< double, T >, XprLiteral< double >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator<= ( double  lhs,
const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq< T, double >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz >, XprLiteral< double > >, Sz > tvmet::operator<= ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq< float, T >, XprLiteral< float >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator<= ( float  lhs,
const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq< T, float >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz >, XprLiteral< float > >, Sz > tvmet::operator<= ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
float  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq< int, T >, XprLiteral< int >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator<= ( int  lhs,
const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq< T, int >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz >, XprLiteral< int > >, Sz > tvmet::operator<= ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
int  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq< std::complex< T >, std::complex< T > >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > >, VectorConstReference< std::complex< T >, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator<= ( const std::complex< T > &  lhs,
const Vector< std::complex< T >, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq< std::complex< T >, std::complex< T > >, VectorConstReference< std::complex< T >, Sz >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > > >, Sz > tvmet::operator<= ( const Vector< std::complex< T >, Sz > &  lhs,
const std::complex< T > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq< T, typename E::value_type >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator<= ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq< typename E::value_type, T >, XprVector< E, Sz >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator<= ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T1, class T2, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq< T1, T2 >, VectorConstReference< T1, Sz >, VectorConstReference< T2, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator<= ( const Vector< T1, Sz > &  lhs,
const Vector< T2, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq< long double, T >, XprLiteral< long double >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator<= ( long double  lhs,
const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq< T, long double >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< long double > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator<= ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
long double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq< double, T >, XprLiteral< double >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator<= ( double  lhs,
const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq< T, double >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< double > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator<= ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq< float, T >, XprLiteral< float >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator<= ( float  lhs,
const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq< T, float >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< float > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator<= ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
float  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq< int, T >, XprLiteral< int >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator<= ( int  lhs,
const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq< T, int >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< int > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator<= ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
int  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq< std::complex< T >, std::complex< T > >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > >, MatrixConstReference< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator<= ( const std::complex< T > &  lhs,
const Matrix< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq< std::complex< T >, std::complex< T > >, MatrixConstReference< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator<= ( const Matrix< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const std::complex< T > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class E>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq< typename E::value_type, T >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator<= ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq< typename E::value_type, T >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator<= ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T1, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class T2>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_less_eq< T1, T2 >, MatrixConstReference< T1, Rows, Cols >, MatrixConstReference< T2, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator<= ( const Matrix< T1, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const Matrix< T2, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz, class T>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq< std::complex< T >, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator== ( const std::complex< T > &  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz, class T>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq< typename E::value_type, std::complex< T > >, XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > > >, Sz > tvmet::operator== ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
const std::complex< T > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq< long double, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< long double >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator== ( long double  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq< typename E::value_type, long double >, XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral< long double > >, Sz > tvmet::operator== ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
long double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq< double, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< double >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator== ( double  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq< typename E::value_type, double >, XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral< double > >, Sz > tvmet::operator== ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq< float, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< float >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator== ( float  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq< typename E::value_type, float >, XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral< float > >, Sz > tvmet::operator== ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
float  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq< int, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< int >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator== ( int  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq< typename E::value_type, int >, XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral< int > >, Sz > tvmet::operator== ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
int  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq< long double, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< long double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator== ( long double  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq< typename E::value_type, long double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< long double > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator== ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
long double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq< double, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator== ( double  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq< typename E::value_type, double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< double > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator== ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq< float, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< float >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator== ( float  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq< typename E::value_type, float >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< float > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator== ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
float  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq< int, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< int >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator== ( int  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq< typename E::value_type, int >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< int > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator== ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
int  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class T>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq< std::complex< T >, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator== ( const std::complex< T > &  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class T>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq< typename E::value_type, std::complex< T > >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator== ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const std::complex< T > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E1, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class E2>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq< typename E1::value_type, typename E2::value_type >, XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols >, XprMatrix< E2, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator== ( const XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E2, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq< long double, T >, XprLiteral< long double >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator== ( long double  lhs,
const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq< T, long double >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz >, XprLiteral< long double > >, Sz > tvmet::operator== ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
long double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq< double, T >, XprLiteral< double >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator== ( double  lhs,
const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq< T, double >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz >, XprLiteral< double > >, Sz > tvmet::operator== ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq< float, T >, XprLiteral< float >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator== ( float  lhs,
const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq< T, float >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz >, XprLiteral< float > >, Sz > tvmet::operator== ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
float  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq< int, T >, XprLiteral< int >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator== ( int  lhs,
const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq< T, int >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz >, XprLiteral< int > >, Sz > tvmet::operator== ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
int  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq< std::complex< T >, std::complex< T > >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > >, VectorConstReference< std::complex< T >, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator== ( const std::complex< T > &  lhs,
const Vector< std::complex< T >, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq< std::complex< T >, std::complex< T > >, VectorConstReference< std::complex< T >, Sz >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > > >, Sz > tvmet::operator== ( const Vector< std::complex< T >, Sz > &  lhs,
const std::complex< T > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq< T, typename E::value_type >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator== ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq< typename E::value_type, T >, XprVector< E, Sz >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator== ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T1, class T2, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq< T1, T2 >, VectorConstReference< T1, Sz >, VectorConstReference< T2, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator== ( const Vector< T1, Sz > &  lhs,
const Vector< T2, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq< long double, T >, XprLiteral< long double >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator== ( long double  lhs,
const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq< T, long double >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< long double > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator== ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
long double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq< double, T >, XprLiteral< double >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator== ( double  lhs,
const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq< T, double >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< double > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator== ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq< float, T >, XprLiteral< float >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator== ( float  lhs,
const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq< T, float >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< float > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator== ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
float  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq< int, T >, XprLiteral< int >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator== ( int  lhs,
const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq< T, int >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< int > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator== ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
int  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq< std::complex< T >, std::complex< T > >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > >, MatrixConstReference< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator== ( const std::complex< T > &  lhs,
const Matrix< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq< std::complex< T >, std::complex< T > >, MatrixConstReference< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator== ( const Matrix< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const std::complex< T > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class E>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq< typename E::value_type, T >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator== ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq< typename E::value_type, T >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator== ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T1, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class T2>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_eq< T1, T2 >, MatrixConstReference< T1, Rows, Cols >, MatrixConstReference< T2, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator== ( const Matrix< T1, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const Matrix< T2, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz, class T>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater< std::complex< T >, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator> ( const std::complex< T > &  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz, class T>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater< typename E::value_type, std::complex< T > >, XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > > >, Sz > tvmet::operator> ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
const std::complex< T > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater< long double, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< long double >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator> ( long double  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater< typename E::value_type, long double >, XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral< long double > >, Sz > tvmet::operator> ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
long double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater< double, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< double >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator> ( double  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater< typename E::value_type, double >, XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral< double > >, Sz > tvmet::operator> ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater< float, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< float >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator> ( float  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater< typename E::value_type, float >, XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral< float > >, Sz > tvmet::operator> ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
float  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater< int, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< int >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator> ( int  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater< typename E::value_type, int >, XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral< int > >, Sz > tvmet::operator> ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
int  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater< long double, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< long double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator> ( long double  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater< typename E::value_type, long double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< long double > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator> ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
long double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater< double, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator> ( double  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater< typename E::value_type, double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< double > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator> ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater< float, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< float >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator> ( float  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater< typename E::value_type, float >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< float > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator> ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
float  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater< int, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< int >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator> ( int  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater< typename E::value_type, int >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< int > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator> ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
int  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class T>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater< std::complex< T >, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator> ( const std::complex< T > &  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class T>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater< typename E::value_type, std::complex< T > >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator> ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const std::complex< T > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E1, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class E2>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater< typename E1::value_type, typename E2::value_type >, XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols >, XprMatrix< E2, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator> ( const XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E2, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater< long double, T >, XprLiteral< long double >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator> ( long double  lhs,
const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater< T, long double >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz >, XprLiteral< long double > >, Sz > tvmet::operator> ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
long double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater< double, T >, XprLiteral< double >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator> ( double  lhs,
const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater< T, double >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz >, XprLiteral< double > >, Sz > tvmet::operator> ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater< float, T >, XprLiteral< float >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator> ( float  lhs,
const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater< T, float >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz >, XprLiteral< float > >, Sz > tvmet::operator> ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
float  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater< int, T >, XprLiteral< int >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator> ( int  lhs,
const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater< T, int >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz >, XprLiteral< int > >, Sz > tvmet::operator> ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
int  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater< std::complex< T >, std::complex< T > >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > >, VectorConstReference< std::complex< T >, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator> ( const std::complex< T > &  lhs,
const Vector< std::complex< T >, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater< std::complex< T >, std::complex< T > >, VectorConstReference< std::complex< T >, Sz >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > > >, Sz > tvmet::operator> ( const Vector< std::complex< T >, Sz > &  lhs,
const std::complex< T > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater< T, typename E::value_type >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator> ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater< typename E::value_type, T >, XprVector< E, Sz >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator> ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T1, class T2, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater< T1, T2 >, VectorConstReference< T1, Sz >, VectorConstReference< T2, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator> ( const Vector< T1, Sz > &  lhs,
const Vector< T2, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater< long double, T >, XprLiteral< long double >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator> ( long double  lhs,
const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater< T, long double >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< long double > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator> ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
long double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater< double, T >, XprLiteral< double >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator> ( double  lhs,
const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater< T, double >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< double > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator> ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater< float, T >, XprLiteral< float >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator> ( float  lhs,
const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater< T, float >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< float > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator> ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
float  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater< int, T >, XprLiteral< int >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator> ( int  lhs,
const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater< T, int >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< int > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator> ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
int  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater< std::complex< T >, std::complex< T > >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > >, MatrixConstReference< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator> ( const std::complex< T > &  lhs,
const Matrix< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater< std::complex< T >, std::complex< T > >, MatrixConstReference< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator> ( const Matrix< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const std::complex< T > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class E>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater< typename E::value_type, T >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator> ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater< typename E::value_type, T >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator> ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T1, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class T2>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater< T1, T2 >, MatrixConstReference< T1, Rows, Cols >, MatrixConstReference< T2, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator> ( const Matrix< T1, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const Matrix< T2, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz, class T>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq< std::complex< T >, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator>= ( const std::complex< T > &  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz, class T>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq< typename E::value_type, std::complex< T > >, XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > > >, Sz > tvmet::operator>= ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
const std::complex< T > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq< long double, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< long double >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator>= ( long double  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq< typename E::value_type, long double >, XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral< long double > >, Sz > tvmet::operator>= ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
long double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq< double, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< double >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator>= ( double  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq< typename E::value_type, double >, XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral< double > >, Sz > tvmet::operator>= ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq< float, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< float >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator>= ( float  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq< typename E::value_type, float >, XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral< float > >, Sz > tvmet::operator>= ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
float  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq< int, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< int >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator>= ( int  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq< typename E::value_type, int >, XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral< int > >, Sz > tvmet::operator>= ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
int  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq< long double, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< long double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator>= ( long double  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq< typename E::value_type, long double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< long double > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator>= ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
long double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq< double, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator>= ( double  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq< typename E::value_type, double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< double > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator>= ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq< float, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< float >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator>= ( float  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq< typename E::value_type, float >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< float > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator>= ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
float  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq< int, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< int >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator>= ( int  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq< typename E::value_type, int >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< int > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator>= ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
int  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class T>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq< std::complex< T >, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator>= ( const std::complex< T > &  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class T>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq< typename E::value_type, std::complex< T > >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator>= ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const std::complex< T > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E1, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class E2>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq< typename E1::value_type, typename E2::value_type >, XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols >, XprMatrix< E2, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator>= ( const XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E2, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq< long double, T >, XprLiteral< long double >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator>= ( long double  lhs,
const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq< T, long double >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz >, XprLiteral< long double > >, Sz > tvmet::operator>= ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
long double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq< double, T >, XprLiteral< double >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator>= ( double  lhs,
const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq< T, double >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz >, XprLiteral< double > >, Sz > tvmet::operator>= ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq< float, T >, XprLiteral< float >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator>= ( float  lhs,
const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq< T, float >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz >, XprLiteral< float > >, Sz > tvmet::operator>= ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
float  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq< int, T >, XprLiteral< int >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator>= ( int  lhs,
const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq< T, int >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz >, XprLiteral< int > >, Sz > tvmet::operator>= ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
int  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq< std::complex< T >, std::complex< T > >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > >, VectorConstReference< std::complex< T >, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator>= ( const std::complex< T > &  lhs,
const Vector< std::complex< T >, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq< std::complex< T >, std::complex< T > >, VectorConstReference< std::complex< T >, Sz >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > > >, Sz > tvmet::operator>= ( const Vector< std::complex< T >, Sz > &  lhs,
const std::complex< T > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq< T, typename E::value_type >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator>= ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq< typename E::value_type, T >, XprVector< E, Sz >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator>= ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T1, class T2, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq< T1, T2 >, VectorConstReference< T1, Sz >, VectorConstReference< T2, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator>= ( const Vector< T1, Sz > &  lhs,
const Vector< T2, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq< long double, T >, XprLiteral< long double >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator>= ( long double  lhs,
const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq< T, long double >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< long double > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator>= ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
long double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq< double, T >, XprLiteral< double >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator>= ( double  lhs,
const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq< T, double >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< double > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator>= ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq< float, T >, XprLiteral< float >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator>= ( float  lhs,
const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq< T, float >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< float > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator>= ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
float  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq< int, T >, XprLiteral< int >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator>= ( int  lhs,
const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq< T, int >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< int > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator>= ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
int  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq< std::complex< T >, std::complex< T > >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > >, MatrixConstReference< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator>= ( const std::complex< T > &  lhs,
const Matrix< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq< std::complex< T >, std::complex< T > >, MatrixConstReference< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator>= ( const Matrix< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const std::complex< T > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class E>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq< typename E::value_type, T >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator>= ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq< typename E::value_type, T >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator>= ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T1, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class T2>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_greater_eq< T1, T2 >, MatrixConstReference< T1, Rows, Cols >, MatrixConstReference< T2, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator>= ( const Matrix< T1, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const Matrix< T2, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz, class T>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_or< std::complex< T >, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator|| ( const std::complex< T > &  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz, class T>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_or< typename E::value_type, std::complex< T > >, XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > > >, Sz > tvmet::operator|| ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
const std::complex< T > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_or< long double, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< long double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator|| ( long double  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_or< typename E::value_type, long double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< long double > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator|| ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
long double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_or< double, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator|| ( double  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_or< typename E::value_type, double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< double > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator|| ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_or< float, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< float >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator|| ( float  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_or< typename E::value_type, float >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< float > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator|| ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
float  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class T>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_or< std::complex< T >, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator|| ( const std::complex< T > &  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class T>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_or< typename E::value_type, std::complex< T > >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator|| ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const std::complex< T > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E1, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class E2>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_or< typename E1::value_type, typename E2::value_type >, XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols >, XprMatrix< E2, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator|| ( const XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E2, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_or< long double, T >, XprLiteral< long double >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator|| ( long double  lhs,
const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_or< T, long double >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz >, XprLiteral< long double > >, Sz > tvmet::operator|| ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
long double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_or< double, T >, XprLiteral< double >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator|| ( double  lhs,
const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_or< T, double >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz >, XprLiteral< double > >, Sz > tvmet::operator|| ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_or< float, T >, XprLiteral< float >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator|| ( float  lhs,
const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_or< T, float >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz >, XprLiteral< float > >, Sz > tvmet::operator|| ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
float  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_or< int, T >, XprLiteral< int >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator|| ( int  lhs,
const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_or< T, int >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz >, XprLiteral< int > >, Sz > tvmet::operator|| ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
int  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_or< std::complex< T >, std::complex< T > >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > >, VectorConstReference< std::complex< T >, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator|| ( const std::complex< T > &  lhs,
const Vector< std::complex< T >, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_or< std::complex< T >, std::complex< T > >, VectorConstReference< std::complex< T >, Sz >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > > >, Sz > tvmet::operator|| ( const Vector< std::complex< T >, Sz > &  lhs,
const std::complex< T > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_or< T, typename E::value_type >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator|| ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_or< typename E::value_type, T >, XprVector< E, Sz >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator|| ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T1, class T2, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_or< T1, T2 >, VectorConstReference< T1, Sz >, VectorConstReference< T2, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator|| ( const Vector< T1, Sz > &  lhs,
const Vector< T2, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_or< long double, T >, XprLiteral< long double >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator|| ( long double  lhs,
const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_or< T, long double >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< long double > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator|| ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
long double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_or< double, T >, XprLiteral< double >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator|| ( double  lhs,
const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_or< T, double >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< double > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator|| ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_or< float, T >, XprLiteral< float >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator|| ( float  lhs,
const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_or< T, float >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< float > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator|| ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
float  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_or< int, T >, XprLiteral< int >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator|| ( int  lhs,
const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_or< T, int >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< int > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator|| ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
int  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_or< std::complex< T >, std::complex< T > >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > >, MatrixConstReference< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator|| ( const std::complex< T > &  lhs,
const Matrix< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_or< std::complex< T >, std::complex< T > >, MatrixConstReference< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator|| ( const Matrix< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const std::complex< T > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class E>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_or< typename E::value_type, T >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator|| ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_or< typename E::value_type, T >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator|| ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T1, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols, class T2>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_or< T1, T2 >, MatrixConstReference< T1, Rows, Cols >, MatrixConstReference< T2, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator|| ( const Matrix< T1, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const Matrix< T2, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_compl< T >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::operator~ ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs  )  [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_compl< T >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::operator~ ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs  )  [inline]

template<class E1, class E2, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_polar< typename E1::value_type, typename E2::value_type >, XprVector< E1, Sz >, XprVector< E2, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::polar ( const XprVector< E1, Sz > &  lhs,
const XprVector< E2, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_polar< T, typename E::value_type >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::polar ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_polar< typename E::value_type, T >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::polar ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T1, class T2, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_polar< T1, T2 >, VectorConstReference< T1, Sz >, VectorConstReference< T2, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::polar ( const Vector< T1, Sz > &  lhs,
const Vector< T2, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_polar< T, typename E::value_type >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::polar ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_polar< typename E::value_type, T >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::polar ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T1, class T2, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_polar< T1, T2 >, MatrixConstReference< T1, Rows, Cols >, MatrixConstReference< T2, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::polar ( const Matrix< T1, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const Matrix< T2, Cols, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E1, class T2, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprVector< XprMVProduct< XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols >, Rows, Cols, VectorConstReference< T2, Cols > >, Rows > tvmet::prod ( const XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const Vector< T2, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_real< std::complex< T > >, VectorConstReference< std::complex< T >, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::real ( const Vector< std::complex< T >, Sz > &  rhs  )  [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_real< std::complex< T > >, MatrixConstReference< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::real ( const Matrix< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > &  rhs  )  [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz, class T>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< std::complex< T >, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::sub ( const std::complex< T > &  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz, class T>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< typename E::value_type, std::complex< T > >, XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > > >, Sz > tvmet::sub ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
const std::complex< T > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< long double, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< long double >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::sub ( long double  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< typename E::value_type, long double >, XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral< long double > >, Sz > tvmet::sub ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
long double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< double, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< double >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::sub ( double  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< typename E::value_type, double >, XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral< double > >, Sz > tvmet::sub ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< float, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< float >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::sub ( float  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< typename E::value_type, float >, XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral< float > >, Sz > tvmet::sub ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
float  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< int, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< int >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::sub ( int  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< typename E::value_type, int >, XprVector< E, Sz >, XprLiteral< int > >, Sz > tvmet::sub ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
int  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E1, class E2, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< typename E1::value_type, typename E2::value_type >, XprVector< E1, Sz >, XprVector< E2, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::sub ( const XprVector< E1, Sz > &  lhs,
const XprVector< E2, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< std::complex< T >, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::sub ( const std::complex< T > &  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< typename E::value_type, std::complex< T > >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::sub ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const std::complex< T > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< long double, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< long double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::sub ( long double  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< typename E::value_type, long double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< long double > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::sub ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
long double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< double, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::sub ( double  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< typename E::value_type, double >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< double > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::sub ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< float, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< float >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::sub ( float  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< typename E::value_type, float >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< float > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::sub ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
float  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< int, typename E::value_type >, XprLiteral< int >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::sub ( int  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< typename E::value_type, int >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< int > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::sub ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
int  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E1, class E2, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< typename E1::value_type, typename E2::value_type >, XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols >, XprMatrix< E2, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::sub ( const XprMatrix< E1, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E2, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< std::complex< T >, std::complex< T > >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > >, VectorConstReference< std::complex< T >, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::sub ( const std::complex< T > &  lhs,
const Vector< std::complex< T >, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< std::complex< T >, std::complex< T > >, VectorConstReference< std::complex< T >, Sz >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > > >, Sz > tvmet::sub ( const Vector< std::complex< T >, Sz > &  lhs,
const std::complex< T > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< long double, T >, XprLiteral< long double >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::sub ( long double  lhs,
const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< T, long double >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz >, XprLiteral< long double > >, Sz > tvmet::sub ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
long double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< double, T >, XprLiteral< double >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::sub ( double  lhs,
const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< T, double >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz >, XprLiteral< double > >, Sz > tvmet::sub ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< float, T >, XprLiteral< float >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::sub ( float  lhs,
const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< T, float >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz >, XprLiteral< float > >, Sz > tvmet::sub ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
float  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< int, T >, XprLiteral< int >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::sub ( int  lhs,
const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< T, int >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz >, XprLiteral< int > >, Sz > tvmet::sub ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
int  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< T, typename E::value_type >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::sub ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  lhs,
const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< typename E::value_type, T >, XprVector< E, Sz >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::sub ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  lhs,
const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T1, class T2, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< T1, T2 >, VectorConstReference< T1, Sz >, VectorConstReference< T2, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::sub ( const Vector< T1, Sz > &  lhs,
const Vector< T2, Sz > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< std::complex< T >, std::complex< T > >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > >, MatrixConstReference< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::sub ( const std::complex< T > &  lhs,
const Matrix< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< std::complex< T >, std::complex< T > >, MatrixConstReference< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< std::complex< T > > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::sub ( const Matrix< std::complex< T >, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const std::complex< T > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< long double, T >, XprLiteral< long double >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::sub ( long double  lhs,
const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< T, long double >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< long double > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::sub ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
long double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< double, T >, XprLiteral< double >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::sub ( double  lhs,
const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< T, double >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< double > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::sub ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
double  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< float, T >, XprLiteral< float >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::sub ( float  lhs,
const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< T, float >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< float > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::sub ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
float  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< int, T >, XprLiteral< int >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::sub ( int  lhs,
const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< T, int >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols >, XprLiteral< int > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::sub ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
int  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T, class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< typename E::value_type, T >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::sub ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< typename E::value_type, T >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::sub ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class T1, class T2, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprBinOp< Fcnl_sub< T1, T2 >, MatrixConstReference< T1, Rows, Cols >, MatrixConstReference< T2, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::sub ( const Matrix< T1, Rows, Cols > &  lhs,
const Matrix< T2, Rows, Cols > &  rhs 
) [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_tan< typename E::value_type >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::tan ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs  )  [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_tan< typename E::value_type >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::tan ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs  )  [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_tan< T >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::tan ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs  )  [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_tan< T >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::tan ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs  )  [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_tanh< typename E::value_type >, XprVector< E, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::tanh ( const XprVector< E, Sz > &  rhs  )  [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_tanh< typename E::value_type >, XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::tanh ( const XprMatrix< E, Rows, Cols > &  rhs  )  [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
XprVector< XprUnOp< Fcnl_tanh< T >, VectorConstReference< T, Sz > >, Sz > tvmet::tanh ( const Vector< T, Sz > &  rhs  )  [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Rows, std::size_t Cols>
XprMatrix< XprUnOp< Fcnl_tanh< T >, MatrixConstReference< T, Rows, Cols > >, Rows, Cols > tvmet::tanh ( const Matrix< T, Rows, Cols > &  rhs  )  [inline]

template<class E, std::size_t Sz>
NumericTraits< typename E::value_type >::sum_type tvmet::trace ( const XprMatrix< E, Sz, Sz > &  m  )  [inline]

template<class T, std::size_t Sz>
NumericTraits< T >::sum_type tvmet::trace ( const Matrix< T, Sz, Sz > &  m  )  [inline]
